Tuesday, July 5, 2022


 Every once in awhile the United States Supreme Court has to make a course correction. I'm not going to take the time to list all of the times the Court has reversed previous decisions because it's happened over 300 times. And each time someone probably pulled his or her hair out, but rarely does it turn into a situation where people take to the streets to protest and even threaten to do harm to the Justices. Democrats do that, Americans don't.

The one in 1860 was a real doozy. Democrats were so upset that an anti slavery candidate had been elected president that they started a devastating war, that resulted in freedom for all Americans, which from that date on included slaves, and homelessness for most democrats. Way to go Brianiacs! Democrats just don't see the reason to follow a rule book, it's a waste of time when brute force could be exerted and change forced quickly. During the American Revolution they were called Tories. Tories didn't understand why everyone was so upset with the king. He wasn't bothering anybody very often and he was offering to fight the Colonists battles for them, sort of. And democrats during the Revolutionary War didn't understand why their peers were so upset about paying taxes. Brits were born paying taxes, the king was sovereign over the people. In their minds they were serfs, property of the king. They owed their allegiance and their lives to the king. Democrats then, as now, don't understand how human beings can derive their just rights from their Creator. 

Tories objected to the Declaration of Independence and they were totally against the war with Great Britain. Taxation was the leading cause for the American's discontent, they also objected to the lack of representation in the Parliament. The Colonists wanted a say in the way they were governed, but the king disagreed. And the Tories disagreed; Tories worried that the king would make things worse than they already were. Much like today's democrats, Tories didn't mind paying high taxes as long as the king promised to fight their battles for them and allowed them to work (except democrats today don't even want to do that). Other colonists didn't like the fact that they weren't full fledged Brits, they were colonists, and they were 'given' opportunities that British citizens didn't enjoy anywhere else in the world. Colonists, even the most common, were land owners who farmed their own land and raised their own cattle. And the way the king saw it, that land and the cattle belonged to him and not the colonists. 

They were completely out of control in the king's mind. The lowest of the Colonists lived as well as the wealthy class in Great Britain and that boys and girls just isn't right. Democrats were okay with that arrangement because they liked the king. And by nature the Tories were Brits who worshipped the king and lived according to his pleasure. Americans liked the way they lived and didn't want to pay increased taxes from which they derived no benefit. Fortunately democrats lost that war too and The United States of America was born.

Today democrats are upset because the United States Supreme Court upheld that odious document, in their view, signed by American Revolutionaries almost 250 years ago; The Constitution. We are a nation of laws and those laws are based on a set of moral values. Democrats hate to hear it, but every country that has laws has used a set of moral values upon which their laws are based. Our laws are founded on Judeo-Christian values and one of those laws protects the sanctity of life. Abortion is the antithesis of valuing life. It is the destruction of human life and that is wrong for reasons that are well documented, albeit democrats oppose all of those reasons. Just the fact that a baby can feel pain while still in the womb tells us that the baby is a living human being. Are we forced to accept that a human being with a heart, a brain, a central nervous system, is not a living person? 

What this all boils down to is too many people in this country have abandoned their belief in God. The democrat mantra has been, "Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll!" for over fifty years. We used to believe in marriage and family. We used to believe in reproductive responsibility and fidelity to a spouse precisely because children need to be raised in a healthy and stable environment. We used to believe in marriage as a foundation to building a strong family which is the bedrock of any successful society. Abortion was only discussed in hushed whispers because virtually everybody knew two things; men and women engaging in sexual intercourse outside of marriage was wrong and that if a pregnancy resulted the man married the woman, the baby was born and they did their best to make their family unit work. Today that not only sounds old fashioned, but to democrats it is a total joke. Democrats laugh at you if you suggest that it is immoral to engage in sexual intercourse before marriage. 

Marriage is unnatural they say. Nope, marriage is one of the most natural things there is. People have been tying the knot ever since  God married Adam and Eve. Of course there have been some very notable improprieties, but still the goal has always been stable families. 

Once again science has shown them to be the ninnies they are. All life is sacred and human life is the most sacred of all. Reading the Holy Bible we learn that God created all of the animals on the earth before he created man, and then woman. He told Adam to name all of the animals which was a monumental task. I'm sure his wife was a huge help in completing that task. Then God have Adam dominion over all of the earth with the admonition to be a wise steward and to protect the earth and everything in it. And once again Eve, his wife was there to help. God chose women to be his partners in bringing children into the world. He didn't choose men, they have a different purpose in life. 

God did not intend for us to murder his children in the womb. He intended for his children to be born and live productive lives. Abortion is a sin. If you don't believe in God someday you will. And you don't want to be standing before the judgement bar explaining why you committed hundreds of abortions. He isn't going to like it, whatever your explanaition is. So now democrats are losing their mud. They can't believe the Supreme Court would use the law to stop a mass murder since that mass murder is for the convenience of democrats. I still say that when you see men walking around holding signs advocating abortion they are not contemplating puting themselves through that horrible ordeal; they are trying to legitimize a horrible practice so they can avoid the consequences of a few minutes of pleasure. Men couldn't care less about a womans right to choose, they just want the baby gone so they don't have to worry about caring for a child. 

It isn't men that suffer the embarrassment of having some man going through their private parts with an egg beater, it's women. Abortion is the most dangerous form of birth control there is. The main tool pro abortionn adcvocates use is emotion. They are very angry about not being able to do whatever they want with their own body, even though we aren't talking about their body. They can do whatever they want with their own body, but pregnancy adds another body to the picture, a human body that very quickly develops a brain and a heart and lungs and every organ necessary to live. For some reason women are struck by the fact that the baby inside them has fingernails. And that's great! of course they grow fingernails, the're people and people grow fingernails. Mine grow way too fast. 

My suggestion is quite simple. If you don't want to have a baby don't get pregnant. Except in those cases where women are forced pregnancy is completely avoidable. Of the approximately 32,000 pregnancies from rape, a third of the victims keep the baby, another 50 percent chose abortion, 6 percent delivered the baby then put her or him up for adoption, and 12 percent suffered miscarriages. So even when a woman is raped and then becomes pregnant almost forty percent of the victims feel a moral obligation to carry the baby until she or he is born, and about a third keep the baby. Yes rape is a tragedy that should never be tolerated I'm really surprised to learn that women aren't demanding the death penalty for any man convicted of rape. Perhaps they realize that most rapes are acquaintance rapes, which account for about 70 percent, and a lot of the time it was consensual. If a stranger rapes a woman I'd be all for shooting him right after the jury read the conviction notice.   

Final word on this topic boys and girls, if all you care about is killing babies then vote democrat because that's all the service they have to provide. They'll give lip service to saving the planet from killing everybody, but the planet is not affiliated with any major political party, something else me and the planet have in common, democrats can't keep the climate from changing no matter how much money you give them.

And ladies, and in this case I'm only giving you the benefit of the doubt because I really do respect women, the guy you slept with last night because he was pushing for you to be able to get an abortion if he get's you pregnant, he'll be happy to drive you to the clinic and leave you there. You will never see him again because, and you can absolutely trust me on this, he ain't no gentleman and he doesn't give a rats behind about what you do with your body.                      

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