Wednesday, May 25, 2022


The democrats keep up their relentless attack on our way of life. They need to break up the family unit in order to raise a new generation of Americans who are trained to do whatever the government tells them to do. That is not freedom. Evidence? In California, a state almost completely under democrat control, they encourage children to keep secrets from their parents about their relationship with their teachers and school administrators. Each schools has computer portals that allow parents to monitor their child's progress and communicate with teachers and administrators if necessary. Sounds great and it is great, but then there is another portal that allows children to communicate directly with their teachers and the children are told they do not have to share their password with their parents that way if their daughter gets pregnant they can rush off to Planned Parenthood and take care of it without causing any dissension in the home. Parents have no idea what the teachers are teaching their children outside of school, but we do know that too often their communications involve finding ways for teachers to have sexual relations with students and they can exchange pictures of each other with no clothes, I guess democrats would view that as a modern adaptation of sex education, in other words legitimate curriculum for children (something I probably would have enjoyed when I was thirteen, but I'm not sure that's really in the best interest of children.) Of course it's gotta be kept a state's secret from parents or there might be some dissension in the home. Democrats are so thoughtful!

It sure is great to know that teachers are becoming so chummy with our children. We don't need to be bothered with the details because after all that could just lead to trouble and one thing democrats want is happy families. And how about Delaware, another state that is burdened with democrat leadership. Delaware House Bill 400 states that our children can be treated by a physician without notifying their parents or explain to them later why they were treated in the first place. Of course parents still have to pay the bill. After all fair is fair right? I mean they are our children and someone has to pay for their care. And what business is it of ours if our daughters get an abortion without telling us, after all democrats are just looking out for our best interest. If we knew our daughters were pregnant we might not like that and we might even have a discussion about it and help them explore all of their options. Democrats are just saving us the heartache of knowing our children might be making poor decisions. Hell what if she got pregnant from having sex with one or two of her teachers; how's that going to look on a resume? And the other gem democrats are forcing upon our kids is homosexuality. What if Jonny is no good in sports but he still wants a medal? Duh! he can join the girls team. He can join the girl's team and be a hero, sort of. But how in the hell is he going to do that without telling mom and dad? They are never going to go along with such a simple plan because they hate him and don't want him to succeed in ANYTHING right? Why are parents so mean? Not to worry, democrats have solved this problem! Simply go to whoever is stupid enough to do sex change operations and get it done; teachers can help get a child's sex changed medically without having to ever inform mom and dad. Mom and dad will pay the bill because they have to and the provider won't tell them what they paid for because democrats passed a law making it illegal to tell them. Perfect. Of course there is no reason to fear what effect this will have on the family because after all the family unit is an outdated concept. What we need is a government program that allows government officials to have more interaction with children in order to teach them things that their parents don't understand. Too many parents are trying to force their children to accept religious teachings that are based on the unscientific notion that God created the universe. Democrats are engaged in a competition for our children's hearts and minds. And what do most parents know about educating children in the first place? In today's increasingly complex world parents can't possibly know how to help their children to adjust without massive government assistance. 

The way HB400 works is via a coding system and it's brilliant. Lots of parents still push the notion that there are only two genders. Too many parents ignore modern medical science in favor of thousands of years of religious fantasy about the creation of the universe and the laws given to us by a false deity. To democrats religion is ok, but just don't believe in it too much. So schools teach children that sometimes it is necessary to ignore parental advice and seek their own way in life, especially when they are still young and mom and dad are still legally bound to pay their bills. Since doctors and hospitals don't work for free and most kids don't walk around with thousands of dollars at their disposal, those providers bill the child's health insurance and when parents see the Explanation of Benefits from the insurance carriers there is a box on the form  that says 'other' or something else non informational. Many parents will then contact the provider and ask just what they are billed for the and democrats have shielded the provider from any liability by passing a law forbidding the provider from answering the question. And just like democrats have solved another problem. Jonny gets his sex changed so he can win awards on the girls track team and mom and dad can breathe a little easier knowing that democrats have relieved them from the responsibility of taking care of their kids healthcare decisions. I don't know how helpful it will be to little jonny's ego when he finds he stinks just as bad at girls sports. 

And just imagine how warm and tender feelings are at home when kids look straight at their parents and tell them they don't have to discuss their life changing decisions with them or answer any of their stupid questions. All mom and dad have to do is pay the bill. Democrats will take care of the rest. And when the family unit has been hopelessly split I'm sure democrats are already prepared to push their solution to the vanished family unit.  

Democrats constantly complain that it is unfair and to use their words 'disinformation' to show that they are not pro family. The challenge as I see it is to show how separating children from their parents is making the family stronger.  Obviously it's a real challenge to democrats also since they continue to speak nonsense when they try to explain their philosophy on family. Some gibberish about how important it is for children to feel good about themselves especially when they realize that they are a different gender than they were when they were when they were born. Nonsense begets nonsense and I have no idea how a thimble full of homosexuals were able to convince the rest of the country that homosexuality is natural and normal and if we were born male or female that might be a mistake and we need to have a surgeon correct the error. I'm tempted to ask if we as a nation could get any dumber but I'm afraid of the answer. 

I'm still waiting for an intelligent answer from democrats about their love of families when all of their policies have the effect of weakening if not destroying the family unit. It doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes a mom and a dad. Democrats are trying to replace the family with the village, as it is done in most dictatorships. And because I believe same sex marriages are wrong, and that gender reassignment surgery is a total abomination, democrats will be looking for a way to pass a law that can be used to punish me for thinking such mean and hateful thoughts because after all there can be no dissent once a democrat has spoken. Anyone who supports the kind of thinking Delaware democrats are engaged in is anti-America. The village should be supporting the family instead of thinking of ways to take it apart. When the family unit is gone our society will disintegrate rapidly and another great civilization will come to an end.

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