Sunday, May 29, 2022

Defective People

Salvador Ramos is a mass murderer. He is also dead. He died alongside the nineteen fourth grade children and two school teachers. He purchased a couple of guns and a few hundred bullets and a couple of days later went to a school and committed the largest massacre in Texas history. We all watched this unfold after the fact. After the school room had been silenced and all that was left were the torn bodies and pools of blood on the floor and blood splatters on the walls and ceiling. And people ask; how could this happen?

Parents send their kids to school then go about their daily lives not paying any attention to what is being taught to their children in school. We all assume they teach the 'Three R's'. You know, 'Reading', Riting, and Rithmitic. The fact is that most schools are teaching lots of clutter that is potentially goofing up our children's minds with garbage that they shouldn't have to deal with. And that is mostly coming from the homosexual community. From the day our children are born we name them and we pick girls names for girls and boys names for boys. Any reasonable adult knows how to tell them apart and it's been like that since the days of Adam and Eve. And schools used to respect the parent child relationship. And conversely parents used to demand that the school respect the parent child relationship. 

Lack of respect for parents is one way that we allow the state to produce defective people. We allow our schools to attack the family unit. We declare a parent unfit for disagreeing with a school policy, we allow school employees to take children to see psychiatrists without letting the parents know and we tell the child that the parent doesn't need to know. We allow school employees to take our children to abortion clinics or to surgeons who claim they can change the child's gender and we tell the child not to let their parents know about it. All of that undermines the basic unit of our society; the family. And that is one huge example of how the state produces defective people.  

Two things we can do to slow the production of defective people is get involved in what the schools are teaching. If you believe, against all evidence to the contrary, that there are more than two genders you are adding to the child's confusion. The other is teach children to respect each other. If you believe that our society is inherently racist and there is nothing anyone can do to stop inherent racism, you are contributing to the notion that the races need to distrust each other and possibly even hate each other. And if you believe that doesn't contribute to an environment of fear and mistrust you are deceiving yourself. And if you don't believe that an environment of fear and mistrust leads to violence you just aren't very smart. 

Parents need to get involved in what is being taught in school. They need to see to it that the schools are doing everything they can to foster an environment of trust and cooperation. We need to ensure that so-called educators aren't preaching hate via misguided programs aimed at belittling kids from any racial group. And if a parent doesn't think she or he has time for that then that family unit may very well be doomed. 

By all accounts Salvador Ramos came from a very fractured family. And the same can probably be said for each one of the maniacs who commit mass murder in America. We need to get back to basics. Fifty years ago we had family units that worked. We had guns and video games, and violent TV shows and movies and we had parents who cared about the well being of their children. And we had teachers who cared about the welfare of the children. And we never even thought of worrying that some crazed individual was going to go to a school and murder as many people as possible. Try getting a teacher to stay after school to meet with one of the few parents that cares about their child. In most cases it won't happen because the teacher won't be compensated for the time it takes. 

So until we fix that little problem we can be assured that there will be more school shootings and when there are you can thank a defective parent and a defective education system. The solution to this problem isn't difficult to see but it will be difficult to solve until someone really wants to solve it. 


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