Tuesday, June 21, 2022


I've been thinking about the families of the victims in Uvalde and the people in Buffalo. Back to back mass shootings in Buffalo New York where an 18 year old racist killed ten black people. Then another 18 year old in Uvalde Texas killed 19 school kids and two teachers. Both of them used semi automatic rifles. I don't know what's got into people today. Why would anyone want to kill a classroom full of fourth graders? Or a bunch of black people at a grocery store? And there have been others like the evil dude who shot all of those concert attendees in Las Vegas. 

Not that long ago stuff like that just didn't happen. Nobody ever worried about their kids getting shot at school. We warned them against taking candy from strangers and told them never to get into a car with someone they didn't know, but no one ever even considered the idea of a person being so evil that they would take a gun to a school or a grocery store and just start shooting people. I'm asking what has changed? We've had access to firearms in this country since forever. Without firearms we would still be speaking the King's English or maybe French, or Spanish, or Russian, or who knows what? King George did hire German mercenaries to kill Colonists, and the Colonists killed the Germans. Without firearms they couldn't have succeeded in their war with Great Britain. 

Democrats like to say we are gun crazy and violent. There are some mentally ill people among us, that's for sure and I'm equally certain that if they voted they'd vote democrat. Democrats are the only people promising 'free' medical care, and 'free' food, and 'Medicare for everyone'. Apparently democrats don't have to pay for Medicare like the rest of us do. I probably wouldn't object to everyone participating in the 'free' Medicare program as long as they pay at least as much for it as I do. Democrats are also trying to confuse children in a very horrific way; telling them they don't really know what gender they are and if they ever think they are a different gender that's good and they can seek medical treatment to help them change to their correct gender. That's a terrible thing to do to a child. How do people who claim to ALWAYS follow the science convince themselves that there are more than two genders?

That's why crazy people vote democrat. If I'm going to go out and start committing street robberies, or holding up convenience stores at gunpoint, I'd probably vote for the guy who thinks I shouldn't have to post any bail money in order to ensure I show up for my pending trial. Especially since I'm not sure I even want to appear in court to answer for a crime I know  I committed. Democrats pass laws that encourage deviant behavior then act surprised when the inevitable happens. So I don't really think they have the brain power to carry on a meaningful discussion about the Second Amendment. The right to keep and bear arms isn't about hunting, or even target practice, although every responsible person who owns a gun practices several times a year, it's about self defense. 

The guys who wrote those first ten amendments weren't concerned with having the opportunity to sit in the lodge and brag about how many bullseyes they made, they were concerned about having the ability to protect themselves against armed aggressors. In those days many of them did depend on a properly functioning firearm to bring down wild game so they could eat. I guess democrats don't realize that supermarkets hadn't been invented yet. Mass shootings are a problem, but the gun isn't. We need to study the past forty years and look at everything that's changed and find out if that is the cause. Everything from telling kids there are dozens of genders to the Critical Race Theory and the 1619 project. And prayer in schools, the Flag Salute, teaching children that America is a bad country that is the source of most of the world's problems today. Just forcing kids to look at one another based on their race and gender is going to make some of them confused and angry. And possibly more than a little violent.

We don't teach them to respect anything anymore. Putting up a few signs that say "Stop Bullying!" is not teaching kids to respect each other. We don't teach children to respect their elders anymore. I'm not sure we teach them anything worthwhile anymore. Math and science scores are in the basement, okay maybe not the basement, but a long way from the top ten. American kids are more concerned with questions about race and gender than about such useless things as math and reading. And that confuses kids. They really do know what gender they are and they don't need some dunce with a degree in Education telling them they are wrong. And we don't need teachers telling our kids that it's bad to be White or any other race, or knocking their religion, or their hair color, or anything else. And since there are a few kids who occasionally commit horrible crimes while armed with a firearm maybe we should teach gun safety in school. At this point democrats are split about 50-50. Half of them want to put me in front of a firing squad (some of them back the 2nd Amendment when it's really necessary) and the other half think I should be sent to a re-education kamp where I could learn how to become a more productive member of society. 

A lot of people understand that a government where only government employees have guns is called a dictatorship. Not democrats. Democrats never can remember if we have a democracy or a dictatorship. To them it sounds kind of similar. Dictators make a lot of promises they can't or don't intend to keep and you don't have to vote for anybody, which saves a lot of time. In a democratic form of government you have to try to keep up. You have to pay attention to what your elected officials are doing and what laws they are voting on. In a dictatorship all you have to do is wait for the daily memo, and if necessary show up for your scheduled execution on time so they don't have to select one of your other family members to stand in for proxy because somebody is going to get shot (they don't have a Second Amendment in dictatorships, but somehow lots of the wrong people have guns). 

Democrats like to tell us that no other country allows their citizens to own guns. Maybe, so what? India likes to brag that they have a very low incidence of people killing each other with guns; for some reason they don't brag as much about the 750 thousand people who literally starve to death every year. If you're looking for Utopia in the world, the United States of America is about as close as you're going to get unless you are hauling in a hundred million bucks a year, for those people everywhere is Utopia, but most of us don't. I believe that the right to self defense is a fundamental right. If some maniac breaks into my house armed with a semi automatic rifle with thirty round magazines I'm not going to feel that good about my single shot, democrat approved firearm and a steak knife. 

I know it takes effort and democrats are afraid of work, kind of like Dobie Gillis in his TV show years ago. Every time someone said the word 'work' he almost passed out. That's your average democrat. A few of them work very hard to make sure that others don't have to. That is curious behavior that probably stems from the thought that in their new dictator/Utopia professors will become part of the ruling class. Stalin and Mao murdered educators by the busload And the same thing happened in Cambodia and Vietnam. I  don't know why democrats insist that history isn't important unless you are discussing slavery, Jim Crow or abortion. And now we have to add how to identify a fellow human being as a man or a woman. And believe it or not if you can't accept the fact that there are only two genders you can actually be fired from your job. We need to study the cause of the violence not the tools used to carry it out. Something has changed over the last forty years and we need to identify what it is and put a sock in it. As a nation we've always believed in individual exceptionalism. Our country was founded on that theme; we can achieve great things through dedication and hard work, and we don't need any government bureaucrat getting in our way. 

The police have spun so much false information about what happened in Uvalde that it is going to be almost impossible to figure out what happened. Over a dozen police officers stood outside listening to the bad guy shooting kids, by the time they decided to force entry almost everyone in the room was dead. I think one girl survived by pretending to be dead. I'm not sure about that though and with the FBI working the case it will take years for them to figure out which font they want to use for their report, and margins, all the important stuff. They publish gorgeous reports, nicely bound with an expensive cover, and almost nothing inside. Lots of pages, just poor content. No, we don't need a 'study' from any of the federal agencies. They will come up with a list of rights that need to be curbed. We need a good scholastic study from a cross section of the country. And don't exclude scholars just because they didn't vote for Biden. Make it a reasonable study hopefully conducted by people who can at least try to keep it academic and not emotional. 

Even if you hate guns you might at least admit that people have an inherent desire to defend themselves when they are attacked. I'm not sure democrats recognize that fact, but I hope so. And on the other side we don't need people stockpiling 105 mm howitzer rounds in their houses. Even military storage units are built to exact standards for safety and I suppose if my neighbor would subject himself to an inspection of his property by regular army inspectors I'd be ok with that. 

I'm not really concerned about people who spend hundreds of thousands of dollars collecting guns. They are not going to be out doing stupid things. For one thing very few people could even afford such a thing and those who can are going to prize it and rarely take it anywhere. Bullets for those things probable cost around fifty thousand each. No, it's the loner, the kid who gets bullied at school, or the kid who bullies everyone around him and maybe a teacher tells him to knock it off. School bullies who lose fights can be pretty vindictive. 

The most aligned organization in this discussion is the NRA and all they want is to protect our right to self defense. That's it. And one of the things they try to get everybody to do is practice safe shooting protocols. A safety class for all gun owners. One of the things they believe is if people are more educated about the potential hazards of handling a firearm they will have more respect for it and the less likely they will be to do something stupid with it. The class emphasizes respect for others as well. Democrats hate the idea of anyone defending themselves; it's not necessary, we have police departments for that. The problem with that is especially if you live in a 'safe' city like I do, or Uvalde, Texas, the police are going to take fifteen to twenty minutes to arrive and if there is any real danger 95 percent of them are going to wait for back up to arrive before they do anything and then their back up is going to wait until it's safe to go in. And by then it will be too late. 

If we valued our right to self defense as much as we should someone could have stopped the democrat in Uvalde as soon as he started shooting at people in front of the school. And the guy in New York could have been stopped much sooner than he was. If we were still a  God fearing country none of this would be happening. And that is the honest truth. People who believe in the sanctity of life and believe in God don't do horrible things. This is not a Second Amendment problem it is a Ten Commandments problem. 

It's too easy to blame the tool instead of blaming the person misusing the tool. If we are going to solve the problem of mass shootings we need to take a look inside ourselves and be honest about where the nation is headed. We can look to God and live or we can keep relying on our own wisdom and continue to watch more of our citizens, including small children, become victims of mass murderers. 

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