Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Democrats are constantly calling those of us who believe in science, and scientific studies and methods, science deniers. That's science deniers; the phrase doesn't even make any sense. What exactly is a science denier? The favorite tool of the democrat is to either change the definition of a word or phrase or just make something up that doesn't make any sense. Two recent examples would be 'woke' virtually no one knows what that really means, and science denier. Does anyone really doubt that science exists? I don't think so, but there are groups of people who deny certain things that science teaches us. For example if I don't believe that we are about to explode into a giant fireball unless Americans ruin their own economy, or that men cannot get pregnant, or that there are only two genders, then democrats say I am a science denier. 

Basically if you believe that there are only two genders, that man made global warming is a hoax, or men cannot get pregnant, or Joe Biden is a lousy president, or if you disagree with a democrat about anything you are a science denier. The same would be true if you are anti abortion, pro Bill of Rights, or don't believe that white people are evil and America is a fundamentally racist and evil country then you would also fit in the category of science denier.

I've mentioned this before, but there is a fundamental truth that all democrats adhere to; once a democrat has spoken there is no need for further discussion. They are the sole proprietors of all knowledge. Others can learn from them but never disagree with them. It is a fundamental reason for their lack of belief in God. If there is a god, and there is, then it is possible that there is a being greater than a democrat,  and as much as they hate hearing it; there is. Someone with more knowledge and wisdom even than the great Joe Biden. That's why democrats don't want there to be a Creator of the universe and they are uncomfortable with the Declaration of Independence. That would mean democrats could be judged by a higher power, but there is no higher power than a democrat.  

Back to pregnant men. The same principle applies. Any doctor will tell you that men cannot get pregnant, but if someone makes that statement democrats will claim they are a science denier. And if being called a science denier doesn't get your mind focused they will declare that anyone who says a man can't get pregnant is guilty of hate speech. And of course anyone guilty of committing hate speech should at least be fired from his or her job, and possibly prosecuted criminally. Does anyone see where I'm going with this? Boys are girls, women are men, right is wrong, wrong is right, there is no such thing as right or wrong, everything is right and everything is wrong. Men can get pregnant? Where did that even come from? It came from the frenzied mind of a democrat. 

And they keep getting elected! I can hardly wait for the first pregnant man to run for president! How cool will that be? But first maybe we need to have the First Transgender president. Not long ago we were desperate to have the first black president and he was elected to two terms,  mostly because a lot of Americans knew there would be rioting, looting, burning, murdering, and a lot of other stuff democrats think is really cool, so we gave the guy two terms. He did a fair amount of damage, but we survived. The First Female president was supposed to be Bloody Hilary and it was close. Too close, but she lost and we saved the country for a couple of years. 

But move over women. Now men can be women and, Joy of Joys! Men can get pregnant! No one is sure how that can happen, and of course it never has happened, but why not? The late Robert F. Kennedy famously said in one of his many brilliant speeches that some people see things as they are and ask why? But he dreamed of things that never were and asked why not?

Was he dreaming about men becoming pregnant? Not likely. He had some goofy ideas, but he knew that men simply cannot get pregnant and any scientists working on making such a thing possible were not to be trusted. They would be madmen like the Dr. Victor Frankenstein who created life in a basement, and the man he created became a monster who murdered people, driving his creator mad which madness eventually kills him. A pregnant man would be a freak and I really don't even want to think about the survivability of the baby. Who wants to go through life famous simply because his mom was a man. The lgbtq whatever has steered us down a very dangerous path. One that leads to destruction and despair and eventually death. They will kill whatever civilization embraces them.  

If the fact that I will never accept the ridiculous idea that there are more than one gender and will always scoff at the idea that men can become pregnant, aaaannnnd I don't believe that man made global warming is really a thing, then I will have to live with the notion that I don't believe in science. I actually don't believe in the science preached by democrats. It is madness and leads to destruction. They always have to redefine words and terms in order to win an argument. The truth is always against them. And the truth is against them now. It is my pleasure to inform all democrats and anyone else that denies scientific truths that men cannot get pregnant. Did I really have to say that? I mean have Americans really become that dumb?

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