Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Are there Two FBI's?

There probably are two FBI's. One that upholds the law and genuinely believes that their oath of office includes defending the Constitution of the United States agains all enemies, foreign and domestic. The other FBI was hatched during King Barry's administration. His Royal Highness, King Barry, embarked on a world tour during which he apologized to heads of state around the world for all of the dastardly deeds that America had committed against them. He accused our country of being arrogant and heavy handed and suggested that the United Nations should be ruling the world and the United States should step back from its roll as leader of the free world. He even said that China would probably be the next country to step up as the world leader, ignoring their abysmal human rights record. 

The King appointed people who were loyal to him and not the country as directors of the DOJ, ATF, FBI, and the CIA. His DOJ director allowed the ATF to illegally sell high powered semi automatic rifles to drug cartels in Mexico. Those weapons were quickly used in a shootout with our Border Patrol officers and two of them were murdered by enforcers of the Mexican cartels. At first the ATF and Eric Holder denied the claim, then when the evidence was overwhelming and becoming an embarrassment to the administration they suddenly remembered 'oh yeah! We did to that.' Sorry. And that was the end of that. King Barry's head of the IRS illegally targeted conservative groups seeking permission to operate as non profit organizations. Their permit requests were denied or put on hold for years. When that embarrassing fact surfaced at first they denied that it ever happened, then admitted that there may have been a few who had been put aside because they sounded like subversives who didn't' really qualify for tax exempt status. The boss of the IRS ended up quietly 'resigning' from her post. 

Hilary Clinton was supposed to win the election and appoint Supreme Court justices who were loyal to her so they could subvert the Constitution and install a minority rule government. Fortunately we dodged that bullet and elected Donald Trump. President Trump campaigned largely on a platform to drain the Washington D.C. swamp. Unfortunately he underestimated the immensity of the swamp and left a lot of cabinet members in place who were part of the Deep State coup against the country and against him. After King Barry left office the coup continued and it still continues today. Even before he took the Oath of Office the FBI had placed spies in President Trumps camp. 

They were planting stories about Donald Trump that they knew were not true about him colluding with the leadership of Russia to help him cheat and win the election. The FBI agent in the field was doing his job; investigation crimes and putting crooks in jail occasionally, FBI guys hate getting their shoes dirty. At the top of the organization Andrew McCabe and his assistants were actively attempting to overthrow our government via a soft coup. They used a report they knew was false to obtain warrants by lying to FISA judges about espionage being committed by members of President Trumps administration when they knew that none of the people they targeted were guilty of committing any crimes against this country. 

 They were able to show that a few of the president's friends and associates had failed to report certain things in tax reports and other offenses that had nothing with spying on our country, and they misrepresented the activities of a lot of people to make it look like they were seeking assistance from foreign governments. By forcing people to appear at the FBI headquarters repeatedly for questioning they were able to manipulate the questions to make it look like they had lied during previous interviews, and just for fun they accused people of lying to Congress without producing any evidence. They tried to help the democrat Congress impeach the president twice, the first time over his supposed activities with the president of Russia and the second time for obstruction of justice and abuse of power. During the first impeachment proceeding they produced evidence from a report paid for by Hilary Clinton that they knew to be false. The impeachment failed. 

The second impeachment also failed because there was no evidence at all that President Trump was guilty of anything. And the FBI did that. And the coup isn't over yet. Now with the prospect of Donald Trump winning the election in 2024 they are pushing another false narrative, a narrative that they cooked up all on their own that President Trump organized an insurrection against the country by leading a riot on the capital building. And now it turns out that the FBI probably organized that so-called insurrection using an informant. The director of the FBI most likely knew about the plan from the beginning. It looks like their informant is at the front of the crowd encouraging them to force their way into the legislative chamber. Fortunately for all of us President Trump was able to appoint three new Supreme Court justices, ensuring that the Constitution would be upheld for a few more years. 

It looks like the coup has lost some momentum, but is still alive. The FBI has to be stopped and soon. Christopher Wray needs to be replaced with someone far removed from the Deep State leadership, possibly a low ranking field agent who understands the sacred nature of the FBI's mission. The current FBI fantasy will fizzle as the evidence becomes clear that the FBI and not President Trump orchestrated the Capital riot that resulted in the deaths of several individuals including a couple of police officers. Unfortunately it is unlikely that the leadership of the FBI will ever be charged with the crime of insurrection. 

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