Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Christians, Jews, and Muslims

Some people claim there is no God. There is a God so they are wrong and that is their right. In order to confidently claim there is no God you have to create a fantasy that helps the atheist feel better about his/her decision to live free of God's laws, which is also impossible since mortal death is not the end of our existence; everyone has a spirit and we will all live forever. Eternity is not easy for us to understand from our limited mortal view. God has promised us through his prophets and through our own personal revelation that He wants us share with us everything he knows. A belief that life ends with mortality doesn't make it true. We know the universe is here and it got here somehow, but too many of us for whatever reason just don't want to believe that a Supreme Being created it. So which scientific discovery explains First Cause? I don't understand why so many people are so sure that God didn't create the universe. 

 Everyone in America has the right to be wrong about something. And we have the right to disagree. As a Christian I've met people who were from many different religious backgrounds and were faithful adherents to their faith and even though there were some basic differences in our beliefs we respected each other, we learned from each other and we had a lot of fun together. And I've known Buddhists who were the same way. Buddhists are an interesting people. For them everything is eternal, for them it isn't necessarily important to know how big eternity is or how it came to be. They teach peace, and harmony and that's pretty much it. Be kind and loving and live a life of service. All we really need is to be respectful to one another, and open to conversations about a variety of topics and respect our differences. 

Each of us obviously think we are right, but we don't think that means we cannot associate with each other. And it doesn't mean we can't have fun together. I respect the various religious holidays for example. I don't remember what they are all called, but for Muslims there is about a month each year that calls for fasting for several hours a day. I'm more familiar with Jewish holidays, and I actually love their traditions, one of which is a week where they invite neighbors to their homes for a meal which often is accompanied by music and possibly story telling. And the traditions of each group are uplifting and educational, fun to listen to and share. Christians have their holidays and we can all join in on the celebration if we are invited or at least respect and feel the joy others feel. 

Sounds a little too utopian to some people but it's not. People need to respect each other and be respected. It is much healthier than killing each other which is the beauty of living in the United States of America. We pass laws that protect everyone equally. There is no religious preference even though atheists say there is. Jews, Muslims, and Christians all believe in the same God and that's a fact. We all are descendants of Abraham. As such we have a lot in common and it is much more beneficial to recognize our similarities and respect our differences. 

Today there are evil men who have turned the Muslim religion into one of bigotry and hate and murder. They don't respect women and they use Islam as an excuse to murder people who don't believe the  same as they do. I'm not aware of any other religious sect that preaches terrorism and murder as a way of life in today's world. 

What my life's journey has taught me is that God lives and He did create the universe. You can argue about the time frame, six days isn't very many, but you cannot argue that the universe is here. The complexities of the universe are still unfolding. The distance between galaxies is so vast that no one really understands it. Learning about the universe is a great thing. Attempting to use what you think you have learned about the universe to disprove the existence of God makes me doubt your judgement. The more we learn about the universe the more beautiful it becomes, and the more complex. 

Each new discovery only causes us to ask new questions for which we don't have the answers. We should never stop learning and each new discovery should lead us closer to God. He will help us learn more if we use our knowledge to help each other and increase our faith. 

He lives and He is our Creator, our Father. If the people in this or any other country ever become so arrogant, so ignorant, that we allow atheists to force us to outlaw God, we will reap what we sow, and we will regret it with every particle of our being. 

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