Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Illinois; the safe state?

 Guess which party supports letting violent criminals loose on the street after being arrested for such things as second degree murder and kidnapping? No I'm not going to tell you, it's too embarrassing to be right every single time

Aggravated battery

Aggravated DUI

Aggravated fleeing



Drug induced homicide




Second degree murder

Threatening a public official

This January those people who are in prison for committing any of the above offenses, or any combination thereof presumably, will be released and anyone caught committing the above offenses in the future will be released without bail after signing a Notice to Appear. 

It's called the Illinois 'Safe T Act' and it's supposed to make the residents of the state, and any people dumb enough to visit, safer. Which major political party would support such madness?

I'm not telling. You have to ask yourself this simple question; how could anyone possibly be stupid enough to label this a safety act? Street robbery, kidnapping, and second degree murder are my favorites. Although I definitely can see how having more arsonists, and burglars will contribute to public safety.

Are the people in Illinois really that stupid? I guess so. You can kidnap, rob, and murder people and get an abortion while giving birth to your child. That's true compassion! I guess the law is already working, homicides are down ten percent this year over 2021. 

Officials in Chicago estimate there will only be 600 murders in 2022 and there were only  1525 shootings as of June this year which is down from 1860 for the same time last year. I'm not sure if they even need any laws in Illinois with the public pitching and working so hard to reduce these crimes that some people (outsiders mostly) consider acts of violence when they are actually just examples of misunderstandings among neighbors. Luckily they have some of the most strict laws against gun ownership of any state in the Union. Illinois is already one of the most dangerous states in the country so next year we'll see how appreciative the inmates feel about early release. 

Allowing people to commit murder, arson, kidnapping, robbery, burglary... and calling the the 'Safe T Act'; I don't get it. I really don't. 

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