Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Democrat Nightmare

 What the heck? A black female Republican as lieutenant governor of Virginia? Who let that happen? Poor Bobby Lee must be vomiting in his grave. And this time she defeated a female mixed race democrat. At least this wasn't a campaign about gender or race, it was a democrat worse nightmare come true. No doubt there were some democrats who voted Republican in this race, those who actually care about the quality of the candidate and not the party to which they belong. Sears has demonstrated a quality most democrats just can't understand; she put the interests of others before her own. She was a Marine and later ran a homeless shelter, contributing something to the community. Her opponent Ayala was a parasite who put her needs before anyone else's. She boasts of being on welfare for a significant part of her life then becoming a community agitator. No thanks!

The margin of victory should have been larger, but in democrat Virginia I'll take a conservative win any day. Winsome will be a great lieutenant governor and eventually, finally, Virginia may have an American governor again. She will also be a great example to others. In another insult to democrats she believes in the importance of the family as the basic unit of civilization. She also believes in preserving the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. If this trend keeps going democrats will have a very hard time winning elections. With domestic oil production down, and inflation rising rapidly, many people will have a hard time heating their homes and feeding their children. Democrats will take a victory lap, but many Americans are going to be voting for survival during the coming election cycle. Finally Americans are starting to think again and that will cause a tip in the Republican direction in the mid term elections next year. And no it doesn't matter which party wins. Not really. What matters is which party will reduce our independence on foreign oil, and foreign labor, and which party will encourage big corporations to return to the USA, which party will make reasonable policy decisions regarding the environment and not allow the EPA to put small businesses out of business, or make it impossible for anyone but the Big Guy to remain in business because they have enough money to put up with the onerous 'laws' passed by unelected officials at the EPA and OSHA and the Coastal Commission. 

And I don't hate the alpha bet soup agencies either; I get frustrated by elected officials who allow those agencies to pass laws that are binding on all of us. It is the legislature that passes laws so we have someone we can hold accountable for what's going on. Politicians don't want that so they quietly turn our lives over to unelected activists who oftentimes have an axe to grind so they start showering sparks all over everybody. And currently democrats control both legislative bodies and the presidency and inflation is making it tough for many people to feed their children. The democrat solution is raise taxes, give somebody some money, teach race hatred and gender confusion and life will be grand! 

Recent history suggests that the American people aren't completely gone just yet. When Barry and his merry band of misfits tried to bankrupt the nation they lost both the House of Representatives and the Senate and finally the presidency. For some reason too often we fall for the shiny object hovering nearby and allow democrats to take everything only two panic two years later and begin to clean house again. Next year the house cleaning will begin again. 

Two questions I've been asking anyone who will listen are what have democrats contributed the country since 2016, and what lies did President President tell? Democrats refuse to answer either question and with good reason: the answers are nothing, and I don't know. Irony may become the defining characteristic of the democrat party. Nurses have always voted democrat and now theyre been fired for refusing to give up their constitutional rights, and now two black women had a contest in Virginia or lieutenant governor of Virginia, robbing the democrats of the opportunity to ignore the issues and make the defining issue about race and gender. Stuck with the issues, the Republican candidate won and now wants to challenge Joy Reid an MSNBC nincompoop to a debate. 

You don't have to be very smart to know that Joy ain't gonna show up for that one. It will be all about important issues and Joy probably doesn't know anything about the issues. Hopefully the democrat nightmare will continue as more and more minorities become educated and decide to work hard and provide for themselves and leave the democrat plantation where no human growth is possible. Once they realize how easy it is to take part in the American Dream they will abandon the plantation in significant numbers, leaving the plantation back in the hands of uneducated racist whites with their hand out. And that will complete the democrat nightmare. 

There is an old saying that goes something like: Teach a person how to fish and that person will vote Republican. Give a person a fish and that person will vote democrat until the democrat plantation runs out of fish then that person will starve. The victory in Virginia is rich in its irony. Democrats completely lost their bully pulpit, it was burned to the ground when two female candidates of mixed racial backgrounds ran against each other. When the contest is less about emotion and more about substance democrats become disoriented. Lost and confused. It's like they're saying, "We've always been the champions of rights for women and minorities and now the world is upside down!" Their entire platform was broken and faced with decisions based on logic and not emotion, Americans will usually choose logic. 

Educated women and minorities are going to be a real nightmare for democrats for a long time. They've spent a couple of hundred years convincing those groups that they were worthless and dumb so they had to vote democrat because democrats won't expect them to work. Those nasty Republicans expect people to look out for each other and work hard to provide for themselves and others in need. It really isn't a tough choice. Freedom? Or bondage to the plantation masters? 

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