Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Firing Nurses

 Some knuckle dragging democrats have decided that we have too many nurses I guess. I guess that because they are firing nurses who don't want to be given an untested injection that might actually be harmful to people. They are health care professionals with concerns about the covid vaccine that has yet to pass all of the tests that stuff like that has to pass before shooting it into everyone in the room. 

I was around for the polio and other vaccines in the 1960's. We all survived and a lot of diseases were eliminated, but I think those vaccines went through many rounds of tests that lasted about 7-10  years before forcing a bunch of elementary school kids to take it. And I'm pretty sure mom and dad knew about it before I did. This nation used to rely on informed consent for things like that. Americans used to be courageous and inventive. We're becoming uninformed and lazy. Indolent is a word that comes to mind. 

So what has changed? As a nation we are becoming more cowardly than we ever were. And we're becoming more dependent on government handouts than we ever were, which is really pretty dumb considering the fools we elect have to raise our taxes in order to provide those handouts. It wasn't that long ago that politicians used to look at a problem that needed to be addressed and form committees to study the situation and try to decide on the best way to solve the issue. The democrats on the committee would all suggest that we raise taxes and spend a lot of money and see if the problem went away. The Republicans would agree that the problem needed to be addressed, but instead of raising taxes maybe there is someplace in the budget where we can find the money. Take a little out of some projects that were in progress and divert some funds to the new issue. They'd argue about it, the democrats would call the Republicans mean people who never wanted to help anyone and Republicans would complain about tax and spend democrats and sometimes they'd reach an agreement and sometimes they'd have to wait for the next budget year.  Yeah, we used to have a budget and I know that a lot of people born after 1990 are scratching their heads and asking, "What's a budget?" They think money is free like it just falls out of the sky or springs up through cracks in the floor of the local bank. The point is that through it all most of them remained friends. They recognized that we were a nation of hard working Americans and no one was better tan

We are getting a worse education every year. We are learning that there are far more than two genders, and that America is a racist, bad country. We attack weaker nations for oil and other resources, which just isn't true. If you are a racist you need to work on that, but this I s not a racist nation. Even our first black president was constantly telling the world what a horrible place this country is. And racist too! We have our share of dopes for sure, but we are the least racist nation in the entire known universe. 

Democrats are trying to convince us that the police are scumbags because a black man in Minneapolis started a fight with the police and during the struggle he died. White people aren't allowed to start fights with the police either. Asians know better as do people from every other race. And black people know that too. You have got to be very creative to convince yourself that Americans are a racist nation today. You don't have to be particularly bright to realize that Americans are getting a little dumber every generation. Today we have white people hating white people. They are actually apologizing for being white. The CEO of Coca Cola is telling white people to stop being so white. 

That just doesn't make any sense. If you're a democrat somehow it does. Knowing that I don't know why any white people are still wasting their money on Coca Cola. I used to be a hard core Coke fan. Now I pick up the store brand and the big surprise to me was that it is actually better tasting than the real thing. Firing nurses and police officers and fire fighters or anybody else just because they are uncomfortable taking an experimental vaccination isn't a good idea. It's an idea cooked up by democrats who are desperate to control as much of our lives as possible. If only they could find a way to get rid of that darn Constitution. It is a real party killer! 

There is a rich irony in all this; nurses voted to have their rights stripped away when they voted for Uncle Joe. They watched all of the rioting across the country in the wake of the death of a criminal who attacked the police and ended up getting himself killed  and said, "Man that just aint right! We don't need the police if that's the way they behave!" They supported lowering the pay for police officers because police officer are 'racists'. They killed that poor black man just because of his race. It didn't have nothin' to do with his attack on them. If he'd been a white man they would have let him hit them a few times and then they would have just let him go. That's what the policed would have done then. Damn police! Who needs 'em? 

Nurses probably still vote democrat since it is all but impossible to teach a democrat anything. And the nurses unions are all heavily democrat. I'm sure it's Donald Trump's fault somehow; if he hadn't pushed for a vaccine as soon as possible there still wouldn't be a vaccine available so no one would be in danger of receiving potential harm by being vaccinated against the coronavirus. The irony makes me smile, but I still don't understand the logic behind firing nurses when they are so badly needed and there are many ways to protect against transmitting and contracting the virus that don't involve sticking a needle in someone and injecting them with something that could potentially be harmful. 

Democrats firing their constituents for believing in the Constitution. Let's see if any of them cross the aisle next year. 

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