Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Current President Biden

Well today's a new day and the current President Biden has apparently been in contact with his boss at the Kremlin and they've decided that the United States now has permission to provide with missiles with a slightly longer range than those currently employed, but barely enough to maintain a stalemate. Apparently Vlad has realized that he is being depleted of resources much faster than he thought possible so he is seeking a diplomatic solution that will allow him to save face. And his puppet in the White House is eager to please, as in, "Please boss I'll do anything you say, just help me look good so we can both maintain our positions in the world." The two men have mutual goals; the dictator needs to be able to declare his 'military action' a success even though his goal was to completely annihilate Ukraine. If he can pull off a diplomatic soon the serfs in Russia will never know what his plans were or how badly he failed nor will they ever know the horrible price they paid in their effort to murder everyone in Ukraine. For the dictator this must end soon.

And the democrat coward hiding under his desk in the Oval Office is in a similar position. Initially he showed his true face and retreated in the face of the enemy. Then when he saw the countries in Western Europe stepping up and fighting against the mass murderer dictator by giving Ukraine anti tank and anti aircraft weapons systems and not getting nuked like Vlad said they would, Biden slowly crawled out from under his desk, picked up the phone and asked someone at the Pentagon what we had to send so we wouldn't look too foolish to the rest of the world. After all we are 'The land of the Free and the Home of the Brave'. And in a way its good that Uncle Joe and his boss have been able to find an agreement that will end this evil being perpetrated by Biden's boss. It would have been better to supply Ukraine with the weapons systems they needed before Ukraine was destroyed, but the democrat policy has as its number one priority to first create a mess, then come up with a 'solution'. 

In the current study it seems like the dictator needs to save face and his puppet needs to be able to claim a role in the coming 'agreement' between Ukraine and Russia. The mass murderer will get to tell the Russian people that he has spanked the Nazis in Ukraine (Zellensly must be the only Nazi Jew in the history of the world) and Uncle Joe can claim he played a major role in ending hostilities, and thus 'saving lives'. Uncle Joe loves to say 'saving lives'. He has never saved a single life; cowards almost never do, but he loves to say it. Nobody with any sense at all ever believed Vlad was going to do something that would destroy Russia and ruin his own life, but he had fun watching the world run every time he said the Nuke word. So now that Uncle has Vlad's blessing he will send a few of our slightly more advanced rockets to Ukraine so their army can push back a little harder against Russia and force a negotiation process that will result in a very short peace. The murderous dictator in Russia needs time to rebuild his military machine and the United States needs to be able to say he 'saved lives'. And he needs to say it over and over again. 

This is an election year and the dictator needs to keep democrats in the majority for as long as possible because after he has had a couple of years to rebuild his terrorist network he will attack Ukraine again. And will he contribute to the rebuilding of Ukraine? He may make that promise at the negotiation table, but it will never happen. The United States will rebuild Ukraine likely spending billions of dollars while the rest of Europe takes a break. They should contribute to the cost of rebuilding Ukraine and hopefully they will. And  after billions of dollars have been spent by the US to rebuild Ukraine, while ignoring the depletion of American weapons stores, Russia will have rebuilt its terrorist units and resupplied the weapons lost and invade Ukraine again, this time without worrying about outside interference from a USA that didn't bother to replenish weapons used in the defense of Ukraine. 

In the event that democrats don't do well in the polls this year Vlad may have to wait until the general election in 2024 since the election of an American president could be ruinous to his plans for the new Soviet Union. An American president will be willing to work with the Russian dictator, but not for him. Each day we see a different Uncle Joe. He has almost single handedly recked the American economy similarly to the job Jimmy Carter did in the 70's and for similar reasons. Democrats care so much about the world that they are willing to destroy America if that what it takes to make the world a better place. Maybe this year Americans will vote pro America. I really do hope so. 

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