Wednesday, June 8, 2022

The Case Against Newsweek

Years ago when I was young and lacked experience I used to read Newsweek magazine. It has always been a very attractive publication with great photos and the writers are very good as well. The only problem is that it's mostly fiction. Historical fiction much of the time, but fiction nonetheless. And it is deceptive fiction, always making people who are conservative look bad and always covering up for democrats and progressives. In June, 2015, Donald Trump shocked the world by announcing he was going to run for President of the United States of America. Just by announcing that he breathed new air into the political campaign season. There wasn't a single Republican candidate that excited the imagination. There wasn't a single democrat that did either. Even Bloody Hilary shrieking that it was time to elect the 'First Female President of the United States' wasn't garnering any real interest. We'd just been through eight years of the First Black President of the United States and the sting hadn't worn off yet. The prospect of another mediocre democrat president of any gender was just not that exciting. It was not going to be a great year for the Party of the Jackass. Bloody Hilary was still in a celebratory mood. Her criminal arm was working on the 'Fix', she was going to be the First Woman President' and she was feeling very good about her chances. She was going through expensive interior design magazines looking for the ugliest wallpaper she could find for her new West Wing digs and, well, they have rules for the Oval Office, so we would have been spared that embarrassment. She was picturing herself having beer bashes in the Rose Garden and midnight Conga dances on the roof of the White House, it was going to be great!!

And then the souffle fell. Mitt Romney had been considered the most likely Republican nominee and he was practically a democrat. Every Republican candidate was the same, they were all boring and completely conventional. Vote for me and I'll lower your taxes, I'll support the police, I'll increase American jobs.. yada yada yada. The same thing they've been saying for decades and taxes still go up, kids still don't learn, and jobs may or may not happen. 

Donald Trump came on hard and strong. Border security! We've got to strengthen our Southern border and not because we hate Hispanic people, because we need to protect ourselves against terrorists, stop Hispanic gangs, stop child sex trafficking, and a host of other things. Then he went after corruption in government and there is no shortage of that as we all know. Every candidate says they want to clean up Washington D.C. and it never happens. We swap one corrupt politician for another. He called the Washington Big Shots, the members of the Old Guard, members of the Washington swamp and he was going to drain the swamp. That most likely sent a very strong shudder throughout the entire community. Republicans and democrats were nervous because Donald Trump was an outsider, but he knew where the bodies were buried! He was dangerous and he just might start naming names. He knew all of the people and he put on some great parties and knew where to spend money behind doors and he was potentially dangerous to the whole apparatus. 

We knew Trump was different because he acted different. He had energy and he was building up America with shameless statements like, "NATO is a disgrace, they've got to start paying their way", "We've been in Afghanistan long enough it's time to bring our people home." "That North Korean dwarf has got to stop playing with fireworks." and "China is taking over the world, we've got to bring manufacturing back to America." And yeah, there might be something to the man made global warming thing, but we don't need to ruin our economy over it. He was non stop. We needed to produce our own oil and gasoline, we needed to continue to use good clean coal, and he was tired of the policies of King Barry. The King Barry 'America Sucks World Tour' was a real embarrassment. America is the greatest country in the world! And we have to reclaim our place as world leaders or China will take over and nobody wants that! And the fact is that democrats give lip service to the human rights abuses taking place in China, but their actions tell a different story. Many of the components we need for our military aircraft and ships were being manufactured in China. Unbelievable! No wonder China has been able to catch up with military technology so fast. Democrats gave them advanced guidance system technology as well as the technology that would help make their submarines undetectable.  Donald trump was not afraid to take on the world. He said whatever was on his mind and if someone was offended he just kept on truckin'. 

It was a close election. Much closer than it should have been and it is my opinion that democrats cheated. I don't trust those electronic voting gadgets at all. They can be manipulated, and the computerized ones can be manipulated from anywhere in the world. The upshot was that even with King Barry's FBI spying on the Trump campaign and all the Bloody Hilary dirty tricks Donald trump won the election. My favorite event on election night was when the Hilary campaign announced they were cancelling their fireworks show. Ah man! She was going to put on a huge fireworks extravaganza. She was so sure she was going to win, but she was disappointed. They didn't rig enough voting machines to pull it off and Trump became the 45th president of the United States. 

Members of the press lost their collective minds. They'd all voted ten or eleven times in twenty different voting districts how could this have happened? Donald had never run for any political office before. He was 70 years old! How did he beat a seasoned old Hag like Bloody Hilary? They had to destroy him. He proved very difficult to destroy because the 60 percent of the people who voted for him really liked him. He was the genuine article. He was going to bring jobs home and relax regulations that were needlessly putting American business out of business. The left hated him. 

They hounded him every step of the way. It didn't matter that he was keeping his campaign promises; jobs were coming back to America, onerous regulations were being struck so companies could stay here, oil production was up, a pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico was being built and The US was exporting oil. After eight years of King Barry Americans were ready for a president who loved America. King Barry once said that the reason he didn't wear an American flag lapel pin was because, "I don't wanna take sides!" What? The President of the United States didn't want to take sides? Was anyone paying attention? Donald Trump said he was going to drain the swamp. And besides all that he was working for free. He was going to donate his presidential paycheck to some organization he would choose. Democrats said that was a publicity stunt. So? How many democrat billionaires were donating their time for free? That's right, none of them. Somebody said that if he walked on water the headline would be, "President Trump can't swim!" And that sounds about right. Democrats were desperate. They were in real trouble because they can't run on their policies because if the country knew what they really wanted to do they'd never win another election. 

So they started picking on his money. Where's the tax return? And his business dealings with the Kremlin. Who would have guessed that an international hotel chain would have a hotel in Russia? Democrats didn't think that could possibly be a legitimate business move. Neither did most members of the press. And during King Barry's reign Putin had invaded Ukraine and taken over Crimea so what did Donald Trump think about Vladimir Putin? "He's a good leader!" Oops! He may be a good leader but you can't just blurt it out like that. The press had a hey day. President Trump is a traitor he said Putin is a great leader! Impeach!

We all know that the democrats put together a mirage of lies, produced an embarrassingly stupid impeachment charade and Donald Trump was acquitted. No surprise at all and neither was the continued hatred. The only thing President Trump did wrong was trust the members of his cabinet and the heads of all of the Federal law enforcement offices. They all should have been replaced. No one from King Barry's administration should have remained, but many of them did. And just like I predicted they weren't loyal to the Constitution they were loyal to their King. They had spied on Donald Trump's campaign and they continued to spy on him after he became president. They should have all been replaced immediately. 

Newsweek ran a series on how corrupt President Trump was. He wasn't just corrupt he was dangerous. He was unhinged, a maniac who wanted to abolish the Constitution and turn America into a dictatorship. He was bad. He was so bad that after being elected he started firing members of his cabinet. He fired James Comey, the corrupt director of the FBI. Later he fired Mike Esper, Secretary of Defense, and he was about to fire just about everybody in the cabinet. It was legal and it was necessary to his promise to clean up the Washington swamp. Even members of his own party hated him, saying he wasn't really a Republican to which he responded that he didn't really care what they called him. He just wanted to make America great again. 

By November 2017 the rest of the cabinet was very nervous. They didn't want to lose their jobs so they formed a small tight nit group and started a coup against our nation. They met in secret in a room called the Tank because they could have meetings in there and no one could ever hear them or find out what they were saying. And what they were saying was scary stuff. They told each other that President Trump was dangerous, he was only firing members of the cabinet because they were loyal to the Constitution instead of him. General Milly, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said they needed to stick together and warn others that they didn't have any obligation to obey an illegal order. Milly even spoke to some generals at the Pentagon to remind them that if President ever told them to fire a nuclear missile at China they didn't have to obey that order. President Trump was becoming a dictator and it might become necessary for the army generals to take over the country at some point to save the country from the President. After all, what if he didn't win the next election and refused to leave the White House? 

Meanwhile President Trump was letting cabinet members go because they were against everything he wanted to do. He wasn't breaking any laws, they just didn't agree with him. Espers didn't think the US should be pulling troops out of Afghanistan, the Director of the CIA didn't like the way the President was talking about Venezuela, General Milly wanted to be he first general to take over the country via military action and install himself as the first general to take over America. These people were involved in a conspiracy to bring about a military take over of our country. General Milly even joked that 'they can't do anything about it because we have more guns!' Not really a funny joke general. And not smart either. Americans own enough guns to give the military a real run for their money if it ever came to that. These guys are bragging about stopping President Trump from launching a coup against the Constitution while they were involved in a deep conspiracy to overthrow the government. And one more scary thing President Trump did that may have made it necessary for them to use the military to stop the Commander in Chief happened just before Veterans Day 2020. The general in charge of the general in charge of the Old Guard, the soldiers who protect the tomb of the unknown soldier, was afraid of catching a cold so he cancelled all of the Veterans Day events blaming Covid. 

President Trump, the guy who outranks every general in the armed forces, ordered him to put the events back on the calendar, screw the CDC and Dr. Fauci, President Trump wasn't going to stop that long standing tradition out of fear of a virus gifted to the world by China. The event was back on the calendar. Then the President had the audacity to show up without wearing a mask. The general of the Third Army had specifically ordered EVERYONE participating in the service to wear a mask (obviously President Trump was planning to overthrow the government why else would he defy the orders of one of his subordinates?) It wasn't the people in the basement plotting to overthrow the government who were the traitors it was the President who was above ground building up America every chance he got. 

Christopher Wray, Gina Haspet, Mark Milly, all thought they were about to be fired, and they should have been. They should have been on trial. They kept telling each other that the only reason the president would want to fire them is because they were loyal to the Constitution and not to him. They were delusional. They continued to hold secret meetings in that underground room called the Tank with other generals and admirals. It was an election year and President Trump was working hard to be reelected which isn't really unusual, yet they claimed he was obsessed with the election, which is kind of a subjective opinion, instead of concentrating on the Constitution, whatever that means. Probably most prior presidents also worked real hard to get reelected, but for these cheeseballs the president was obsessed with winning so if he lost the election they had to be ready to take over if President Trump refused to leave the White House. They even leaked stories to an eager press that President Trump was planning on staging a coup if he lost the election. President Trump was gong to refuse to leave the White House if he lost. There never was any reason to make such an outrageous claim, just jealousy and hatred. 

A bunch of unhinged generals and cabinet members were planning a coup against the Constitution while they were falsely accusing the president of planning a coup against the Constitution. And the President, who was not planning any such thing, in fact the thought never entered his mind, was unaware of the plot being hatched by his generals and cabinet members. Fortunately those traitors never had a chance to take over the country, and when President Trump lost the election he did complain about the election being rigged which a large portion of the population agrees with, but he didn't stage a coup against the country, he left graciously just as most other presidents have done. 

Newsweek, like most other so-called journalist publications most likely became caught up in the frenzy surrounding a man who was not a politician, but won the election for the highest elected office in the entire world. Republicans hated him for being an 'outsider' who beat the pants off all of them and democrats hated him for the same reason. Donald Trump wasn't loyal to either major party. He was loyal to the country and politicians don't understand that type of behavior. Trump had no chance of winning the nomination from the democrat party because he loved the country too much. And he won the nomination for the Republican party because the public absolutely loved him. There wasn't a Republican candidate who could defeat Bloody Hilary until Trump arrived on the scene. A lot of Republicans weren't even going to vote because what's the point? Bloody Hilary hates her country and says and does stupid things, but the Republicans were too timid to know what to use against her. Trumps answer?


Most Republican candidates were afraid to criticize Bloody Hilary publicly because she is a woman and they are afraid to be labeled 'anti-woman'. And it is true that most women want to be seen as at least equal to men, if not superior, except when they are running for a public office. Then they will go out of their way to paint their male opponent as a man with a history of abusing women verbally and physically. They will lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want. Most politicians will. Donald Trump is not a politician and is willing to criticize anyone, including a woman, who is not doing a good job, or who is violating the laws of the land. Trump is not afraid to be criticized, but he will not be lied about nor tell lies about his opponents. He has famously stated many times, "If you hit me you better be ready because I'm gonna hit you back ten times harder!" 

 Donald Trump won in 2016 because he was an outsider and Americans had lost all confidence in everyone in a position of power in Washington.  His approach was so refreshing we finally had a candidate who was articulate, and not afraid to criticize anyone regardless of race or gender. And he never had to resort to the tactic of 'making stuff up'. He asked "Why should I when the facts are right there for everyone to see?" A lot of democrats voted for Trump precisely because he was so different from the usual politician. He was not afraid of his position and stated what was on his mind even when he knew he was going to be criticized. He said he was always going to tell people what he planned to do. He had nothing to hide and if enough people liked what he had to say he would win the election. 

Newsweek assumes, correctly it seems, that people who read their publication are knee jerk democrats and will believe anything the magazine prints that is negative about a conservative candidate. They would have more credibility if they stuck to the facts to the extent they are available. Evidently they are not interested in the facts, they only want to smear a candidate they don't like due to his pro Constitution opinions. In this article Mr. Arkin cites the fears of his democrat friends that the president could be thinking of barricading himself in the White House if he loses the election simply because, I suppose, that is what they would do. President Trump never made any such statement. Since it is a silly question he never addresses it directly if a reporter asks because there is no reason to believe he wouldn't leave even if he did believe the election were rigged. He might also be thinking how good Bloody Hilary would look behind bars in a Federal Penitentiary somewhere. I'm sure Newsweek would try to write a story in their publication that somehow anyone who wanted to prosecute a woman so naturally virtuous as Bloody Hilary for her crimes is a racist and a woman hater. And don't forget that in their opinion prosecuting liberals who are plotting to overthrow the government are doing so out of genuine concern for the actions the President might take. They have no evidence at all that he is planning to subvert the government in any way.  

On the other hand Gen. Milly and multiple cabinet members are preparing for a military take over of the government if the President fires one of them because they think they are so far above the law that the country simply can't live without them and the only reason for President Trump to fire them would be if he plans to subvert the Constitution. The constitution they pretend to protect, took an oath to protect, states that the members of the cabinet work at the pleasure of the president. There is a formula for replacing a president in the unlikely event that he 'goes rogue' so to speak and it has nothing to do with a handful of knuckleheads meeting in secret plotting a military take over because they are afraid they might be about to lose their jobs. 

I've got to rant a little here; it's unbelievable to me that people can hate Donald Trump so much that they can talk themselves into believing that since a president is firing members of his cabinet for constantly disagreeing with everything he wanted to do, and he is not breaking any laws, that he is planning a coup against the USA. Obviously they had no legal recourse, he wasn't doing anything illegal or unethical. One of the items they found treasonous was his disagreement with the Secret of Defense who wanted to keep military personnel in Afghanistan and President Trump thought twenty years was long enough and he wanted to bring them home. And during his campaign he promised to end the war in Afghanistan. He was one of the handful of people who objected publicly to American involvement in Afghanistan, and he courageously stuck to his objection throughout the campaign, which is something no other candidate was willing to do.

 So because he didn't want to cancel a Veteran's Day event in 2020, and ordered the Army to put the event back on the calendar, and while attending the outdoor event in a steady rain president trump didn't wear a face mask after an Army general had ordered that everyone in attendance wear a mask, a handful of cabinet members and even a couple of generals decided that the president was involved in a 'right wing coup' against the nation. A few generals at the Pentagon were calling each other and self-righteously reminding themselves that their loyalty was to the Constitution and not the President of the United States. 

Once again Newsweek spends a lot of ink outlining a coup being planned by some unnamed generals, president cabinet members afraid they might get fired for doing a lousy job, and General Milly organizing the planning of the coup, and reaches the conclusion that President Trump was planning a coup 'against the Constitution'. These people were and probably are insane. How is it possible that there have been absolutely no indictments? 

Fast forward now to the end of the article. The proof that Veteran's Day violations of some generals dress code, a spate of disagreements with the Secretary of Defense over policy decisions, more disagreements with the Director of the CIA over policy disagreements, and a handful of shaky generals planning a coup against the Constitution, which really means a military coup against the USA, somehow leads to the conclusion that President Trump planned and carried out a riot at the United States Capitol Building on January 6, 2020, during which a police officer murdered an alleged rioter and a couple of police officers died from heart attacks. One person reportedly died from a drug overdose. 

Arkin offers loads of proof that there was a military coup being planned by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a few Pentagon generals and some of the president's cabinet members, but doesn't even hint of any proof that President Trump was planning a 'right wing coup', yet reaches the conclusion that Trump was guilty of attempting to overthrow the government because there were some disgruntled fans that did some stupid things at the Capitol Building. 

The riot at the Capitol should never have occurred and the people responsible should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law even if it was instigated by FBI undercover plants. But that is also my fear; that it was instigated by undercover plants who were either FBI agents or working for the FBI. The only reason I can come up with for the FBI undertaking a role like this would be to try to point fingers at the President of the United States. And given the events Mr. Arkin described involving a coup that was being planned by some generals in the Pentagon, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and members of the presidents cabinet, and the illegal FISA warrants that the top leadership of the FBI and Justice department authorized so they could spy on members of Donald Trump's campaign, the reliance on a dossier provided by a retired British intelligence officer which the FBI knew to be fake, all add up to a really scary and very real attempt at a military take over of our country. But not by President Trump. The coup began in the King Barry White House, was supposed to be completed by Bloody Hilary and they still attempted to pull it off in the early days of the Trump administration, but it lost a little steam when the laws broken by the Director of the FBI and Justice department came close go being disclosed, then according to Newsweek began to pick up momentum at the end of President Trump's administration. They're still trying to prove President Trump planned the riot at the Capitol Building in January, and even if the FBI did instigate the riot anyone stupid enough to do the things they did deserves to be prosecuted. To label that riot a coup is irresponsible. A couple of hundred rioters never posed any threat to the Constitution, but they were a real threat to themselves. What kind of an idiot breaks into the office of the Speaker of the House and takes a picture of himself seated at her desk? And there were many more people taking selfies for posterity and law enforcement. If you're going to break the law you might as well document all of your activities for the police right? Many of the rioters were very helpful to this investigation and those who didn't vote for President Trump will be dismissed with a quiet vote of thanks. The rest will get what they deserve. Any Trump supporters who participate in any riot anywhere have to know that the FBI will spare no expense in tracking you down and you will do the maximum time allowed. As for Newsweek, they should be ashamed of themselves for participating in this effort to glorify the women and men who admittedly plotted to overthrow the government of the United States of America. 

The only thing I want to know is why did it fail? What if the vote recount and found ballots had tipped the scales in President Trumps favor? Is that really how close we came to losing our country to a handful of left wing crazies? Why is General Milly still employed by the United States government. Why is Christopher Wray still the head of the FBI? Why doesn't Newsweek have the guts to explore that story? 

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