Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Liberal hate their own policies

I'm continuously surprised that I have to keep saying this, but even democrats don't like democrat policies. In San Francisco the people elected a district attorney who is a proud socialist and ran on a platform of ending mass incarcerations, the war on drugs and criminalization of poverty. And democrats elected him in a landslide. He was supported by Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Linda Sarsour. That's quite a lineup. Three anti America politicians, one of whom is another proud socialist and another an avowed anti semite. Cackling Harris was reportedly tough on crime when she was the district attorney, but if so she appears to have changed her mind now.

The new pro criminal plan was supposed to be the beginning of a Utopian era for San Francisco as criminals became so overwhelmed by emotion at being accepted as part of main stream society that they would form a union and schedule crimes during more convenient days or something like that. Who knows? Who would have guessed that keeping criminals out of prison would result in more crimes being committed? Of course to a democrat, and especially to a socialist more crime is a sort of utopia. What right do working people have to think they are special just because they can finally afford to replace their ten year old computer? If someone breaks into their home and steals it they should be thankful that they were able to assist someone through their unearned largesse. Criminals are people too. They have the exact same needs as the rest of us. And they have the courage to go out and get what they want, how can we object to that? 

Well according to the current gang of democrat voters it may be a quandary, but for now they'd like to have the debate after criminals have been safely locked up. It would be tough being a democrat if they had the ability to look at themselves once in awhile and do some honest soul searching and ask themselves, "Why am I surprised? Why am I even thinking of recalling this man from office? He told me he was going to do some very stupid things. He even told me what those things were. He didn't lie and then he did exactly what he said he would do." Democrats hear words like Utopia and immediately think something like, "Oh my! Who could possibly be against that?" So obviously we all want Utopia, we should definitely vote for that! Socialists never lie and they always say the nicest things. 

So poor Mr. Boudin must be very confused. He did exactly what he promised he would do and the people seem to be blaming him for the rising crime rate, as if a slight rise in crime is even a problem given all of the social ills he solved by putting an end to incarcerating so many people. Democrats can definitely be prickly. Give them what they want and they are  bound to complain. We voted for a Socialist so why is crime increasing? We are good people and kind people, we are pro abortion so why is there an increase in the crime rate? We love our planet so we stopped drilling for oil and started buying it from people who couldn't care less about the planet and they are charging ten times what we used to pay; why is the cost of everything going up? We voted for UTOPIA so this can't be our fault. It has to be that Boudin guy. Obviously he lied to us. He doesn't understand how utopia works and he screwed it all up. Let's get rid of him and find someone else who really knows what utopia means, then everything will be groovy! 

I don't know what else to say. Democrats just don't think like normal people. I have a piece of advice for the rest of us though; if someone runs for office claiming that all of our problems are caused by putting criminals in prison don't vote for that person. If they tell you that most of our problems would be solved if we would be kinder to homeless people and let them put up tent cities on our sidewalks and take care of their bathroom needs in the alcoves of our businesses and public office buildings don't vote for that person either. Public defecation is not a good idea and citing people who do it is not criminalizing poor people; it is teaching them that we have at least a minimum standard of hygiene and we don't want anyone pooping and urinating on our sidewalks. Why don't democrats understand that? 

And now that poor district attorney in San Francisco has become another victim of democrat confusion. If you ask for something stupid to happen to you, try not to be surprised when stupid things start happening to you! The guy did what you told him to do, he's an honest politician, usually we celebrate that, but they are punishing him for doing what they told him to do. Until there is a major attitude shift in the democrat mindset there is no way I will ever vote democrat. The only platform Boudin espouses that I like is the war on drugs. All drugs should be legal. People tend to want something the government tells them they can't have. Legalizing drugs will probably result in a lot fewer overdose deaths, and lower addictions as well. There will be a learning curve, but it will be short lived. The same people who blame prohibition for a rise in crime when booze was outlawed, claim that dropping the prohibition on drugs will result in higher crime. One of the reasons the prohibition on narcotics causes a rise in crime is because of the people involved. If we could just go to the local pharmacy and purchase whatever drugs we wanted we wouldn't be supporting black market. The black market is run by thieves and murderers. We really should shut that down. 

One thing you can always count on with democrats is if you give them whatever they ask for there is an excellent chance they are going to hate you and blame you when it turns out that what they ask for isn't actually what they want. So poor Mr. Boudin is about to be lynched by his friends. Another democrat bites the dust and at the hands of the people he loves.  

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