Friday, December 10, 2021

Karl Rittenhouse

Karl Rittenhouse' acquittal for murder is good news for all Americans. Among other things the Bill of Rights guarantees us the right to defend ourselves against unlawful violent criminals and that's what Karl did. Some people may not like guns and they may think the Second Amendment is being misinterpreted by people who believe that the phrase, 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed' means we can hire police officers and soldiers, and arm them, but the rest of us are not covered by the Second Amendment, which is nonsense of course. 

The right to keep and bear arms sounds pretty simple to most people. We can purchase guns if we want and if necessary we can defend ourselves and the lives of others using a gun. Too many states have outlawed just about every type of firearm there is. Lawmakers in California have been so stupid that they've passed laws against firearms possession that even they can't explain. I was a peace officer in Los Angeles for 36 years and there were two laws I refused to enforce unless I had a very good reason; seatbelts. If ever there was an illegal law it's that one. The other is carrying a gun. Unless someone is using the gun to intimidate people or commit some other crime I couldn't care less about that person carrying a gun. In fact in Los Angeles it's pretty dumb for a person to walk around unarmed. Especially now with democrats telling the police to stop harassing criminals. 

And the 'leave the bad guys alone' mandate is working out very well. Just about every category of crime has increased by triple digits. I was there a couple of days ago and it just keeps getting worse. It's just a dirty city. And it is run by democrats who have decriminalized theft to the point where theft is barely a prosecutable crime and all crimes are increasing. 

And today democrats have morphed into something grotesque. They want to control everything we say and do. They no longer recognize honest differences; instead they think if anyone thinks different then they do  those people have to be silenced. They invented a law called 'hate speech' that was designed to ensure that everyone talks the same and has the same opinions. If you oppose gay marriage you are no longer exercising your freedom of religious expression you are guilty of hating gay people and you can be fired for that. If you don't believe that the police go out everyday looking for black men to kill you are guilty of hating black people. If you oppose abortion you hate women and so on. And there are many other examples. So far there are no laws that allow prison terms for the above 'crimes' but people do lose their jobs and sometimes even friends. And soon there may be actual legal penalties. Churches are under tremendous pressure to accept and perform same gender marriages and some just won't do it. What will happen to them? The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of worship. Many democrats support that, but the party has shifted and the party leadership opposes just about all freedoms and that is why they have to try to find a way to make the Second Amendment disappear. The American people are the largest militia in the world and they are well armed. Many of them are also well trained 

To democrat party leadership Rittenhouse is the epitome of what's wrong with America. First of all he's white which just makes their blood boil. Second he carried a gun! He carried a gun! And he used that gun to kill white men in an angry orgy of violence. Democrats were burning Kenosha, Wisconsin down because a black man wanted for rape didn't want to go to jail so he started a fight with the police when they tried to arrest him. He was armed with a knife and during the ensuing fight the police tased him a couple of times to no effect and at the suspect got away briefly. When they caught him again he violently turned to face them and one of them thought he still had the knife and shot him several times seriously wounding him and ending the fight. Another clear example of the the police using lethal force when being threatened by a violent man armed with a knife and then being labeled racists because this particular armed criminal was black. The police did what they had to do and Rittenhouse did what he had to do. The right to self defense has to be absolute; one of our most basic human rights.  

So much for women's rights, if a black man rapes a black woman she deserved it I guess. And if a black man doesn't want to go to prison for committing a violent crime the police should just leave him alone I guess. Frequently when a black criminal starts a fight with the police and ends up being seriously injured or killed there has to be a peaceful demonstration that turns into a riot and then a shoplifting spree and Rittenhouse wanted to witness the scene for himself so he travelled to Kenosha to see what was going on. And since people are often killed or seriously injured during democrat peaceful demonstrations, where buildings are being burned and looted, traffic is being stopped for no reason and often white people are dragged from their cars and savagely beaten Rittenhouse borrowed a rifle from a friend of his. A lot of Americans don't consider burning buildings, looting, and beating people to death, a peaceful demonstration so they vote for the other person. 

So Karl drove to the scene to witness the 'peaceful' demonstration and somehow ended up agreeing with a few democrats who were supporting the carnage and they tried to beat him to death because that's what peaceful demonstrators to to people who disagree with them. It's a democrat right to express their righteous anger if someone doesn't march to their tune. And Karl probably did support the police and was not in agreement with what the crowd was doing. Karl didn't want to get beat to death so he used his rifle to defend himself and he shot three people, two of them fatally. We all have a right to defend ourselves when we are threatened. The police are great but they can't be everywhere so when we are threatened with violence we have to be able to defend ourselves until the police show up. 

Especially in America today. Democrats don't like pro-active police departments. They want the police to stay in their cars and leave people alone. The need to exercise our right to defend ourselves and our loved ones has never been greater. The police are losing their ability to keep citizens safe from attack because democrats have told everybody the police are dishonest, violent, and racist. Karl Rittenhouse did what he had to do and fortunately the jury agreed that his actions were reasonable and necessary. 

For me our Constitution is a sacred document that needs to be taken seriously and it's worked for almost 250 years. And the Bill of Rights is perhaps the most important part of the Constitution. I don't want to be ruled by a tyrannical monarch. I cherish the freedoms we enjoy here and I agree with the principle of individual responsibility. It's not mean to punish people who steal and commit violent crimes. And it's not mean to expect people to work for a living. And it's not mean to allow people to fail. The right to self defense is a sacred human right and no government has the right to take that away. 

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