Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Homeschoolers ROCK!

Maybe it's time to ditch the whole public school racket. It used to be a great deal, everyone pays taxes and a portion of the tax collected went to providing whatever the local school districts needed. And the curriculum was fairly simple; the three R's, Readin', Ritin', and Rithmetic. Teach kids how to read, write, add and subtract, and they're pretty much prepared for life. We added things like geography, history and civics to give them a little bit broader idea of how a country is run and what it looks like. 

Anything beyond that makes school more fun, but that's about it. Music and sports are nice, but they can also be expensive. Still many schools have music and sports included. I'm not sure when but at some point some mutton head decided that older school kids, you know the real mature ones who are ten or eleven years old should receive a basic course on sex education. And it was basic. They showed drawings of boys and girls that displayed the gender differences and explained some of the physiological changes that were about to take place.

And some parents were uncomfortable with that, preferring to teach it at home and not in a group setting. I don't know all of the politics involved but I'm sure it was a political and not an educational decision. Some parents told the school to find something productive for their child to do during that time because they didn't want the school teaching something that important to a group of kids who may or may not be ready for it. 

Looking back on those golden years I sigh and say 'if only'. 

If only public schools cared more about education and less about social engineering. Because that's what is going on today and I hope a lot of parents take their children out of public schools instead of exposing them to the current experimentations on social engineering. I know so many great teachers who are opposed to what is happening in school today and if we lowered our tax rate so people could send their children to high quality private schools where social engineering isn't a priority those families would be much better off.

The only reason we have public education is because parents cannot afford to pay for public schools and send their children to a private school at the same time. One option would be to allow a one hundred percent deduction to parents who submit their receipt proving their children are enrolled and attending a private school. I think attendance at public schools would drop by more than sixty percent. More parents would band together to start their own private school and school curriculum because they don't want their children to be used as guinea pigs for social experimentation.

Most parents don't believe there are more than two genders and a majority of parents are uncomfortable with the idea that gender reassignment surgeries are a good idea for children to be subjected to. Parents who want their kids to be more accepted at school after they have 'changed' their gender can start their own private school where they can all learn together. Then eventually when they are all competing for employment at some point we will find out which employers are looking for confused women and men to work in their organizations. 

Liberal talk show host Bill Maher has suggested that in some parts of the country parents are actually encouraging their children to consider changing their gender for social reasons. He pointed out that in some areas of the country there are almost no incidents of sex change operations while in places like Los Angeles and New York the trend is going up and he asked why that is. I don't know if he ever provides an explanation beyond the possibility that parents, especially democrat parents , want to be seen as 'cool' among their peers and to democrats having a child that is 'enlightened' enough to be comfortable changing their gender is the current definition of cool. 

That's not cool; that's gross. The work childabuse comes to mind, and in this case it is state sponsored child abuse and it needs to stop. Since public schools have embraced this horrible concept to the point of practically making it illegal to speak out against it, it is time to at least consider nixing public education altogether since it is no longer about education and public schools are expensive. If they no longer want to educate children how can we justify the enormous expense? 

Homeschool is becoming the only option. And it is a great option. Introducing homosexuality and sex change procedures is not healthy to any organization. It causes way more confusion than it is worth and it causes real tension at school and at work. If there are so many people who consider themselves non binary (confused) then let them create their own economic base and hire from among their population. They will have far less confusion and tension in the workplace and they should be much happier because there wouldn't be any boneheads like me refusing to call women men and men women. A woman where I work changed her name, just her name, and it was to another female name, and people about had a stroke over that. She put a note on the wall in her office  that simply  asked people to respect her situation and to please use her new name from now on. Eventually everyone did, but it was disruptive for awhile. Sex changes are even more dramatic. And harder to take since it really isn't even possible.

Give the parents of confused children a tax break so they can send their  kids to a school where they can communicate openly without fear of being made fun of by binary kids. Presumably then once the non binary kids leave school they can find employment at corporations where everyone is non binary and they understand each other. Dreamy!

I'm watching a school district near me order text books based on what some meathead has identified as the Ten Sexual Orientations. There is no need to explain further as the effort is designed to create confusion among our children. Nobody seems to care to explain why we need more confusion in our children's lives, it's what the government wants so just keep your mouth shut. 

That's it for me. It is time to cut funding to public schools so we can teach our children things that really are important and let others experiment on their children all they want. 

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