Thursday, June 2, 2022


 Michael Sussman wasn't tried by a jury of his peers, he was tried by a jury of his best friends. Kind of like OJ Simpson. I'm kind of torn because he did obviously lie to the FBI, but the FBI was intimately involved in the effort to overthrow the Presidency of Donald Trump so since they had the same goal why were they after Sussman? Most likely Sussman had to take the fall for the treasonous organization he worked for so they told him he was going to be charged, but not to worry because the jury was already in the bag. When the FBI lies nobody cares, apparently not even Durham. Sure Sussman is a lying puke, look at he company he keeps! Let's hope Durham has something better coming up after all the time he spent on this project. Just listening to the testimony offered during the democrat impeachment farce involving the so-called Mueller investigation told us volumes about corruption in the top offices of the FBI. That impeachment was an embarrassment. I'd have thought that if you were going to prove that the President of the United States was a traitor you should at least bring some evidence. Just a little please, just humor us a little and pretend that you care about this country even though you obviously do not. That the impeachment process against President was completely fraudulent was best demonstrated by Robert Mueller, a celebrated decorated Marine and therefore incapable of disgracing his office, when he took the stand and had to admit he didn't write the Mueller report. He had very little to do with the investigation, but he did sign the report. He didn't know what was in the report or how the supposed evidence was gathered. He disgraced himself and brought dishonor to his distinguished career. 

Durham in my opinion is guilty of the same form of fraud. His assignment was not easy. He was tasked with proving that certain people including officials at the highest level of the FBI and Justice Department were engaged in an attempted coup against the United States of America. The fact is that there was in fact an attempted coup that was stopped for a very short period of time, but now is gaining steam again. What we learned via the Mueller inquisition was that there were some people close to the president who may not have paid their full tax bill, and some who under hours and hours of intense FBI questioning became confused and gave what appeared to be conflicting testimony and that Bloody Hilary paid a former British spy a ton of money for a report that was negative about Donald Trump then attempted to make it look like Steele had actually investigated Mr. Trump and found out some very embarrassing details about his business life and his personal life. 

To make matters worse top officials at the FBI lied to FISA courts in order to obtain illegal search warrants so they could use electronic surveillance on the presidents friends and employees. They were trying to take down a sitting president and that is a coup. And it went all the way to the White House, which is a supposition I have made based on the fact that the Director of the FBI knew so the president had to know. We will never know for sure because after three years of doing who knows what, all Durham could come up with was one of Bloody Hilary's advisors lied to the FBI. Was it a material lie? Yeah, maybe, but was it worth three years and 35 million dollars? No. 

Mueller and Durham are a disgrace to the country and thanks to a very poor performance by Durham we will never be able to prove that Bloody Hilary, the head of the FBI, and many other senior people in government belong behind bars for attempting to overthrow our government. And the swamp still needs to be drained. And that is the Sussman Principle, anyone who lies for a person running for the democrat ticket will never have to worry about gong to prison. Even if he or she is guilty the Jack asses will find a way to save their ass. 

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