Friday, September 9, 2022


 Who in the world is Jeff Berardelli? I'm happy you asked! He is the latest in a very, very, very long line of climate experts to tell us that we have about 3-5 years until catastrophic global warming buries our coastal cities in ten feet of water. At least that is a number a lot of us can remember so in 60 months we can email Jeff and ask him how come my yacht is still safely moored behind my house if the oceans have risen ten feet? Better yet, if the oceans have risen ten feet how come I'm standing in my living room gazing out at the peaceful harbor behind me and not up to my roof in ocean water? 

Add to that this nincompoop's wife just gave birth to a baby girl and guess where they're moving? Miami Florida. A Climate Specialist/Climate alarmist is so concerned about the oceans rising ten feet in 3-5 years that he is relocating to coastal Florida with his wife and their baby girl. So I checked with the NOAA climate map that allows me to adjust the rise in the oceans all over the world. A brief perusal of the available scientific psychobabble reveals that no one has any idea how fast the oceans are rising or even if they are rising. Jeff likes the Thwaites doomsday glacier theory that states that the Thwaites glacier in Antarctica is about to break apart and that when that occurs the earth's oceans will rise by 3-5 feet and that is going to be catastrophic to cities on the coasts all over the world. There is another theory that the seas could rise anywhere from 2-30 feet in 3-100 years! And of course all of this assumes that Mother Nature agrees with all of the so-called scientific predictions about the earth's natural cycles which it looks to me like they all ignore entirely. 

Virtually every so-called scientific model assumes that there are no other forces acting on the earth's eco systems other than human beings. It is my opinion based partially on personal observation and what I've read from various scientific publications that even if there weren't any humans on the planet at all there would still be climate and weather patterns that were constantly changing. And I think it is painfully obvious that if we could regulate the weather we would and somehow we'd manage to screw it up. A long time ago it rained so hard that the entire world, as far as we know, was completely covered by water and the only people who survived were Noah and his family. There were lots of warnings, but nobody listened, and the warnings weren't in the form of a bunch of people proclaiming there is no God and the only hope was for people to listen to the scholars of the day and stop eating meat and cooking off of open fires. The warnings came from God's prophets whom the people killed because what they said wasn't popular.

Noah was the last prophet left and he built a ship like he was told and was able to survive The Flood. Eventually the water dried up, another example of the earth being warmed by the sun just like it always always has been and always will be, at least as long as the sun lasts. God controls the climate and we need to listen to him. We need to understand what he wants us to do and stop listening to all of the doomsday nonsense. Every single time scientists come up with a new theory, no matter how accurate it may be, they end up with the same old question; something like, "Ok, now how did that happen?" 

I challenge anyone to prove me wrong about that. Only God knows how that happened and He isn't going to tell us until he's ready. I think it's great that people take so much time to the study the universe and everything in it. I like reading their theories and studies and admire their intelligence and willingness to study, learn and explain it all to the rest of us. The only problem I see is their arrogance believing that they can prove there is no God by applying their theories. Do they honestly believe that just because they don't understand everything about the universe that there is no God? The universe is here, and we are here, and somehow we got here. The so-called intellectuals can doubt God all they want, and they can continue to wonder how we got here. And it all happened by the power of God's word. 

They would learn far more if they would ask Him. They will still have to do the work, but He will guide them in certain directions and help them understand even better than they do now what they are looking at and what it all means. They can keep wasting their time or they can listen to pure logic which only comes from our Creator who wants us to learn and will guide us in the right direction if we will just ask Him. 

So all of you people who listen to these prophets of doom and destruction, many of whom live on the coastal areas of the world in large mansions, and live in fear of something that may never happen, and probably won't, at least not the way they describe it, need to start studying God's word and ask him what we should do. He'll likely tell us to start by cleaning up our own homes and improve the way we dispose of things we no longer use. We've come a long way in the last sixty years. We should use items that can be recycled and we should put our trash in trash cans instead of city streets, sidewalks and parks. We are using cleaner building materials and methods. We could do more. A lot more. We rely too much on internal combustion engines and we need to keep searching for cleaner and more efficient ways to power machinery. Wind, solar, and electricity are all great, but there is something we are missing. Something that hasn't been discovered yet. 

We need to work together and not worry so much about political parties. As soon as a candidate tells us what an opponent thinks, we should listen to the opponent and find out what he or she says. That is the best way to determine what a person thinks. Be kind to each other and stop judging each other. Keeping ourselves honest and trustworthy will do a lot more good than pointing out the faults in the people around us. And we can't ignore the fact that there will always be opposition in the world, there will always be wars and we can't stop that from happening, what we can do is vote for people who will prepare us for war, but always hope and pray and work for peace. 

We live in a land of freedom and no other country can make that claim. Whenever someone says we need to change our way of doing things so we can be more like the rest of the world, ignore that person. That person will destroy everything this country stands for. I've lived near the coast for over sixty years and there are occasional changes in what we find in the tide pools, but the ocean is still where it belongs. The boats are tied up at the same wharves and the beach is right where it's always been. Sometimes the waves are small and sometimes they are scary. It's always beautiful. I've never had a bad day at the beach or on the ocean. I've been scared a few times, but that's just part of the experience. If I ever die out there that will still be a good day! Even scientists for all of their arrogance, hard work, and so-called knowlege can't stop us from dying. 

So yeah, the climate changes and right now it looks like it may be getting a little warmer, but no one knows how long that trend will last. During the next 5-300 years the earth could start to cool off. It probably will, but if it doesn't, if the planet ever decides to kill every human being on it, there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. 

We need to put aside our arrogance, recognize that God created the universe and if we let him he will answer our questions. If we follow His plan we will live much happier and more productive lives. 


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