Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Jury Duty

I just read a story about a man in Seattle Washington who brutally murdered a 19 year old man by hitting him on the head with a cinder block multiple times then stabbing him repeatedly until he died. That man is a hero as far as I'm concerned. The maggot he killed had kidnapped and sold his daughter into sex slavery in the Pacific Northwest. The man is 60 years old and I hope he gets a good jury. There is no way I'd ever convict a father who did that. 

It does sound like it may have been a planned event, but is was not murder. I'm not even sure how they identified the bad guy's body. Dad found out where the subhuman creature was going to be one afternoon and planned a kidnapping of his own, driving to the creeps location and forcing him into the trunk of a car. Then he used a cinder block to put a few dents in the guys head before stabbing him with a knife until he bled to death. Not a bad afternoon's labor. Then he drove him to a remote part of the county, parked the car and walked away. A year later someone found the car and the dead creep. Identifying him had to be no fun at all. At least after a year the guy didn't stink any more. 

I don't know how whatever detective who is investigating this decided to make an arrest. Dad was just doing the best he could to protect his daughter from any further harm. She had already endured the horror of being used a a sex slave and now some idiot detective wants her to relive it all over again. I guess some cops are Biden voters who just can't help themselves. I can see him now hitching up his pants and saying, 'nobody's above the law, he should have let me handle it.' This needs to be a short trial followed by a Not Guilty verdict or at least a hung jury and no refiling. And the detective should be shunned for presenting the case to the district attorney's office and the deputy district attorney who filed the case should ashamed of herself. I really hope Dad is victorious in this unjust farce. 

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