Wednesday, June 2, 2021


 Some things are just plain stupid. Personally I think everyone should be vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus as long as there isn't a medical reason for them not to. Some people could be at risk for some sort of horrible side effect and the vaccine is no joke. I don't know a lot about it, but I do know that 'One Size Fits All' usually isn't true. Make sure it is safe for yourself before diving in. I received both doses of the Moderna vaccine and I haven't experienced any side effects except for temporary lethargy and a slight fever. My wife received the same one and she suffered a severe fever, about 104 degree fever and some joint pain. Very similar to what people report with influenza, which is also a killer, but not everyone chooses to get the flu shot. Personal choice. 

Covid One Nine hit like a tornado. There was little to no warning and the effects have been devastating to the entire world. It came from Wuhan China and rolled across the entire planet very quickly killing hundreds of thousands of people. And nobody knew how to respond to it. Somehow in the United States we picked an octogenarian who used to be an expert on the AIDS epidemic to lead the effort to stop the spread of the virus. President Trump should have looked for someone younger and more studious. One thing became clear immediately and that is that Dr. Fauci had no idea how to deal with this virus or what it even was. 

There were a lot of ideas that were discussed in the beginning. Among them were 'Social Distancing' and wearing a mask everywhere we went. The mask is just like those used by doctors and nurses in hospitals and doctor's offices. It's a white patch of some cotton like material that is held against a person't face by elastic bands that go around the person's ears. An entire cottage industry immediately sprang up with people producing surgical masks out of various types of material and with different designs on them to make them look a little less dreary. I just tied a bandana around my face bank robber style. Most states passed emergency statutes making it illegal to go out without wearing a mask. Most businesses were forced to close their doors and the reaction from Dr. Fauci caused a general panic to grip the nation. 

President Trump was able to assemble a team of scientists who  created a vaccine in a very short period of time which had never been done before. It was called 'Operation Warp Speed' and the vaccination was available before he left office. Even before the election. The virus struck around December, 2019 and people were getting vaccinated by September of 2020. During his election campaign Uncle Joe said President Trump wasn't doing anything at all to stop the spread of Covid 19. He also called the President a racist when he imposed a travel ban on anyone from China. Both statements were absurd lies. Most lies are bad, but Uncle Joe knew he was lying and he knew he was lying about something that was very important. When he was asked what he would do differently than President Trump he said he "Would do everything differently. I'd act, I wouldn't just do nothing like our current president is doing..." Then he named all of the things President Trump was doing and said that was his plan from the beginning and President didn't have any strategy at all and that was dangerous. 

Reasonable people can disagree I suppose about whether or not he was lying or just misinformed, but the fact that he is a fool is well documented. He wants to allow men in women's sports, restrooms and locker rooms. That is a stupid idea. He wants to waste trillions of dollars combating 'Climate Change' which isn't even happening. At least not in any alarming way. The truth is that the climate does change and there's nothing any of us can do to stop it. He can't remember the names of his own cabinet members. And he supports those misguided dopes across the country who want to 'defund the police' whatever that means. I'd like to know who brushes his teeth. I think his teeth are probably the reason people voted for him. He might be a misguided fool, or worse, but he has great looking teeth.

And today he was speaking to a group of people about how important it is for everyone to get vaccinated, ending his pathetic speech by saying, "I promise you the vaccine is safe."

Most of us have an uncle who we wouldn't trust with any sort of task at all. A complete incompetent no matter how much we may love him otherwise we just recognize that he is an untrustworthy fool. Now we have one for President.

Please don't do us any favors Uncle Joe. If you want to help stay in your house, or the White House, just stay out of sight and keep your mouth shut. When Uncle Joe speaks he not only embarrasses himself, he embarrasses everyone in this country. 

I hope people will get vaccinated even though Uncle Joe made that promise. You're right if you think he's a liar, but you need the vaccine. Get the shot. Put the entire process on Youtube. Have fun with it and hope and pray we survive four years of Uncle Joe Biden and his gang of misfits. I don't know if the vaccine is safe and you can bet your most prized possession that President Biden doesn't know. I don't even know if he's vaccinated. I saw somebody give him an injection of something but I don't know what was in that syringe. The virus does seem to be slowing down and the vaccination might have something to do with that. 

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