Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Parents are Domestic Terrorists

 According to the National School Board Association parents shouldn't be the people telling teachers what they should be teaching our children. They refer to parents who attend school board meetings and object to what the Board is doing as domestic terrorists and they want the U.S. DOJ to investigate them the same way. 

They are in compete alignment with communist party ideology where it is practiced. The state has the ultimate authority over our children. For now they only want to indoctrinate our children during the school day. Gender issues, race issues, environmental issues, issues relating to family relations, including religious preference are among the most important issues teachers want to wrestle away from parents.

And where do parents fit in all of this? They don't. Teachers don't need some dumb ass parent telling them how to raise said dumb ass parent's child.  Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, and several others demanded the same thing. In this country we need families to raise our children not villages. Contrary to democrat dogma it doesn't take a village to raise a child. It takes a family to raise a child. The village can be an important support, but the family raises the child. Where a need arises for the village to take care of some children then the village can decide how to help a child in need find a family. Communists and democrats denigrate the family as an unnecessary component of society. 

In California, a state completed controlled by democrats, children as young as 12 years old can make their own medical decisions and in many cases it is illegal for medical providers to share medical information about their children with parents without the 12 year old child's written consent. I don't know about everybody's village, but in mine there are some real kooks. Drunks, drug addicts, prostitutes, thieves... all types. In the democrat ideal model (the village) which of those village members should mentor my child. Of course we have computer programmers, physicians, lawyers..., but since the family is just an appendage to the village, who gets to decide who the child chooses for her mentor? 

And what should the penalty be when a parent decides to tell the village what's in the best interest of their child? In post WW2 China the penalty was often a program the party called reeducation camps. Sometimes the penalty was death. In post WW2 Vietnam and Cambodia they were a little less reliant on reeducation, but liberally murdered people with whom they disagreed. We're not supposed to talk about Nazi Germany unless we are making an analogy to a Republican. Presumably because they believe in things like freedom of speech and a free marketplace of ideas, which is dangerous to the village. However it is nearly impossible to ignore the way the Nazi party separated children from their parents so the children could learn the 'correct' way according to the village. 

There can only be one way of thinking; the way of the village. One science, one correct philosophy, one religion..., you get the point. If everyone isn't the same that just causes confusion and that is bad for children right? After all how can a child know what is best without the village? And that brings us to the fact that democrats as a group tend to be myopic and short sighted. Who runs the village? The person who is the strongest, the most ruthless? Should the man or woman with the strongest gang be the decision making body for the village? 

Democrats rarely know what they really want or need. They are mostly ruled by their emotions; logic confuses them. My most recent examples are Barak Obama. For the first two years of his administration Americans were dumb enough to give a democrat president majorities in the House of Representatives and the Senate and the literally went on an insane spending spree, passed regulations that forced a lot of businesses to go under or move overseas. Now we did it again and President Biden and his cronies are doing the same thing and just like Obama next year the American people are going to give at least one legislative body to the Republicans. We need our emotions to be sure, but we can't leave logic out of the equation. If I could give every homeless person a house and a guaranteed income I would, but it isn't that simple. 

And democrats control all of the teacher's unions and they want sex education for kindergartners, they want to pit one race against the other, and gender confusion (yes, boys and girls it's true; there are only two genders, that's it) boys can't be girls and girls can't be boys. And parents who disagree with those philosophies aren't terrorists. They might get tired of being told they have no business telling educators what to teach their children because parents are primarily responsible for the education of their children, not the teachers. And what the heck? It's the parents that pay for the teachers and the schools and many other things so they have a right to tell teachers what to teach. 

Forget about the village, it's the family that raises a child. And any parent who just sits home and doesn't get involved in the education of their children needs to get out of their easy chair and attend a board meeting and be heard. 

Contrary to democrat dogma parents are not a threat to national security, teachers unions are. 

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