Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Bill Maher?

Who is Bill Maher? Years ago he had a tv show called 'Politically Incorrect'. He used that hour to embrace political correctness. In those days it was mostly about how oppressed black people still are in America and how little progress had been made, and the other hot topics were women's rights, which means abortion, which really means, 'man if I can talk this chick into getting an abortion my life will be a lot simpler. I just wanted a good time I'm not looking to pay child support for the next 18 years'. That's what men mean when they get all teary eyed about women's rights,  and his third topic was either illegal immigration (We have room for everybody as long as they stay out of my neighborhood), or more welfare for poor people. 

He was so politically correct that he eventually had to change the name of the show because people were not watching. Now it's Real Time with Bill Maher, which is more accurate and I think the guy is entertaining sometimes, but he still is a knee jerk democrat, or at least he was until very recently. A few months ago he was still a rabid Global Warming alarmist, decrying anyone who didn't believe we were about to be destroyed by a climate that was warming up at an accelerated rate because Americans were driving big cars and living in air conditioned houses. Then he started getting beat up because he drives gas guzzling cars, lives alone in a Beverly Hills mansion on a three acre lot that requires a lot of water to maintain yet doesn't produce any food. It's all for looks, which is fine with me, just don't tell me I shouldn't enjoy the same privilege, and he travels alone or in a small group on his own private jet. 

Maher does want to be viewed as basically an honest man so recently he has admitted to being somewhat hypocritical. He travels to one or two environment gatherings a year where fat cats pat each other on the back for recognizing what others are too stupid to notice and that is that  American are destroying the planet (Every year they say we have ten more years). And over the years people have asked Bill about his travel habits if the planet really is in serious danger from human activity, and fossil fuel has been labeled as the main problem, why does he travel in such an extravagant manner?  He used to justify it by saying he travelled so much, and he was so important that he couldn't make all of his appointments and maybe he is that busy. It doesn't bother me that he lives in a nice house and can travel more comfortably than most people can, what I don't like is his lecturing about how I'm killing the planet because I air-condition my three bedroom house and I drive a Grand Cherokee. I could drive something smaller I suppose, but a lot of times I need the extra room that small cars don't have. Maybe if I could afford a house with a ten car garage I could put a small car in there and drive it once in awhile, but that's my lifestyle. 

And of course I don't believe in the threat from catastrophic man made global warming any more than he does, and he's finally starting to admit it. I just read an interview he did and he just blurted it out; yes, it is hypocritical for me to fly around in a private jet while telling people they should all be driving electric vehicles and staying home. The funny thing is he pulled all of his environmental activist buddies down with him. He told of an environmental conference he had attended recently and stated that just about everyone there arrived at the airport at about the same time, each in their own private jet. He admitted that's a problem, but it's a habit that he intends to keep. It's a fresh twist to the Maher narrative. And he's becoming a tiny bit less of a democrat knee jerk 'liberal'. I have to bracket the word liberal because although democrats have hijacked the word, they are far from liberal. You can disagree with a liberal and engage in a dialogue about your differences, but a democrat has to destroy anyone who doesn't agree with party line. I don't like republicans because I think they are too timid, but they will talk to anybody about anything. They don't feel the need to destroy anyone who doesn't agree with them. 

Bill has liberated himself in other ways as well; he no longer feels duty bound to spout the democrat party line. He recently pushed back on Critical Race Theory being taught in grade schools and he criticized the so-called 'woke' movement. And he has been critical of Alexandria Ocasio and her extreme rhetoric. She fired back at him that 'woke' is a term only used by old white people and Bill fired back that she was the one who made it a mainstream part of our vocabulary five years ago. Say what you will about Bill, he is no dummy. It would be very entertaining to see him have a debate with AOC, the only thing is he'd blow her away so easily, it would almost be sad. He can be entertaining and he is smart, even insightful. When he puts his mind to it he may be a good problem solver, but I'm not sure about that, most democrats excel at creating problems for others to solve. 

Still I hope the new Bill will emerge as a problem solver as that is something the democrat party really needs. Unfortunately the Republican Party has become far too stubborn itself. Maybe they aren't so timid after all. Rand Paul tries to publicly humiliate Dr. Faucci on a daily basis and that really isn't helpful. As long as there is a democrat majority there will never be any legal action taken against the doctor even if there should be. Republicans will prosecute one of their own on occasion. Democrats never will. 

I loved some advice Bill offered the democrat party recently when he suggested that the campaign slogan 'white people suck' may not be as successful as AOC and her gang might lead you to believe. I hope he's right. Biden-Harris is even worse than Obama-Biden and a lot of us though it couldn't get any worse. 

Things are so bad that Donald Trump is making speeches and it looks like he is going to be the republican nominee for president in 2024. He was a great president but we need someone with his drive and work ethic, but is more diplomatic. I didn't mind his outspoken ways, I found him refreshing, but Americans are becoming pampered to the point that all they want around them is 'yes' men and that isn't helpful. We need to be strong enough that we can tolerate someone who is outspoken sometimes. 

I like more of the things Bill is saying right now. The democrats need to tone down their Global Warming hysteria and pay more attention to inflationary measures that make it harder for many Americans, even the middle class these days, to feed and house their families. Gas isn't six bucks a gallon yet, but it probably will be by next summer and that means everything will cost more, especially food. 

Another knee jerk lib, this time a man I actually have despised until recently, Alan Dershowitz, has toned down his democrat demagoguery, standing more forcefully in favor of freedom of speech and the right to self defense. Before the jury acquitted him, Dershowitz said he thought Karl Rittenhouse should be found 'not guilty' and he thought there might be strong legal grounds for Rittenhouse to sue several individuals and corporations for defamation of character. 

Hopefully between the two of them they can teach the democrat party what true liberalism is. A true liberal supports such things as free speech, freedom of religion, and other basic human rights, democrats led by AOC and her gang do not. It would be better for everyone if the democrat party would swing back toward true liberalism. And maybe Bill Maher can help make that happen. 

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