Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Go Ukraine!

 I have been watching the Russian army getting its butt kicked since shortly after they began their brutal and unwarranted invasion. And the whole world watched the Red army get ready for weeks. Supposedly, according to their mass murderer dictator Vladimir Putin they were preparing for some sort of training mission. They weren't planning an invasion they were just practicing troop movements. Then they lingered and armored troop carriers began to line up facing the border of Ukraine. NATO watched with amusement and the NATO  leadership told the Russian dictator he better not attack Ukraine again. Not like last time, this time there will be consequences. Well Vlad had already invaded Ukraine once and no one did anything about it. He took over about twenty percent of the country. A few people said that he was doing the wrong thing and he shouldn't have done what he did, but then the brutal dictator said, "Hey the people in that part of Ukraine were Russians and they were being persecuted by Ukrainians and they wanted to be a part of Russia  so he wasn't invading he was liberating. 

And just like that most of the leaders of the world became bobble heads, bobbing their head up and down, ignoring all the carnage and the bombed houses, hospitals and other places of shelter and told themselves and each other that "Hey, it's none of our business they want to be part of Russia, they don't even like Ukraine and they are happy about having their houses destroyed if that's what it takes to help them be a part of Russia again. Bombs Away! In two weeks the Russia army murdered 4500 civilians in Donbas. President Obama watched and had his people broadcast the disinformation coming from the mass murderer dictator about free elections and the people in Donbas welcoming the Russian invaders. It was during the war in Ukraine in 2014 that Vice President Biden blackmailed Poroshenko by threatening to block a billion dollar aide package if they didn't fire a special prosecutor who was investigating his son's corrupt company. And not being a wealthy country, and Poroshenko possibly being a little corrupt himself, they fired the prosecutor.

Fast forward to 2022 the Russian dictator had no reason to fear any repercussions from anyone if he attacked Ukraine again. So he did. And everyone hoped he would take Ukraine over in a couple of days, two weeks at the most. The rest is history. The people he claimed to be liberating didn't want his help, they didn't need his help and they damn sure didn't want to have their homes bombed flat and their friends and family members murdered. The leadership of NATO nations watched in horror as they were unable to evacuate the president of Ukraine along with his family. And the horror grew as they watched President Zellensky passing out rifles to every citizen of Ukraine who wanted one and was old enough to learn how to use one. 

Soon it became obvious that Ukrainians weren't just going to surrender, they were going to fight and they were smart people and good tacticians. And the Russian army was more like a street gang than an army. They are undisciplined, poorly trained and poorly equipped and they are becoming afraid to fight the Ukrainian army. Unable to just sit idly and watch the carnage slowly countries across Europe began sending obsolete weapons systems to help them fight and the Ukrainians began to halt the Russian advance. Ukraine asked for aircraft but no dice. Afraid of offending Kremlin's mass murderer the West said no. Still hoping President Zellensky would come to his senses and surrender Europe and Washington watched with crossed fingers. Now after over two months watching Ukraine take a beating and keep fighting back the West is finally providing heavy artillery and the Ukrainian army has actually been able to push the Russian rabble out of some areas, in one case all the way back to Russia. 

Ukraine has also finally been given some pretty good anti aircraft missiles and all  of those things are helping to keep the mob at bay, but they still need more. More and better missile batteries like Israel's Iron Dome and David surface to air missile systems. Even the American Patriot missile battery would help ensure that Russian pilots would be afraid to bomb Ukraine. Advanced anti ship missiles have already helped Ukraine sink some important Russian warships. The Ukrainians are not good at running scared. Now it's fairly obvious that given the right type of fighter aircraft Ukraine could push the Russian army completely out of their country. Unable to manufacture their own weapons and transport vehicles in sufficient numbers Ukraine is at the mercy of their neighbors to provide them what they need. 

Clearly Russia has nuclear weapons and the mass murdered in charge of Russia has threatened to use them. But he hasn't done it and probably won't unless Russia is seriously threatened which has not happened. Nobody has any interest in attacking Russia. Russia is a sucking garbage can dump of a country. All they have is oil which their neighbors used to be willing to purchase from them. Now Russia is a sucking garbage can of a country with no trading partners, Their currency ia always weak and now it is less than worthless. 

Ukraine will destroy fighting spirit of the so-called Russian soldier such as they are. I'd be so embarrassed if I were in the Russian army not just because they are being stopped by a supposedly inferior force, but because their mission was just plain evil. Attacking a neighbor and murdering, raping and robbing the citizenry, and demolishing their great cities when they've done nothing to harm you or your country is evil and stupid. 

Hopefully soon the Russian gang banger of an army will begin so experience mass desertions. By now the Russian dupe of a soldier has realized they were lied to and they are not a liberating army, but a gang of thugs. 

I celebrate every Russian soldier killed or maimed, and I despise every Russian soldiers mother for defiling the grand title of 'Mother'. These kids were taught by their mothers that it is ok to murder and rape innocent people if their dictator tells them to. Ukraine obviously can't kill Russians fast enough, but they are trying. I love the fighting spirit of the Ukrainian people.

Go Ukraine!  I've never been, but I consider myself an adoptive Ukrainian. I wish Americans had that kind of love of country and their fighting spirit. 

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