Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The Agony of Democrat 'logic'

Wouldn't it be great if democrats weren't allergic to logic? Recently Congresswoman Katie Porter, a California democrat, stated that if the Supreme Court decides that the states have the right to decide when, how, and who performs abortions, the next logical step will be for them to outlaw all forms of birth control. I struggle to come up with an analogy for that claim. Democrats do love to say things that don't make any sense. Making 'if' 'then' statements are only useful if you remember to think logically before you speak. 

Birth control happens prior to a woman becoming pregnant. The entire purpose of birth control is to prevent a pregnancy from happening and some forms of birth control are better than others but none of them work all of the time except for one. Abortion has nothing to do with birth control, but democrats don't want to admit that because it hurts their cause. This inevitably becomes a religious discussion because God expects us to nurture children not kill them. He expects us to allow them to be born and experience all of the things that go with a mortal existence. 

God instituted marriage so we could bring His children into the world and raise them in a stable environment where they could learn and grow. Mom and dad and children are what constitutes a family unit. This is all eye rollingly stupid to democrats since there is no God. To the extent that we have any rights we receive them from a government body, not God. And since there is no God there are no rules except those conceived by a governing body, and that's just the way it is. There are no immutable natural laws either evidently. I keep hoping a group of democrats will demonstrate this someday by going on a  group sky diving adventure and jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft without parachutes. If they made it a pay per view democrats could finally claim they paid off the national debt. 

Like most democrats Katie doesn't like science. Science is unpredictable and icky. You can never rely on science to prove you are right because we keep finding out new things and besides science itself isn't emotions driven. You may really, really want a particular outcome, but it it isn't there you ain't gittin' it. She may want abortion to be the same as birth control, but alas, it just isn't, but claiming that if states are allowed to follow the Constitution and regulate abortion the way that is most appropriate for their communities they hate women introduces the emotional side of the argument. They start chanting slogans like 'My body My choice' and 'don't tell me what to do with my body' and a myriad of other illogical things. 

I am not a democrat, I'm an American. I'm an American who opposes abortion because it is wrong. It is a moral outrage that we are killing 700,000 babies a year and it is a bigger outrage that we are doing it because our society sees babies as an inconvenience. And sadly many of those babies are live births, babies that are just simply allowed to die from lack of care after they are born. One democrat governor described it as a very loving thing to do. He said they carefully wrap the baby in a warm blanket then set it on a shelf before going away to discuss what the mother wants to do with it. That's actually horrifying to any decent human being. It will be a very long time before I ever vote democrat; they will have to undergo a major attitude shift and from where they are now I don't see that happening any time soon if ever. 

Because they are so opposed to state's rights they are protesting in front of the residences of Supreme Court Justices trying to intimidate them into ruling a certain way. Members of the democrat party are so intent on overthrowing our government that when something doesn't go their way they burn buildings, loot businesses, overturn people's cars, block traffic, and commit murder. And the laugh of laughs is they consider all of that to be peaceful protest protected by the Constitution. And that is just more government nonsense. The law is rarely on their side, but judges frequently are. 

And that's why they are so scared out of their minds right now. For the first time in decades we have a clear majority of Supreme Court justices who believe in the Constitution. Democrats are screaming that abortions are going to be illegal now and women will be forced to suffer needlessly and that is actually funny. They are so crazed that Congresswoman Katie, California of course is claiming that next they will be making birth control a crime. No Katie, not only will abortion still be legal, but birth control methods will be with us until democrats come up with a way to mess with it while on one of their power trips. 

Abortion will now be regulated by the states, that's all. In some states it will be harder to find someone to murder your baby than others, there will always be certain exceptions. Some states will remind women that yes, pregnancies are 100% preventable. In other states it will be "Go ahead and kill her nobody likes a crying baby anyway!" Why can't democrats use logic? That's simple; logic lacks emotion. Logic requires thought and planning instead of knee jerk reactions. Thinking hurts, robbing, murdering and looting is fun. Democrats are allergic to logic. Abortion is wrong at least 96 percent of the time. Why democrats are so opposed to people being held responsible for their own decisions is a mystery. End the hysteria, support our great system and let the justices to their job. If they don't do what you want form a committee and work together to pass a law or change an existing law. It's maddening to try to talk to a democrat. Logic to them is like Kryptonite to Superman. We can always hope someday they will learn the benefits of thinking, but I don't see any evidence of that yet. 

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