Friday, May 27, 2022

King Barry; IDIOT

 King Barry, aka Barack Obama The Great! has struck again. He was one of the most divisive presidents we've ever had. He had a chance to be great. He really did. We wanted him to be great, but in true democrat form he walked away from the opportunity and instead became one of the biggest demagogues of all time. He was the first black president of the United States of America and he still insisted that America is a racist nation, that racism was systemic in our society and it was very difficult for a black man to succeed in America. 

The son of a white woman who also hated America and raised by white grandparents, he still insisted that this is a racist nation. He was actually supported by his white grandmother. His white grandfather was also anti America, as was his black father who was a devoted Communist. His black father was also absent from his life. The first black president also perpetrated the largest fraud against the American people ever accomplished by an American president. He lied repeatedly about obamacare stating that anyone who didn't want to sign up could keep their current health insurance policies. What actually happened? The day obamacare was signed into law millions of Americans immediately lost their health insurance and most of them also had to change doctors. 

He was a liar in true democrat tradition, but the only reason I'm picking on him today is his utterly unfathomable tasteless statement the day after a madman entered a school and murdered 19 nine year olds and two teachers. Of course none of the victims were black so King Barry said, it's cool to remember those asshole kids, but never forget the great George Floyd was murdered by a police officers TWO YEARS ago. 

Let's break that down for a second. Clearly King Barry is a racist moron. Second George Floyd was a criminal who could have cooperated with the police who were conducted a lawful investigation after being called to the scene to investigate a possible counterfeit bill. The guy who called the police identified Floyd the Asshole as the person who passed the counterfeit money so instead of realizing that Floyd was black and probably going resist so they should leave him alone, they tried to talk to him. And what did Floyd do? Well he damn sure didn't cooperate. He chose to physically attack the police. The police defended themselves and the result was that George died in the fight. So of course there were days of rioting and looting aka shopping and because the only reason the police possibly could have had for confronting Floyd was that he was a black man there was a murder trial. Was it a murder? No it was not. It was a tragic accident.

But that didn't matter. The trial was about an innocent black man being singled out by racist police officers whose only object was to murder a black man. It didn't matter that a crime may have been committed and that the victim pointed to George as the suspect. 

What about 19 nine year olds in Uvalde Texas? What crime did they commit? What about the two teachers, one of whom was a true hero? What crime did they commit? They were Hispanics killed by a lone maniac armed with a loaded rifle. The maniac, also Hispanic, was killed by a police officer who confronted him. Also Hispanic. Why is race important some people may want to know. It isn't. Not to anyone with a Heart and compassion for other human beings. Americans couldn't care less about race. I don't give a shit about race, but King Barry does. Most democrats do. 

What King Barry said was a total disgrace and hardly anyone is reporting it. If Donald Trump had said something like that, or Governor Abbott, democrats would be putting up billboards all across the country. East to West and North to South. They'd be putting signs on buses and corporate America would be buying ads in every newspaper, tv show, radio, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google, you name it, that statement would be everywhere and every minute of every day from now until November. They'd be hiring pilots to tow banners. The fact is that Barack Obama was possibly the worst president we've ever had. I don't care what race he is he's an embarrassment as a president  and as a man. 

Democrats may think George is a great American hero, but the truth is those kids, those teachers, and their families deserve a lot more respect than that. The New Democrat party is an American disgrace. Nobody should vote democrat. If your only issues are abortion and transgender rights then I guess you should vote democrat. 

The rest should vote American. 

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