Saturday, June 5, 2021


 I don't know if the Republican Party can be salvaged. There have been a few good thinkers lately, but they have largely been overshadowed by others who are not such good thinkers such as Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy. Republicans are not having a hard time deciding what the important issues are, they are having a hard time mustering up the courage to support their own cause. Uncle Joe is set to preside over an extremely slow recovery, similar to his most recent mentor; Barry Obama, when the economy should be booming. Democrats kill booming American economies by stopping things like the pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. 

For the last four years republican 'leaders' refused to defend President Trump from what ever the charge of he day was. He was anti Hispanic or anti black. He had sexual relations with a porn star, He was too friendly with Vladimer Putin or he was trying to pick a fight with Russia, he was xenophobic when it came to the Chinese people. He refused to make his tax returns public because he had something to hide, he hated women the list is practically endless. And Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy were practically silent. Lindsay Grahan was one of the most vocal Trump supporters but even he refused to support the president all the time. Sometimes President Trump was a little too blunt in his speech like when he called out the parents of the Muslim soldier killed in Afghanistan and who were being critical of the way the president was leading the war. He wasn't disparaging Gold Star parents, he was disparaging parents who were dishonoring their son's memory by protesting the entire war effort and making statements against President Trump specifically. And he wasn't making fun of a handicapped person. He was responding to a rude reporter who happened to be handicapped. And one thing Donald Trump always made clear was that he wasn't going to make any personal attacks against an opponent until they attacked him first.

He always said he could work with anyone, but if anyone made a personal attack against him he was going to respond ten times worse. He never said, "Vote for me, I'm a nice guy!" He said, "Vote for me, I love this country and I know how to make it great again!" And he did. If Republicans don't learn how to take a bold stand, and clearly show the world how they are different than the democrats they will doom this country to a future of mediocrity and worse. Freedom really isn't free. We have to work at it and remember what made this country great. Democrats don't believe in the greatness of the individual, they believe in the greatness of the Central government. And Republicans believe in their that it is the greatness of the individual that makes the Central government strong. If the Republican candidates don't grow a backbone and follow Donald Trump's lead, at least in part, and tell the American people what they need to hear and provide solid solutions to real problems the party is dead. And if someone doesn't step in and fill the gap immediately the country will be dead also. Unchecked the democrats will lead us down the road to another bloody and unnecessary civil war. They've done it before and there is a vocal team (Gang of Four) who seem ready to do it again. There will be more on the Gang of Four later.

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