Monday, June 21, 2021


 The ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment is one of the most historically important events in American history. All Americans should know instantly what Juneteenth stands for and how it came to be an amendment in the first place. On January 31, 1865 the 13th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified. It was proposed by Republican James Mitchell Ashley in 1863 and backed by Republican President Abraham Lincoln. 

On June 28, 2021, a democrat president from perhaps the most racist state on the Eastern Seaboard and desperate to prove to black people that the democrat party was the only group that cares about them, signed a bill to make Juneteenth 'National Independence Day'. 

I don't mind that the party who gave birth to the slave trade in America, then started a bloody civil war and tried to destroy the Union in an effort to ensure that black people remained enslaved for as long as possible, then having lost the war did everything in their power to ensure that black people couldn't receive a decent education, get a decent job, or vote in any elections, pushed this holiday through, desperate people will do just about anything, and I'm not saying all democrats are hypocrites, but hypocrisy is what drives the democrat party, what I hate is what the democrats decided to name the holiday. 

If democrats had any respect for our history they'd realize that we already have a national indepedence day. We celebrate it every single year, and on the same day too! I wonder if there are any democrats out there who can tell us what day that is? And I have very little respect left for the Republicans either. Where are the fifty republicans? Fourteen voted against this horribly named holiday yet they didn't do anything to show any unity. One of them said he voted against it because it would force people to decide which Independence Day to celebrate based on their race. Would a democrat do that? Yup! Another said we already had an Independence Day and suggested something more precise; Emancipation Day. Not bad actually.

Democrats need to create confusion and dissension in order to maintain power. If republicans had any guts they would find defeating the democrats almost too easy. Democrats keep chipping away at our basic civil rights and republicans keep shaking in their shoes, afraid they might say something that would offend somebody. It is part of their job to offend somebody. By being so cowardly they've offended most of the people in their base. Republican 'leaders' are asleep at the wheel. None of them saw anything wrong with the name of this holiday. No statement was issued and apparently no guidance was offered to their colleagues giving them ideas about how to vote and why. 

Democrats fought hard to preserve slavery in America. Now they are fighting hard to say they never wanted anything to do with slavery. If slavery ever existed in America, and there is some evidence to suggest it did, it must have been republicans.  That's probably why republicans are opposed to destroying statues of confederate generals at civil war battlefields. If they weren't such racist bigots they'd be wanting to change the way we teach history. 

It's mind boggling. Juneteenth should be recognized as a special day of remembrance, a day of reverent reflection, and a national holiday, but it should not be called Independence Day. 

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