Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Democrats & Reason

 Chuck Schumer is a danger to everything America stands for. I've said many times, and I still believe that Republicans have the best vision for our country, but they are very weak. Part of the problem they may have is getting access to the media. Ironically there are very few media outlets that believe in freedom of speech or the free and open exchange of ideas. I don't know of any well known reporter that even tries to be unbiased. Fox News is the closest because they don't have a liberal bias. They will talk to anyone and even their editorial board rarely resorts to actual lies, preferring hyperbole and over exaggeration to lying. The reporters at CNN, MSNBC, and other major outlets have repeatedly spread lies, stories like Adam Schiff having irrefutable proof against President Trump, or more currently spreading lies about the so-called January 6th insurrection, the truth about Critical Race Theory, or the 1619 project being taught in public schools. They routinely lie about businesses like Planned Parenthood not being involved in abortions and the problem experienced at the border with Mexico. 

They edit interviews with conversation lawmakers to make them look like they are lying about  conditions along the border and the issues of the cartels not operating on our side of the border. They lied about border patrol officers on horseback whipping migrants which clearly was not happening. 

And now they are covering up the truth behind the current multi trillion dollar tax increase  on all Americans. They claim that they are going to force 'wealthy' Americans to pay the increase and not 'all' Americans. These 'wealthy' Americans don't mind paying their fair share of the tax burden, but they are not going to spoon feed whomever the democrats decide are the not 'wealthy' Americans. Ain't gonna happen. You may be hearing that whooshing sound already. It's the sound of 'wealthy' American's money shipping out to parts unknown. And 'wealthy' Americans tend to vote democrat because democrats support the idea of a global economy without borders and there are lots of countries that are eager to take the money democrats foolishly chase out of the state. Foreign investment, especially in cheap labor and rent is a terrific money maker for 'wealthy' Americans. Poor countries benefit from that because they get to manufacture things for 'wealthy' Americans to sell all over the world, especially in the USA where we gobble up items put together by basically slave labor. The first group to suffer from this practice is American manufacturing and American labor. The 'unwealthy' class suffers when plants here shut down and the laborers suffer when the job they depend on for a living goes to somebody living in a hut in India who has no electricity or running water and can run to the state paid doctors and dentists any time they want at no cost to them, and can work for far less money than the 'less wealthy' Americans here.

For four years we had to listen to Obama telling Republicans, "We won you Lost! Sit Down! Shut Up!" which really isn't the way the two major parties should treat each other. And now incredibly Americans handed the Senate and the House of Representatives, and the White House to the democrats. Luckily President Trump succeeded in appointing Supreme Court justices to the Bench who believe in the Constitution, without that democrats would be free to force feed their anti America goals unopposed. During the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administration there was an effort to raise the number of Justices from nine to fifteen so they could circumvent the legislature and pass whatever laws they wanted to by appointing justices who belonged to FDR and not the citizens of the United States, and now Biden wants to try something similar in an effort to appoint Justices who don't believe in the Constitution any longer and want to try to circumvent the legislature to change the law according their political leanings. Currently there are at least four Justices who have a history of relying on such bodies as the World Court and the United Nations Charter and other outside sources as the basis for their opinions. 

And now that democrats have at least a slight majority in both legislative chambers their dopey leader, Chuck Schumer, is telling the Republicans to sit down and shut up. There is no need to work together because the 'American people obviously trust us more since they gave us a simple majority'. I'm still not a fan of either major party, but the democrats are literally insane when there are only two of them who are able to see that a five trillion dollar increase in the national debt is a good idea. And further proof of their insanity is the fact that they think so-called wealthy people are going to pay for it. That's why rich people vote and donate to democrats. Democrat party leaders give them whatever they want. 

To hide their love affair they dress it up like something they are doing to punish rich people for beating up on the 'working guy'. The truth is the democrat party has thrown the working guy to the ground and is now jumping up and down on his back. Think how great it would be to have access to 600 American billionaires at election time. I don't know how billionaires vote, but they throw money at democrats and there has to be a reason for that. Republican candidates don't have much access to the nations billionaires and there must be a reason for that. The only party helping the people who do the day to day work is the Republican Party. 

Besides the Middle Class the other group being damaged by democrats is the so-called poor people. Which really has become a euphemism for black people. The democrats are great at accusing the Republicans of wanting to put black people back on the plantation when the truth is democrats own the plantation and they are terrified that black people will become educated and leave it. Republicans are proclaiming that the plantation is a bad place for them to live, they need to get off the plantation and take advantage of all of the things the USA has to offer tall Americans. 

Race is no impediment to success in America. Attitude is the biggest potential impediment to success here. If you are afraid to try you will not succeed here or anywhere else. If you work hard in America you will probably achieve the success you are seeking. If you are black and you listen to the rantings of democrat losers like Herr Schumer you will live a life of self pity on the democrat plantation complaining about how racist America is. Wake up! Look at all the successful black people in America. Start with Barak Obama. He looks black to most people and he claims he is black, but he was raised by white people he claims were racists. Morgan Freeman, Chris Rock, Denzel Washington, hell, there are thousands of successful black people in America. No one talks about them because that's not the democrat narrative. Democrats want you to believe that successful black people are sellouts, Uncle Toms, traitors to their race. That's nonsense. Stop listening to them, be successful, have fun be happy don't be upset about the color of your skin be happy about  it. Enjoy life! 

Don't vote democrat this country is too precious to squander your vote on a party that wants to take away your freedom. Vote your conscience, but get educated. Don't pay attention to all the election promises. Believe your lying' eyes, no president has ever worked harder than Donald did to keep his campaign promises. And the only thing that kept him from keeping all of his promises was traitor republicans who decided to join the democrats on some key votes. 

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