Friday, August 19, 2022

Sacheen Littlefeather

What's going on with Sacheen Littlefeather? After 50 years the Academy of Arts and Sciences wants to apologize to her? For what? In 1973 after making contact with Marlon Brando who had apparently shown interest in some issues American Indians had with the federal government, Brando gave her a platform to air her grievances in front of a huge audience. Most likely he wanted to give her a chance to gain exposure to an industry she desperately wanted to be part of. And of course in those days there were a lot of movies made about the American West and the many Indian wars that took place. 

Those wars were brutal with horrible acts carried out by the US army and the Indians who would frequently attack innocent settlers, murdering them in atrocious ways and sometimes kidnapping their children to be used as slaves by members of the tribe. And there were atrocities that were perpetrated by the army as well. 

The cause of the wars will always be disputed. Who started it? Some say the Indians did and other claim it was the incoming settlers. Social scientists recognized that there were vast cultural differences between the mostly European immigrants and the Indians that resulted in misunderstandings. Most Social Scientists agree that long before the settlers arrived the various Indian tribes had been fighting each other and they were not going to feel any different about these newcomers from a far away land. 

Whatever the cause democrats are going to claim the settlers swooped down on Indian land and wiped them out so they could satisfy their greed and their lust for conquest; it was cold blooded murder committed by white settlers who were violent racists. Conservatives are going to claim it is much more complicated than that and in fact there is little to no evidence that settlers acted out of greed or animus, but from a need to survive. The settlers were mostly farmers who settled an area and remained, building a community with a social structure and welcoming anyone who wanted to help the settlement grow. Indians were nomads who moved frequently, sometimes farming, and other times hunting and living off the land. Always on the lookout for other tribes who wanted to wipe them out. And they frequently stole from each other. When the settlers appeared on the scene with their wagons and other property they looked like easy prey to a people who lived by exploiting weaknesses in another tribe or group of people or individuals. Democrats of course reject that line of thought because it doesn't fit their narrative of the racist American wiping out an entire people to satisfy their lust for wealth. 

Traditionally there have been very few Republicans in the motion picture or the TV industries and starting ten to fifteen years ago it became dangerous for an actor to admit to being a Republican because that was the same as saying, "Maybe you should just fire me because I don't vote the same way you do." 

Democrats do not tolerate freedom of thought so they invented Hate Speech laws. In the recent past Hollywood was full of actors who loved America. There were a lot of veterans of World War Two in the TV and film industries and saying bad things about this country was not acceptable. Now it is the opposite. Today we are supposed to be critical of our country and only concentrate on the mistakes that have been made. And now fifty years after the famous Academy awards speech Sacheen is being paraded around as a panacea of virtue and courage ready to finally be awarded the acclaim she was denied all of these years by racists who hated her for being an Apache. 

We are still bogged down in discussions about reparations to various groups for supposed past wrongs like slavery and whatever else democrats can think of to waste vast sums of money. I've known lots of Japanese people who had parents and grandparents who lost everything they had when they were sent to internment camps carrying only a suitcase and they are amazed that anyone here thinks we owe them anything. The conversation usually goes something like, "Our countrymen bombed Pearl Harbor and started a huge war, what do you think is going to happen?" 

Apparently we can never be forgiven as a nation for the sin of slavery, even if our ancestors never agreed with slavery, never owned a slave, and constantly preached against slavery. Nobody wants to talk about our efforts to stop slavery and ensure that it never happens again. And Japanese Americans weren't happy about what happened to them and of course there was some resentment, but they still viewed America as their country and they were angry about the attack too. And many of them enlisted in the branches of the armed forces to defeat the Japanese war apparatus. And when the war ended they left the concentration camps and went to work and sent their kids to school, and 0f course they knew they'd been treated unfairly. That's life! Do you sit around and complain all day and let your mind and soul rot, or do you get off your butt and do something to build a good life for yourself? Ultimately some Japanese Americans were awarded reparations; each survivor of the concentration camps was given $20,000 and a letter of apology signed by Republican President Ronald Reagan after he signed the Civil Liberties Act of 1988. 

It doesn't matter what race you are. This is America and the whole world can see that in America anyone who wants to can thrive and no other country can make that claim. Republicans, especially Republican leaders are in a near constant state of confusion. They rarely know what to do or how to do it. Still we have to deal with another set of facts; there are only two viable political parties, Republicans and democrats, and Conservatives tend to vote Republican because democrats are the party of confusion and destruction. Democrats love Sacheen because she is a destabilizing influence. They are using every tool they possibly can. They already own the media, except for Fox News, and they pretty much control the political narrative right now. Democrats have somehow managed to get otherwise intelligent people to believe the emperor is wearing a beautiful new suit of clothes when in fact he is parading around naked. Global warming is not an imminent threat, they've convinced women that they are defined by the ability to have an abortion, and they've convinced way too many people that there are more than two genders and that men can get pregnant. It ain't so folks. The emperor was in fact naked. There is far more to being a woman than the ability to have an abortion, and there are only two genders; male and female and the man ain't gettin' knocked up. I'm not being mean I'm being honest and direct. Democrats think it's mean to be honest and direct but isn't.

So today they are using Sacheen Littlefeather to once again besmirch a great actor and a great American. Many of the things he said were just plain true and some of the things he said were just his opinion. To the party that believes we need a ministry of misinformation because Americans are too stupid to know when they are being lied to opinions are dangerous. To Americans speaking what's on our mind is a Constitutional right. As to Republicans no one really knows where they stand, but if an American takes the first step in protecting the Bill of Rights many Republican leaders will back them up. The others will sit in a corner somewhere and play with each other waiting to see where the wind blows. To a democrat? The Constitution will get the Middle Finger every time because it's outdated. They've said over and over that we need to be more like Europe where a person can receive free medical care and anyone can get an abortion whenever they want, and there is no discrimination against homosexuals or any other minority group. 

Democrats will Take Marlon Brando over John Wayne any day. Both of them were drunks, but the Duke just couldn't overcome his love of this great nation. Marlon couldn't overcome his love of himself. After fifty years Sacheen recalls John Wayne storming the stage to physically and violently shut her up. There is little to no evidence to support that claim and just about everybody in attendance that night is dead. In a year when democrats are once again looking forward to getting their tails waxed at the polls they need an American Indian to tarnish one of the greatest faces of the United States of America. He killed a lot Indians in his movies they say. The truth is he never killed anyone in his life. He was a white supremacist! No, he wasn't. His views on different races showed he had an open mind, but he condemned all forms of hate against any group based solely on their race. He didn't believe anyone was owed any special favors because of their race either. He believed in merit. Do your job and you'll get paid. Qualify for the job and you'll get hired. He was a simple man who was easy to understand. Democrats are afraid of someone who isn't afraid to speak boldly and honestly, preferring Republican leaders who are always careful about what they say and how. 

If you're pro-America the democrat leadership will hate you, but many Republican leaders will fear you because you'll expect them to do something about it. I just can't respect either party. Conservatives will occasionally cross political lines when they deem it necessary. It was largely due to democrats with Conservative leanings that Donald Trump was elected and those same people turned on him in his contest against Uncle Joe. They preferred a doddering old fool to a president with a great track record that had made America strong again. 

All I can say about Sacheen Littlefeather is she is being used as a tool of the democrat party to besmirch a great man. Of the controversial awards night Michael Caine got it right when he criticized Marlon Brando for "Letting that little Indian girl take all of the boos instead of being man enough to refuse the award himself." 

It's an election year and democrats are falling in the polls so everything is fair. The Academy will make a big deal of apologizing to Sacheem and she will return to obscurity. Next year no one will remember her. 

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