Saturday, May 7, 2022

Democrats continued assault on the Constitution

 I hate making this post so political, but I really don't know what else I can do. Just a few days ago democrats gave us a new bureaucracy inside a bureaucracy inside a bureaucracy called the Disinformation Board. No one has explained why we need such a board or what the duties of the Board will be. We know it will be housed inside the so-called Dept of Homeland Security, a bureaucracy gifted to us by an idiot president named GW Bush. Was GW a bad president? In my opinion he was a bad president. He waged a war he didn't know how to win and he gave us a very dangerous bureau that is doing more harm than good. He may have done some good things, but starting a war he didn't know how to win and creating a huge bureaucracy were two terrible ideas.  

Keep it Simple Stupid! Well that wasn't GW's style. Now after waging an information war against anyone who disagrees with them democrats have given us in rapid succession rules regarding hate speech, climate change, homosexuality, the right to self defense, and now they are threatening to regulate speech. But who needs freedom when democrats are going to give you free medical treatment and affordable housing? Mayorkas has guaranteed his office would never be used to spy on American citizens insisting that they will rely on 'best practices' whatever that means. When he gave us the Dept. of Homeland Security GW made a similar promise and then to make sure he was covered he joined the Clintons as they promoted a variety of causes throughout the country. That was a smart thing to do since we all saw what the Obama administration did to the Trump campaign; Allowing the Director of the FBI, or perhaps encouraging them, to lie to the FISA court to get them to authorize illegal spying on a  political candidate they didn't like. 

The Biden administration has been asked just what the Bureau of Disinformation was supposed to do and Director Mayorkas just keeps saying 'best practices' as if that has some sort of meaning. We've never had a bureaucracy before whose job was to make sure Americans tell the truth so how does 'best practices' work in that context? The closest Mayorkas has come  to explaining the roll of the Board is to explain that it is an effort to stop disinformation from Russia. Since there is no way to know what disinformation he is talking about because in true democrat style he doesn't believe in education, preferring disinformation, intimidation and fear mongering.  Why can't he provide any examples that would help us understand the need for such a 'Board'? 

And Uncle Joe's assertion that he doesn't understand how anyone could possibly think this amounts to a Ministry of Free Speech almost leaves one speechless, which is what they want! So rather than remain speechless I will continue to expose the hypocrisy of the left. Fortunately Republicans aren't as bad. We've had a few bad apples, GW and his old man being two prime examples, but over all they support the Bill of Rights and believe that peaceful protest can be productive until you start burning and looting and overturning people's cars and committing murder. We all saw the CNN reporter standing in front of a block of burning stores claiming that the protest was mostly peaceful. 

Democrats don't know what peaceful means I guess. I complain about Republicans sometimes and I'm not a Republican, but Mitch McConnell did save us from an anti Bill of Rights Supreme Court Justice in Judge Merrick Garland when he refused to present him for a vote. 

And history is going to prove that Donald Trump was one of our best presidents. Of course Donald Trump isn't really a Republican; he's an American. No one who is openly pro America could run as a democrat so he had to choose the Republican Party. And the Republican Party didn't want him because he is even too American for them. He is very direct and open about what he wants for this country. He doesn't like vague language and Americans are so accustomed to being coddled that they become scared by someone who is honest about what he wants. Donald Trump was open about his feelings about illegal border crossings, he went to NATO and told them all that they were slackers and not paying their way. He pointed out the weaknesses of NATO and told them to organize better arm themselves better. He reminded them about the threat Russia posed to the security of Europe. He opposed the natural gas pipeline Russia wanted to place in Europe so Putin could sell them natural gas at a lower price, and provide him the money he needed to build up his mansions in Russia and perhaps buy a tank or two. President Trump aggressively encouraged more oil exploration in the US so the country could be more self sufficient and he achieved that goal. The USA was energy independent. President Trump could see how foolish it was to continue to rely on people who hate us for our oil needs. The same with China He saw the potential danger of allowing all of our manufacturing to be done in China. Now democrats don't believe that Americans are smart enough to know when they're being lied to. Since this is an election year I guess we'll find out in November how gullible Americans are. 

People who believe in freedom don't oppose freedom of speech. 

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