Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Putin owns Biden

 It's a disturbing thought but historically several despots have won over various American presidents sho have forged relationships of trust with mass murderers like Joseph Stalin (Franklin Roosevelt), Fidel Castro (Jimmy Carter), and Vladimir Putin (Barak Obama and Joe Biden). Okay, I'll give in a little about President Carter because I'm not sure what relationship they had while Carter was actually in office. Most likely Carter was willing to open an avenue of communication with the dictator in order to do something that might raise the standard of living for people living under Castro's control. Carter had a soft heart and a soft mind. The fact remains that Fidel Castro was a mass murderer who continued to rule his country by using fear and intimidation. 

Today another brutal dictator rules over a president of the United States. Putin is also a mass murderer and brutal dictator. He has invaded multiple countries bordering Russia over the years, claiming parts of Georgia and Ukraine via unjustified wars, murder and mass destruction. He wants to reunify the old Soviet Union for reasons that only he knows. They don't want to live under the thumb of a brutal dictator. They've been down that road and don't want to return. Putin is currently involved in a brutal attempt to complete his take over of Ukraine and he has been responsible for the murder of tens of thousands of civilians and lost almost twenty thousand of his own soldiers, a number of warships, aircraft, tanks, and other support vehicles. His war is completely unjustified and he claims Ukraine was planning to attack Russia which is an insane position to try to sell. Besides being an obvious lie it doesn't make any sense. Why would Ukraine attack a much larger, nuclear armed country?

During the first days of the war, which Putin calls a military action, Ukrainian president, volodamir Zellensky was asking for military assistance from the United States and NATO. President Biden responded by offering to send a plane to rescue Zellensky and his family. Zellensky famously replied, "I don't need a ride, I need ammunition." And that worried Biden. He was worried that if Zellensky was going to fight the Russian invaders the war was going to last a long time and Uncle Joe didn't want to wait a long time. He wanted to be consoling the losers in a couple of days, issue a self serving statement condemning Putin, while behind the scenes breathing a sigh of relief that he was still 'good' with the Russian murderer. Now Zellensky was ruining everything. 

From the beginning of the invasion Putin was threatening the world with a nuclear strike against anyone who helped Ukraine. God Bless Great Britain for their unwillingness to be cowed by a brutal dictator and immediately answering the call by sending anti tank missiles considered among the best in the world, and they turned out to be very good tank killers. Gradually other NATO members responded. Poland is taking in as many refugees as possible and other European nations are sending various types of military aid through Poland. And Ukraine is able to at least fight against their tormentors using whatever tools they have. Zellensky was passing out rifles to every citizen who was willing to kill Russians. Old people were going through their kitchens looking for their strongest and sharpest knives they could use to kill Russians. One elderly gentleman interviewed on TV said he didn't know much about firearms, but he was confident with a knife. One elderly woman actually approached a couple of Russian thugs on a sidewalk near her home and offered them sunflower seeds which she wanted them to put in their pockets so sunflowers would grow where their dead bodies would lay rotting. These are not people that will easily be defeated. Even the US has begun sending large amounts of weapons and ammunition. but not enough to turn the tide and allow the people of Ukraine to expel the invaders. Biden is still afraid of the Russian dictator. 

Over the last couple of days Vlad announced that he was still a nuclear power and he would retaliate against anyone who sent weapons that would give Ukraine the ability to win the war. Given the renewed threat Uncle Joe has decided not to supply them with long range artillery. The Russian terrorists have the ability to stand back and fire rockets from hundreds of miles and slowly and systematically destroy the homes of innocent people and the Ukraine army cannot strike back because they have weapons that can fire maybe twenty miles. The terrorist invaders cannot get too close, but they can still destroy Ukraine from a distance. Various countries, including the US have given Ukraine a decent close range anti aircraft capability  which does hinder Putin's ability to attack from the air and that has helped to make Russian pilots a little more timid, and Ukraine has been able to sink a couple of ships using anti ship missiles with a limited but effective range. 

So the West has given the Ukrainians enough support to allow them to fight at close range while watching their country systematically ruined by a terrorist nation with long range weapons capabilities. I don't know how Uncle Joe or any other democrat politician can stand by and watch the destruction taking place against a civilized democratic nation begging for help, and just continue supplying the types of weapons that allow them to prolong the war until the Russians finally win, which is inevitable at the current rate. Putins ragtag group of terrorist gangs are very slowly winning. Not because they are great soldiers, but because they are supported by effective long range artillery. 

Uncle Joe and Barak Obama refused to send aid to Ukraine when Putin invaded them in 2014, and Uncle Joe was completely inept when he abandoned Afghanistan, so Vlad knew he was safe to invade Ukraine once more. And add to that the fact that Uncle Joe is so stupid that he is willing to ruin his own country's economy to combat something that might become a problem in a hundred years, so he wants to purchase oil from countries that hate him, supposedly because American oil is inferior to oil produced by people who are America's enemies. And oil is an essential component of any successful government. And at the time Uncle Joe decided to purchase it from Russia the United States was an exporter of oil, but was in the process of stopping domestic production. Putin couldn't believe his good fortune! He was going to take over Ukraine and the United States was going to pay for it. Vlad knew he had Uncle Joe under his thumb. All he was going to have to do once in awhile was whisper the word 'nuke' and Uncle Joe would turn into a good little boy again. 

And Vlad loves to remind Uncle Joe that Russia is a nuclear powerhouse and they will attack with reckless abandon if anyone tries to provide Ukraine with weapons that would give Zellensky any real advantage. So Uncle Joe panics over and over and waits under his desk to see what the rest of NATO is doing. Unfortunately for him when the war started many NATO nations stepped up and started helping. The only reason the United States is considered the leader of the effort to save Ukraine is because now, having come late to the game, they have more money and can send more stuff. The United States is still afraid of Putin and is being very cautious about the weapons they are sending, kind of like shooting rubber bands at a cat that is trying to torture a mouse before eating it. 

Apparently feeling somewhat puffed up at the small successes Ukraine was able to achieve with the small arms it received Uncle Joe boldly stated something like, "Hey, Ukraine is in the right, they need better long range artillery capability so we are going to send more effective multiple launch rocket systems with longer range missiles!" So what does Vlad do? He picks up the phone and says something like, "Was I not clear about my threats? We have nuclear missiles aimed at every major city in the world, and many smaller cities. You send long range rockets to Zellensky and you will cross a red line and I will nuke somebody." 

So Uncle Joe shrinks, and slinks back to his desk peaking underneath trying to decide if he wants to hide underneath before following Putin's directive. Maybe he doesn't hide under the desk this time but he does make a call to the Pentagon and cancels the long range missile system. I'm ashamed of our leadership. Cowards who are willing to sit back and observe the mass murder of civilian women, children, and elderly people. Not to mention the soldiers of the Ukraine army who have been training for such an event but hoping it would never happen and the doctors and teachers and housewives and students who are volunteering everyday to join the Ukrainian army so they can do something they never imagined they'd have to do; kill Russians and kill them as fast as they can. All because a madman in charge of the Kremlin wants to kill Ukrainians because they fought to save Crimea and Donbas from Russian aggression in 2014. 

Ukraine needs help and if we didn't have a worthless coward for a president the war in Ukraine first of all never would have happened and second, in the unlikely event that it did happen it would be over by now and Ukraine would have been liberated. Uncle Joe has probably been taking money from Russian oligarchs for decades, he is a very weak leader with a weak mind who wants us to believe that he believes the world is going to burst into flames any day now unless we ruin the American economy and let China become the world's financial leader. He is one of Putin's key players. He is a coward and Vlad is capitalizing on that cowardice until Ukraine finally and tragically falls in ruins and the Russian terrorists pretending to be soldiers begin mass executions of anyone who won't pay instant homage to the dictator Vladimir Putin. 

Tragically Putin does own Uncle Joe and the war in Ukraine will probably last a very long time. The only hope for Ukraine is that Russia will run out of money to pay it's terrorist soldiers and replace the stuff being broken by the Ukrainian army, or NATO will find the courage give long range rocket launchers to the Ukrainian army so they can expel the Russian terrorist invaders. 

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