Tuesday, June 8, 2021


 It couldn't happed here could it? Could we lose our freedom in America? Nah, we have a constitution and a set of laws. We have the Bill of Rights! And we elect our leaders every two, four and six years. We are the most powerful nation in the history of the world, and possibly the wealthiest. We have a well equipped and well trained armed forces group that is loyal to the Constitution of the United States of America and to our citizens. And we have a system of checks and balances. Our military is led by a civilian president who issues orders to the leaders of the armed forces units. We are as secure as a nation can be. There is no way we could lose our freedom here. Right?

Wrong. We have given away so many of our freedoms that I'm not sure we can recover from the nosedive we are in now. I'm no constitutional scholar but I can tell that a partisan Supreme Court could do a lot of damage to our system of laws, and our Supreme Court has become politically divided. And it is becoming increasingly hostile toward our constitution. Ruth Bader Ginsburg admitted that when ruling on legal matters in the USA she often used the United Nations charter and other world opinions when making her rulings. 

That is dangerous and there is not a peaceful method for correcting the Supreme Court. There will probably never be a foreign country that has the ability to attack and defeat the United States. The threat to us comes from within. Of the two viable political parties one holds the Constitution as the absolute law of the land and the other says it is an old document that has outlived its usefulness and that it is fundamentally flawed. It is a relatively old document. It is also the longest surviving constitution in the history of the world. It is not outdated or flawed. One party says it has too many restrictions on government power, the other one says we don't want any unnecessary government intrusion into our lives. If you think free speech, freedom of religion, the right to self defense, and the right to be secure from unwarranted search of your home by whatever cop may be interested in what's in your house then vote democrat. Right now they've got an extra special deal for you, but first a short history lesson from that great bastion of reverence for civil liberties-Communist China. During the 1950's, 60's, and early seventies they had a special group sponsored by the government affectionately known as the Gang of Four. They had Chinese names that are hard for me to pronounce or remember so Gang of Four will do for now. 

They were a sweetheart group that went from village to village re educating people who weren't thrilled with Communist rule. A lot of the 'pupils' were mayors, aldermen, teachers, and other 'subversives'. They had to kill a couple of the slow learners and torture a few others in order to ensure that other villagers understood the importance of informing on their neighbors. It is difficult to say how many people they killed but the estimates are anywhere from the low hundred thousands to as many as twenty million. They started out as propagandists for Mao Tse Deng, affectionately known as Chairman Mao. When the chairman heard the details of what they were doing he turned on them and eventually three of them went to prison and a fourth killed herself. 

Fortunately for us the democrats have their own version of the Gang of Four. Led by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the others are Omar Ilhan, Ayana Pressley, and Rashib Tlaib. All four of them are openly hostile to the United States. What's at stake is our culture of rugged individualism and American exceptionalism, freedom of speech, and the right to self defense. The other right they have in their sights is the right to be secure against unreasonable search and seizure. If a neighbor says a person has a prohibited gun in their house they want the police to have the authority to enter and search the house immediately because an improperly registered gun is an eminent threat to society. If you think same gender marriage is wrong they want that regulated by 'hate speech' legislation, and if you are a minister of religion who refuses to perform a same gender 'marriage' you can lose your tax exempt status and possibly even face jail time. 

And of course we have to remove any monuments to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or any other Founding Father who owned slaves, and rename schools that carry their names and rename streets, these are some scary badgers. The same thing for any battlefields created during the civil war. All statues depicting Confederate soldiers or generals have to be removed and the Confederate flag has to be lowered. No confederate flags or other emblems of the confederacy can be sold in the gift stores. Even statues in various town squares that depict Confederate officers have to be removed. And schools have to teach children that white people are inherently bad people even if they don't mean to be. It's called 'white privilege'. And 

These four elected officials want to change the United States of America from a land of freedom to something else. They are dangerous. We are a strong nation because of the individual liberty we enjoy. We are strong because of the limitations we've always put on people like them. We need strong individuals, not kings or dictators.

If we are going to remain strong as a nation we need to increase our faith in God and follow the Constitution. Anything else will lead to destruction. 

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