Thursday, June 17, 2021


Is it possible for democrats to learn? There are some concepts that democrats understand very well. We are all about to die from catastrophic man made global warming is a prime example. The only problem is that we are not in any danger at all of being killed by any sort of climate change. And even if we are there is nothing democrats can do about it. Another concept democrats love is that the Constitution of the United States of America has outlived its usefulness and needs to be overhauled. As Yeonmi will tell you there is nothing more precious than freedom and about the most valuable freedom we have is the freedom to say what's on our mind no matter who is offended by it. 

There is no such thing as hate speech. Just speech. Murder is murder. How is a person any less dead if the reason they were killed is because of their race or their gender, or their sexual orientation? 

She is a young woman with exceptional courage and a great story to tell. Contrary to what democrats want you to think socialism is a failed system. It doesn't work and it never will work. Miss Park studied at Columbia and observed that the professors are biased against the United States of America and labelled certain classic authors as racists or colonialists or something, such as Jane Austen. Somehow reading the works of Jane Austen will turn a person into something bad. I don't know a lot about Jane Austen. She died when she was 41 years old and she lived in England. Her books seem to appeal mostly to women. 

I'm not a fan of Republicans either. They seem slow to defend the principles Americans expect them to stand for. When a democrat claims the Constitution is outdated, Mitch McConnell needs to speak up loud and clear and defend that sacred document. It is not outdated and there is a process to add or subtract amendments to the Constitution. Democrats are reluctant to say why it is outdated and what is wrong with it, the usual objection is the Second Amendment. 

"The Founding Fathers had no way of know about machine guns or hand grenades, and what about nuclear bombs! Should we have the right to keep nukes in our houses?" 

The main reason we need the Second Amendment is to defend ourselves against a threat. The police are rarely there when you need them. And democrats seem to ignore the Oath of Office regarding defending the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. 

All of this is important because what Yeonmi is pointing out is that we have something extremely special here. We have something nobody else in the world has. In fact we have something that no nation has ever had in recorded  history. We have a constitution that guarantees us rights as individuals. It puts us above all government officials. We don't have a king because we don't want one. We don't want a queen either. We have elected officials who are supposed to work for us. If they don't work for us we have the opportunity to vote for their opponent during the next election cycle. And anyone can run for public office it isn't kept within any family or group of people. For those of us who value our freedoms it is hard to understand why so many Americans are willing to vote away their rights, especially the right to free speech. Only dictators are afraid of an open exchange of ideas. Ms. Park is only stating that she is having a hard time believing that seemingly intelligent people wold criticize our system in favor of a much worse situation. She has lived in a country where people have no liberty so she knows what that looks like. 

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