Sunday, September 11, 2022

Karina Castro

 I'll be honest about democrats; they do have some good ideas sometimes, at least they used to. Innovation can be a benefit too and keeping the planet clean is a good idea. Clean water and clean air are essential to maintaining a healthy environment. And we should all be willing to work together to make these things happen. If there is an argument it would more appropriately be about how to make these things happen. Democrats used to be able to talk to their colleagues about important items and look at areas where improvement was needed then discuss how to make it happen. 

Not anymore. Now they create problems and then pretend to find a solution. Global warming for example. Democrats say that people are causing the earth to heat up at an alarming rate causing the oceans to rise as much as six inches to thirty feet in the next three to three hundred years. According to their models if certain things happen such as continued use of fossil fuels, eating steak, farming, and a host of other things there is no way the earth can survive much more than the next ten to three hundred years. In the next hundred years the average temperature of the earth could rise as much as one or two degrees. That's if their faulty models are accurate. 

They love to create panic so they can benefit from the confusion. Reasonable people look at a problem that actually exists then look for a solution. Democrats create problems, inequality for women, racial inequality, equality for homosexuals, abortion, sex change operations, gun violence, hate speech, the list is only limited by the imagine. In the midst of the confusion they come up with laws to limit our freedoms. 

Minorities commit more crimes than the rest of the population and therefore are arrested more frequently, which shows a racial bias so people from protected minority groups cannot be forced  to pay bail in order to secure a release from prison. Democrats give them a get out of jail free card. And during all this confusion they continue to insist that rising crime rates aren't a problem. Karina Castro needed protection from a violent ex-boyfriend so some stupid judge signed a protection order for her and sent her home with the assurance that now she would be safe because now there was an order in place keeping her ex-boyfriend from hurting her.  Armed with this powerful tool she had to pay the sheriff a couple hundred bucks to serve her ex-boyfriend with the notice of the temporary restraining order which they did just a few days before he took her out in front of her apartment at 11:50 on a Thursday morning and cut her head off with a sword in front of the neighbors. Apparently he had a warrant for his arrest at the time he committed that savage act. I hope the arrest warrant wasn't in the system at the time the sheriff deputy served him with the restraining order. 

If she could have enjoyed the protection of the law guaranteed by our constitution she could have at least had the opportunity to carry a firearm she could have used to shoot the son of a bitch. Now she's dead and her kids are at the mercy of the county. I don't know why democrats are so opposed to living in a free society. I guess it really doesn't matter why. It is enough to realize that they do. They are opposed to strong family units, and they hate the police. Rising crime isn't a problem. The threat of nuclear war is not a problem. They only things they care about are abortion and the artificial threat of human caused global warming. 

Hopefully Americans will wake up before it is too late and start worrying about real threats instead of wasting billions of dollars a year on imaginary threats. People like Karina Castro could be helped if only we could get democrats out of her way. 

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