Wednesday, July 14, 2021


The world has been gripped by a terrible pandemic for over a year and a half. During that time President Trump created an environment that led to a vaccine against the Covid -19 virus in record time. Uncle Joe Biden called the effort reckless and later accused President Trump of doing nothing to help Americans deal with the crisis. Ok, all he did was ensure that we all have a chance to be protected from the disease if we want to be. While he was helping the world find a way to cope with the horrible and deadly China Virus he also implemented policies that led to a stronger economy than the country had seen in over ten years. And he improved the standard of living for Hispanic and Black Americans more than any other president in our history. 

He told us the truth and we called him a liar. He told the world what a great country the USA truly is and we called him unpatriotic and worse. 

During his fifty years in office Uncle Joe Biden accomplished exactly nothing. At least not for his country. He did succeed in getting his son hired by a couple of wealthy companies in socialist countries who pay him millions of dollars a year just to be able to use his name and gain his father's ear. And he managed to put away about six million dollars in his bank account. For himself Uncle Joe did very well. For his country he hasn't done a thing. Unless you call empty words helpful. He promised to stop the climate from changing, something nobody can do and we said, "Oh man, Uncle Joe really cares!" He said when he saw two men kissing in public and his father told him, "Joey it's simple. They love each other." And we said "Oh, what a compassionate man!" And when he claimed that President Trump failed to do anything about the pandemic we all said, "Wow! Uncle Joe is going to end the pandemic all by himself!" Uncle Joe couldn't remember the first line of the Declaration of Independence or even the name of the document (You know the thing!) and we said, "That just makes him human." 

The reason we are getting vaccinated and fewer people in this country are dying from coronavirus is because Uncle Joe followed President Trump's distribution plan. Soon the entire world will have access to the vaccination thanks to the efforts of President Trump and even saving the world wasn't enough to get him re-elected. 

The election is over and this isn't about the election. If Americans are tired of being comfortable and successful that's their problem. Except I live here too so it ultimately becomes my problem. I've been helping save democrats from themselves for my entire life and it is a tough job. 

Anyway now that we're vaccinated I don't understand why the President of the Untied States isn't on TV telling us that now that we are vaccinated we can stop wearing face coverings everywhere we go and we are gaining ground so there is no need to be afraid. Why isn't he praising the valiant efforts of the thousands of people who worked so hard to make sure we have the vaccination available? 

I can only really think of two reasons:

1. They know the vaccinations aren't successful, 


2. They want to control our lives for as long as possible. They are going to milk this pandemic for all its's worth. 

Personally I'm not wearing a face covering anymore. It's not necessary and it probably never was. If someone wants to call the police on me that's fine. At a time when we really need leadership the democrats can always be counted on to blame someone for their own mistakes. If the vaccination is no good and democrats know it's no good then there is nothing to do but keep on doing what they do best and that is lying to the American people. 

And if the vaccination is working they need to do what they do second best, keep on lying to the American people so they can continue to promote fear and keep us under their control. I think the vaccination works and it's time for someone in a leadership position to jump in front of a microphone and tell us that Operation Warp Speed has been a success and it's time to stop being afraid.

That would have to be a republican which is why I haven't supported the Republican Party in years. They have no spine. They should be promoting America at every opportunity. If they did that they would be winning elections in landslide elections. They should be praising the success of the vaccinations full time and letting us know it was Donald Trump that made this all possible. Why they refuse to do that is a mystery to me.

We have been vaccinated. It's time to live again. If none of our political leaders has the courage to say it then We The People need to be smart enough to figure it out for ourselves.

Put the China Virus behind us. 

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