Saturday, June 25, 2022


Okay you're out of high school. Now what? You're seventeen or eighteen years old and what have you accomplished? Most of them haven't accomplished a damn thing. A few of them participated in athletic activities, and musical pursuits, and a small number excelled academically and that's great! I salute you. The majority skated through doing enough to graduate, but nothing extra. Those are the ones I'm talking about. The eighty percent who were spectators. You want to be an entrepreneur, that's great, but that has to start when you are young. What did you do during high school? Were you selling something? Inventing Things? Organizing groups? Or were you skipping class, sleeping all day, smoking dope and hoping for a miracle? 

If you're more in the sleeping all day and skipping class, your options are very narrow. And I'm not being mean, I'm being honest and direct. I'm telling you what you need to know. If you couldn't motivate yourself in high school, and you had a bad attitude about life you haven't changed just because you have a high school diploma. Even less if all you managed was a GED. Some kids manage to wake up on their own and attend a community college, find a subject that really interests them and suddenly find a new reason to keep going. Others still stay at home, working part time minimum wage jobs. Basically they are looking at the next sixty to seventy years. Part time minimum wage jobs convincing themselves that life isn't fair. Sometimes life isn't fair, but usually you get what you pay for. 

Be honest with yourself. Mom and couldn't or wouldn't motivate you. You wouldn't listen to them anyway because you are in the one percent bracket who openly rebels against them. 

Besides being patently offensive it is patently untrue. Members of the armed forces are thoughtful and caring people. They are trained in how to organize and to think for themselves. They are sent to a variety of schools and have the opportunity to attend schools that are not part of the military regimen. In fact a great way to stay safe far from the reach of enemy hardware is to seek all of the educational opportunities you can. And the armed forces will pay for most if not all of your education. You graduate debt free and then you move to the front of the line of job seekers. 

Outside of the military those who've served honorably and take advantage of the educational opportunities are highly sought after in the business world. The truth is that 'college boys' can step aside when those with military experience are also applying for the position. People with armed forces experience show up for work on time and looking good. They know how to communicate in a clear manner and they are great at teamwork and problem solving. 

The volunteer army has allowed American youth to become soft and lazy. Many see themselves as entitled to the continued care of their parents for the rest of their lives. Or at least until mom and dead run out of breath. Then Junior is screwed. Mom and dad may leave a couple hundred grand, but try living off that for twenty to thirty years, especially if you insist on voting democrat. Free stuff sounds great, but inflation turns the free stuff into dust the moment it lands in your grubby, dirty, lazy, self important hands. 

Now kids walk around wearing hundred dollar t shirts they didn't earn and complain about how mom and dad should have worked harder. Since not all moms and dads are multi millionaires they can't afford to put Junior through college, so Junior takes a loan and a few part time jobs and graduates with an educational debt which he pays off over time. He or she land a job that rewards effort, buy a house and live happily ever after, or they sit at home all day, working twenty hours a week part time at the local sandwich and complain about their lazy parents. 

I don't like whiners. Whiners don't accomplish much, and many of them don't accomplish anything at all. The armed forces offer a program that turns whiners into productive members of society. And even those who have educational opportunities benefit from serving their country. They may have every thing right where it's supposed to be, organized, well dressed, pretty well disciplined, but they are needed to help the kids who aren't as well set up as they are. They learn how to lead and how to train others. Everyone wins. 

Wimps need to get out of mom and dad's hair. They need to experience life on their own, and if they're not college bound, mom and dad need the courage to show them the door. There you are Junior, the world is yours. You can choose homelessness, or the armed forces, but I've carried your sorry ass long enough. I love ya kid, but you need to spread your wings and fly. 

Parents need to be strong and they need to point their kids in the right direction. Parents can't do their kids jobs for them. Eventually kids need to stop being wimps and become productive members of society. Those social workers who conduct 'studies' that show kids need to stay home into their thirties are full of baloney. Kids need a gentle push or a swift kick in the ass so they can really experience life. No wimps. Just well adjusted American citizens. 

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