Thursday, June 3, 2021


That is not a stupid question. It would be stupid to ignore the fact that democrats are treating the police with a total lack of respect. Police work is an honorable profession and we need the police to help us keep our streets safe. My apologies to my friends who do vote democrat; I just have one question are you out of your mind? And yes you can ask me the same question only try to provide a reason for asking. 

Democrats don't like history. They like re-writing it. The reason we have police departments and police officers is to prevent vigilante justice. Before we had police officers the only law we had was brute force. There were good guys and bad guys and scared guys and brave guys. The bad guys could do whatever they wanted until a brave good guy made them stop. Sometimes there wasn't a brave good guy around so a bunch of scared good guys would over power the bad guy and hang him in a barn somewhere. The only trial the bad guy received was when he was begging for his life while being dragged down the street toward the barn and disgruntled thownsfolk shouting "Get a rope!" 

And sometimes it was just people taking out their frustrations on someone passing through and happened to resemble someone else. Police work was invented to help society deal with crime and criminals in an orderly manner. The idea was to ensure that justice was served and the dignity of the individual was preserved. Over the decades police work has improved a lot partly due to the technological advances we've made. We no longer rely on inaccurate drawings to identify criminals. And we are getting better at making sure that an accused individual has an attorney representing him when he goes to trial. And those are good things. Law and order is good for society. Vigilante justice is bad. 

It just is. Vigilante justice is not dignified, it is ugly. Without a system of law and order vigilantes will take over our streets. We need to respect the police and hire the best people we can find to protect ourselves and our families. 

I don't very often credit democrats with the ability to think rationally and I'm not going to start now. They've always needed my protection and they still do and I don't mind protecting them. They are Americans after all, misguided, but Americans. They don't realize it but mostly I'm protecting them from themselves. They are a danger to themselves and others because they are run by their emotions instead of having the ability to think a problem through. 

The police are the most important component of our criminal justice system. Remove them from the equation and no one makes sure that criminals are brought to the courtroom to face a judge and a jury. Democrats don't seem to be able to feel that  defunding the police is the same as disbanding the police department. Police do love helping other people, but they still have to get paid for their service. 

Vigilantes would make good democrats. A vigilante looks at someone and says, "I don't like the way that person looks!" and then they start making reckless accusations against the person until finally enough people in town don't like the way the person looks that they begin to accuse him or her of doing things they may or not have done. Suspicion turns into fear and fear to anger at the person being targeted by the vigilante and finally the vigilantes become violent. Sometimes they force an unwanted person to leave town, sometimes they rough the person up first and sometimes they accuse a stranger of a capital crime and hang them from the nearest post or tree. All because of their feelings. 

Rational people support law and order with a strong well trained police department and follow up court appearances. Democrats support a hangman's noose hastily tied and looped over a tree branch near the edge of town. 

I welcome a rational discussion with any democrat who disagrees with this post, but I'm confident that is not going to happen. 



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