Sunday, May 1, 2022

Minister of Free Speech?

For years I've been making the case that democrats want to kill the Bill of Rights. And some people have seen that I was right about that and others have angrily told me that Donald Trump lies therefore democrats love the Constitution. They never can state what Donald Trump lies about. Does Uncle Joe lie? There is evidence that he does lie. One obvious example is his behavior toward his son in the case of the Burisma energy company in Ukraine. His drug addicted son (and there is a lot of evidence of that) Hunter was given a job at an energy company in Ukraine even though his only possible value to the company was that his dad was the Vice President of the United States. And when there was evidence of corruption in the company and the one of Ukraine's top prosecutors began an investigation into that evidence, Uncle Joe called the president of Ukraine for assistance. 

There is some evidence that the president of Ukraine at the time was corrupt himself. His opponent in the last election ran on a platform of corruption in the government and he won over seventy percent of the vote. Here we would consider that an impressive victory, similar to the margin enjoyed by President Reagan. Petro Poroshenko was expecting a billion dollars from the United States and Uncle Joe's son's company was being investigated for corruption which was causing the company some difficulty so Uncle Joe simply told his corrupt counterpart that if he wanted the billion dollars he had to fire the prosecutor that was causing Hunter Biden some grief and for a billion dollars Poroshenko had no problem firing the guy. The prosecutor is lucky that Uncle Joe didn't order Poroshenko to hang him in a public square. Later with that stupid smile of his Uncle Joe made a statement to the effect that he never discussed business with his son and the call to the President of Ukraine had nothing to do with the fact that his son's company was being investigated. No rational person would believe such an obvious lie. Democrats claim that Uncle Joe was simply concerned about corruption in Ukraine and for some reason he felt like he needed to do something to straighten them out. 

So having presented more evidence that our president is corrupt, I also will present evidence that he really has no regard for our Constitution. Just this week he has appointed a Minister of Free Speech to be housed (protected) in the Department of Homeland Security, another questionable bureaucracy. And why do we need a minister of free speech? Because democrats are afraid of people who disagree with them. In the United States of America there can be no difference of opinion. 

If you think you have a First Amendment right to say what's on your mind you have obviously misunderstood and because of that misunderstanding you must clear any disagreement with the democrat party through the Minister of Free Speech. To be fair it is actually called the Disinformation Guidance Board. I think. The goal is to ensure that anyone who is guilty of spreading disinformation is punished appropriately. And the way we know if someone is spreading disinformation is by asking the boss of the disinformation board if what we are about to say is true or not. No one has addressed what kind of power the Director of the Department of Disinformation has but it could be considerable. The DHS itself operates outside the confines of the law sometimes for 'operational expediency'. The FBI operated outside the law for example when the Director thought Donald Trump shouldn't become the next president of the United States so he authorized his people to lie to the FISA judge in order to obtain an illegal warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. 

Since the DHS only answers to itself it is very unsettling to have them house the Ministry of Disinformation. I don't want to be considered too one sided here so I will quickly point out that a Republican president gave us the ungovernable bureaucracy called the DHS. It was a stupid idea. The only reason democrats opposed it was because they were ashamed that they didn't think of it first. And now even Republican Senators are favoring some additional controls on freedom of speech. Just a couple of days ago, Senator Joseph Kennedy, Republican from Louisiana, said we don't want to allow Hate Speech on the internet. In my opinion he is no champion of freedom. We can't learn to be civil toward each other if we allow the government to tell us what to say and when to say it. 

If someone has something ridiculous and stupid to say I want to know what it is. Don't force dangerous people underground, let them speak so we all know who they are and how dumb and stupid they are. We definitely do not need a Minister of Free Speech. That is completely contrary to who we've always been as a nation. 

I've said it at least a thousand times and I still believe that we don't have a political party that respects our traditions and values, and because of that too many people in America don't understand what those values are. The two most obvious are our philosophy that individuals are sovereign over the government and tell their elected officials what to do instead of being told what to do by our elected officials, and we can say whatever is on our mind without fear of losing any of our hard won freedoms. 

Ministry of Free Speech? I'm glad it came from a democrat and not an American. This year's midterms should result in a landslide conservative victory, which will be a minor victory for the entire country. Maybe we can pass a law making it illegal to pass a law against Hate Speech. I wonder where the United States Supreme Court stands on Hate Speech. Dictators have Ministers of Free Speech, Americans are revolted by the very idea. 

(petro poroshenko) (victor shokin)

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