Sunday, September 4, 2022

More Democrat Fodder

There's a book called the Book of Mormon that all Americans should read actually everybody in the world should read it. It doesn't have much pornography so too many Americans will dismiss it out of hand. There is a play about it which I understand a lot of Americans loved so there is that. And it does contain quite a bit of violence, wars, tactics, strategy and other things people seem to enjoy. There are brothers who murder  each other so you may actually enjoy it. What it does besides teaching the mundane problems many civilizations endure it also teaches that there is a God and his Son is Jesus Christ, and Christ gave his life for us. So if you're one of those 'open minded' Americans who claims to know (HOPE) there is no God, then stick to your pornographic images and continue to hope that all of life's experience really is just a mirage and someday it just all goes away. 

For those of you who really know how to think then you should pick it up, read it, then judge it. Among other things it tells of several civilizations who through hard work, industry, and faith became strong and wealthy, then jealous, lazy, self indulgent, crime ridden, poor, warlike, murderous, watched as their wives and children and finally their entire civilization was destroyed then they become humble and teachable and turn to their maker who teaches them through His prophets, they become religious, prayerful, humble, hard working, industrious, successful, wealthy, prideful, and the cycle repeats with alarming predictability. As you read it look around you at what's happened in the United States. Two hundred years ago we were still relatively poor. We were religious, we worshipped God each of us in our own way and there were some who scoffed at believers, but mostly Americans read from the Holy Bible and shared their thoughts with each other. Then we became a wealthy nation and a strong nation. The world leaders and we were the strongest nation in the world. 

We suffered two world wars and became a noble people, generous to other nations who were trying to overcome the problems they were having such as no running water or reliable electricity. We became wealthy as individuals as well. Most poor people in America have a better standard of living than even middle class citizens in most of Europe and Asia. And witness our decline. If you can't see it then it's even worse than I thought. Wealthy Americans don't pay their employees enough money to even rent a room in someone else's house. Food costs are soaring, fuel costs are higher than ever, nobody even complains about theft anymore. If you can afford to have something worth stealing count yourself lucky. Armed robbery, murder, kidnap, every category of violent crime is getting worse every day. And morals? Fewer and fewer people are getting married and having children. Abortion is all a political candidate has to say in some states to become elected to a public office. Premarital sex? Kids who aren't openly engaged in it are laughed to scorn. And public discourse is embarrassing. Eight year olds use vulgar language not thought of by most Marines twenty years ago. 

And the political party that claims "We are in a fight for the soul of America!" Tells our kids in public schools that they don't really know if they are boys or girls. That's just something some doctors put on a birth certificate when you are born; it doesn't really mean anything because you can't tell what gender you are until you are at least five years old. Sometimes a little older, just be patient. And they support laws that tell twelve year olds they don't need to tell their parents if they are seeing a mental health professional, or if they are getting an abortion, or hush, hush you need gender reassignment treatments but we can't tell mom and dad because they just wouldn't understand and they might freak out! 

Some parents are so narrow minded that they don't believe there are more than two genders. And that's the science man! How come parents are so behind the times that they don't realize that gender can change from time to time! Like they told you that you were a boy when you were born, but they don't know that, how could they possibly just know. You just might have been born with the wrong parts and parts can be changed. They really can't know, what if you really would like to go to college on a sports scholarship, but you really suck at sports like you can't run real fast or throw a ball that far, it's harder than it looks, but if you're really a girl well, hell man, that changes the whole picture. On the girls teams you rock! You take home all the trophies! Every girls coach in the country wants you on their team. You're Ivy league now! And no, you're not cheating. Any of those chicks could bulk up and beat you but they're just too stupid and lazy or sump'n. They could change genders and try out for the boys teams if they wanted, why not? 

That's the party that is fighting for the soul of America. They're pro family, just don't tell parents what their kids are up to. Their teachers will take care of them. That's why they went to college so they could take the heat off of mom and dad and let them relax after a hard day's work. All kindergartners have a right to know that they can't be pigeon holed into one gender or another. And there are way more than two genders. And over an alarmingly short period of time they've managed to convince a lot of moms and dads that it's best that they don't even worry about what's going on at school. If your son decided he wants to be your daughter that's cool man, and the same with your daughter. What difference does it make anyway? Who are we to judge? 

Like hell! That party is destroying the soul of America. Parents have to be part of their children's lives. Children need a moral compass, something they can believe in, and depend on. They need to know they aren't out in the world all alone and there are at least two people who genuinely care about them, and it ain't the school administrators and teachers. Teachers are cool, no problem there, it's the law that's fouled up. There are a lot of teachers in public schools who have their heads screwed on tight. They know that boys have to be boys and girls have to be girls. Thank goodness for Brittany Aldean who had the courage to say how thankful she was that her parents didn't make an appointment for her to have gender reassignment procedures during her tomboy years because she likes being a woman. And the party who is fighting for the soul of America is being as nasty to her as they can for voicing her opinion about herself. It's a good thing democrats aren't judgmental or her husbands publicity company might have dropped him from their line up. Oh wait, they did drop him from their line up. 

It is discouraging. The country is about evenly split, just like the decadent societies of the Book of Mormon. You believe in prayer? What kind of fool are you! People who pray and study the Holy Bible and other sacred books are labelled superstitious fools. God didn't create the universe! There was an explosion somewhere in space a long time ago and somehow from that the universe was created. Nobody created it. That's just silly man. No one can create a universe. And there's no such thing as right and wrong, that's just more superstition made up of evil people who want to take away your liberty and your happiness. Sadly, the party who claims to be fighting for the soul of America is the party sowing the seeds of confusion and dissent. I've observed many times how happy I am that when I grew up we knew the difference between boys and girls. How completely awful would it be, and even frightening, to find out that the girl you've been dating was really a boy!

That's how to destroy the family. And when the family is gone the country will be gone. It is that simple. There is a God and the party who is actually trying to keep the country together is trying to remind the others that confusing young people isn't a very smart thing to do. We need young people who are sharp and confident. We don't need people to tell them that mom and dad shouldn't be so nosey. They don't need to know everything you do. In fact, it's better not to tell them everything. We need parents who are actively engaged in their children's lives. Parents who aren't afraid to stand up and tell the truth about medical science. There really is such thing as boys and girls. And there really is a God and He really did create the universe and His son really did break the bands of death and we are eternal beings who will live forever. 

Whatever defects we may have now will not follow us beyond the grave. When we are resurrected everything about us will be perfect. Everything. Our minds and our bodies will work together in perfect harmony and we will never get sick and we will never die again. And those of us who want to will continue to learn and progress and those of us who want to rest will get to do that. Those of us who made an honest attempt to follow God's laws and understand what He wanted us to do with our mortal existence will experience an eternity of happiness and fulfillment. And there's no need for the party who is fighting for the soul of the nation to get all tight jawed and snarly I'm just telling the truth. I'm not judging anybody because that isn't my job. My job is to teach and set the best example I can. God will judge us all. 

I'll let the other guys judge me. The open minded people who point the finger of scorn at those of us who believe in eternal life can judge the rest of us. The party that believes in freedom of expression as long as we get it right. None of that difference of opinion BS, that just causes problems for everybody. 

I'm afraid Uncle Joe is right; we are fighting for the soul of America and it's a tough fight. And I'm on the wrong side as far as he is concerned because I do believe in God that he created the universe and all of us. And I know there are only two genders and that God allowed us to come to earth to find out who we will follow. Will we be obedient to God's law and pay attention to what we learn from the prophets, or will we be enlightened and listen to people who can't create anything of lasting value, but want to tell us there is no Creator? 

There is such thing as good and evil boys and girls and we have to be careful not to follow the forces of darkness. Always look to the light. And believe me, I'm not saying that all democrats are evil and I'm certainly not saying all Republicans are good. Just be careful about who you are listening to and don't worry that much about what political party they belong to. If they're teaching good stuff vote for them, if they're spouting nonsense vote for someone else. 

And be happy! Live and learn. Be good to each other. Some people will allow themselves to be deceived into trying to change their gender be kind to them too. Just don't let them push you around. Be kind, but be firm. There is such a thing as right and wrong and we need to be on God's side always. When the time comes He will judge us and that is all we need to worry about. 

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