Monday, September 5, 2022

The Soul of America

 Look, I'm a believer in our two party system. We need a diversity of opinions and we need to have the freedom to say what's on our mind even if we offend some people. No, especially if we offend some people. Not that I think it is necessary to offend anyone, I just think that if a person has something stupid to say they should blurt it out. I'm far more offended by those among us who want to tell us to STFUP! Open minded people are so kind. They aren't mean they just want to make sure everyone understands what is proper and what is unacceptable. That's why Uncle Joe started the department of disinformation. We have to stop people from saying things like the Covid vaccine might be dangerous (because for some people it could be). Or there just might just be two genders and fooling around with something that delicate and so little understood also might be dangerous? And is it really dangerous to suggest that God did actually create the universe? 

Are we so fragile that we can't handle the idea that there could be a power greater than ours? I hope not. And I hope we aren't too fragile to realize that we need moms and dads and children and that each has a role to play. And maybe five year olds aren't quite ready to run their own lives and mom and dad should be providers and protectors. And maybe sometimes there might be mom and mom or dad and dad, but that isn't the ideal. The Holy Bible provides us all of the teachings we need to know to begin to organize a society. The Ten Commandments are here for our benefit. And it really is interesting how our system of laws so closely mirrors those commandments. It's almost like someone better than us showed us the way. But nah-that's silly! who could be better than us? 

Those who are claiming to be fighting for the soul of America are deceivers. They are fighting to extinguish the soul of America. Anyone who tells us we don't need parents to raise our children, or that parents don't have a right to know what medical treatments their children are receiving, or that there is an infinite number of genders, is someone who should be avoided. Anyone who tells us that there is no God is dangerous. Prophets from the days of Adam and Eve right up to our day have been teaching us the things that God wants us to know and what He wants us to do. The only way we survive as a nation is if we turn to God for answers. Look to Him for guidance, not Uncle Joe or his handlers like AOC and her gang, God will never let us down. He doesn't work on our time frame,  He has his own way of doing things and He wants us to adjust to His ways. He cannot adjust to our way or He couldn't be God. 

Have faith. Believe. And if someone tells you it is foolish to have faith and believe, smile and bid that individual a fond farewell, or offer them a copy of the Holy Bible, or the Book of Mormon, or both and let them be on their way. Planting a seed is never a bad idea.  

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