Sunday, May 15, 2022

My Body My Choice?

Ladies if you don't want to have a baby then don't get pregnant. Pregnancy is one hundred percent preventable and we all know how to prevent it. On the other hand if you do get pregnant plan for the arrival of your newborn baby. The Choice is before you get pregnant not after. After you get pregnant you became the caretaker for another person with a body of her or his own and you don't have any moral or legal right to kill it.  

I really don't understand the "My Body My Choice" bit. Just about everybody agrees that you can do whatever you want with your body. Go ahead! Knock yourself out, have a 'it's my body' party! Just don't harm the body inside of you. That should not be your choice. 

What I'm about to say is only for people who believe in God. The rest of you really have nothing to contribute since for your life ends when your mortal body dies. There is no afterlife for you (Boy are you going to be disappointed!) The rest of you have a reason to live. You believe in some sort of life after death and I applaud and respect that. Then you believe we are all God's children and he put us all here for a reason. There is a reason for our mortal existence. And there are a lot of theories about that and I think it is important that we respect each other's beliefs. The one thing we all share is the belief that we are God's children and God created the universe, including the earth on which we live. 

God created men and women and He chose women to be his partners in bringing us into this life. I hope that most of us also believe in life before our mortal existence. We must have come from somewhere. I don't know how women who claim there is no God explain the growth process of a developing baby. It can't be a miracle because there is no God. And it can't be explained by science because while most scientists agree that you need contributions from a man and a woman to produce a baby they don't really understand how it happens. Or even why it happens. Scientists can't explain what causes the brain to develop and begin to think. What is the process that causes people to begin to make observations about the world they live in for example. What causes us to feel pain and pleasure? What causes us to start thinking? They know it has something to do with the brain forming and central nervous system, but what exactly causes us to think and reason? 

Instinct I guess. Does a woman instinctively want to kill her baby, or does it take some time to make that decision? Especially for women who believe in God; isn't it something unbelievably special that He chose you to join Him in a partnership? Doesn't God want all of His children to experience mortality? I don't doubt that some abortions are necessary and I respect that, but we are killing 700,000 babies a year. Some of them after they are born. And why not? According to democrats the standard is could the baby survive by itself outside the womb? I don't think any one year olds could meet that standard, let alone a newborn baby. How many toddlers could survive on their own? 

No, abortion is an abomination. For a woman to argue that she can do whatever she wants with her body so she can kill her unborn child defies logic. And now the United States Supreme Court may be on the verge of overturning the ridiculous law that was passed by the Supreme Court in 1973 that made it legal to obtain an abortion anywhere in the nation. The Constitution does not say a woman has a right to kill an unborn baby. The privacy right of a pregnant woman should not overrule the right of the unborn baby to live. Most likely if she were asked, that baby would say, "Yes I would like to live. I would like to experience mortality to its fullest. Please don't kill me." 

 Democrats are uncomfortable with the idea of a God and the belief that God would want His children to be allowed to experience what it feels like to be born and then progress from one stage of life to the next. Democrats don't want us to believe that line in the Declaration of Independence that references 'our creator'. The lack of belief in God is also strange to me. If we weren't created by God how did we get here again? How many theories are there for that? And how many of them ultimately lead to more questions and disagreements? All of them. Scientists know that science is never 'settled'. We live in a changing environment and constant change means we will always be discovering something new. Every scientist, even the unbelievers should always have that nagging thought somewhere in their brain housing groups, "What if there is a god? And what if he did create the universe?" Since they haven't come up with a viable alternative I'll keep reading their essays and following their discoveries, but I'll stick to the eternal truth that there is a God and He did create the universe and I'll rattle their cages a little more; when our mortal life ends there is a lot more to discover. 

The scholar and explorer in me finds that very appealing. The end of mortality is not something to fear, it is something to look forward to prepare for and embrace. So for me, "My Body My Choice" is just a way of telling the world I'm selfish and irresponsible and that's the way I like it and most of us find that appalling. For those few women who have to make that horrible choice, those who are actually in that life threatening position my heart aches for you. And I know God will bless you. And I don't think anyone wants to take that away from you. It is a very private matter. Those who are pro abortion want us to think that a lot of women are in that position, but that simply isn't the case. The fact is that very few pregnancies bring the mother to the brink of death, but it does happen and it is tragic and sad when it does happen. Once again democrats are ignoring all of the medical and scientific research and making noise that doesn't help anyone. They prefer confusing things like 'hate speech' and 'science denier' or 'woke' or 'my body, my choice', and so many more. Slogans that don't have any meaning and are used to create confusion. 

No one says you can't do what you want with your own body and if you are unwilling to protect the other body inside of you we will come up with a way to help you. Some states will outlaw abortion on demand and some will embrace it. The Federal government simply doesn't have the right to force any state to make laws the people of that find abhorrent. 

So alright I'll meet you half way; do what you want with your body, but don't force your will on another person just because you are bigger and stronger. Killing babies is wrong and no amount of chanting slogans or destroying other people's property will ever make it right. 

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