Friday, June 4, 2021

Black Lives Matter?

 If you like celebrating terrorist organizations then by all means give generously to the Black Lives Matter organization. Don't ask them what they've done to help the black community though. People who ask that are labeled racists and kicked out of the building. The organizers of BLM couldn't care less about black lives unless there is a lot of money to be made. They intimidated elected officials into making George Floyd the poster boy for their organization. George Floyd was a criminal. A two bit hood. If he had been Irish-American instead of black his death would have gone unnoticed.

For some reason there is a lot of money to be made from White Guilt. I don't have that. I haven't experienced 'White Privilege' either. I witness black privilege every time a black criminal gets killed by the police. They loot stores and set them on fire. They block traffic frequently dragging people out of their cars and beating them senseless. And the police stand there, sometimes at arms length, and do nothing. And I don't blame them. If they accidentally kill a rioter they may go to prison. I used the words 'black criminal' deliberately, How many people know the names Amber Guyger or Gotham Jean? 

Amber Guyger was a white female police officer in Texas. She was going home one night after completing her tour of duty with the police department when she accidentally walked into the wrong apartment. I have no idea how she became that disoriented but it gets much worse. As she entered someone else's apartment she was the occupant eating something at his table and shot him dead. Somewhere shortly after she realized she wasn't in her apartment, but that of her downstairs neighbor. She stood trial and was found guilty of murder and received a ten year prison sentence. Some people think ten years is not enough and I would be comfortable with a life sentence since I doubt she will live long enough to complete her ten year sentence. Where was the Black Lives Matter movement during the trial of Amber Guyger? How come Gotham's life didn't matter? He wasn't a criminal, he certainly wasn't doing anything wrong. He was eating something in his own apartment. And he had a good job and he wasn't fighting the police or being a public nuisance. The only heroes of the BLM movement are those who have criminal records and get themselves killed. Obviously BLM didn't think  his life was worth the trouble. The mother of Travis Crane stood in front of the courthouse complaining about justice for her son. Crane was a criminal who had an arrest warrant and tried to get away from the police when they caught up with him. He ran over a police officer before being shot. His shooting was not an accident, he was using his car as a weapon against the police and they shot him. His race didn't matter, his actions did. Luckily for the people in Arlington Texas Black Lives Matter didn't care about Travis Crane either. They must have aleady reached their quota of shake down money when he got himself killed. 

Everyone's life is precious and should we should all respect each other. Unfortunately in this country there is a large community that believes since there was slavery here for awhile, and Jim Crow laws in the Deep South we should all feel guilty. We abolished slavery after a violent civil war in which hundreds of thousands of individuals died, and eventually we were able to put an end to Jim Crow laws in the Deep South. 

Some misguided people in this country keep saying over and over again that we should be punished even more than we've already paid. They claim that the USA is a violent and racist country and that there is no opportunity here for black people. We need to emphasize that we have made tremendous progress in this country in the area of race relations and it's time to move on. There is no such thing as white privilege in this country and 'woke' is one of the stupidest words malcontents have ever come up with. 

With very few exceptions people who are killed by the police did a lot to contribute to their own deaths. When BLM celebrates people like George Floyd or Travis Crane we need to shout from the rafters that criminals get what they deserve no matter what race they happen to be. There shouldn't be any 'race' privilege in America. The fact is that anyone of any race or background can succeed in this country, the greatest country in the history of the world. 

Why is it so hard for some black people to obey the law? I don't really care. People from all races commit crimes and get killed by the police. The only difference is that when a black person gets killed by the police, no matter why it happened, the police are guilty until proven innocent and frequently people riot and break windows, steal things, block traffic, the usual except now a lot of white people are starting to participate, after all why should black be the only people taking home free TV's and other appliances and expensive clothing?

I can see it already. Black people will soon be complaining about the police not beating them for burning and looting stores and generally acting foolish and committing crimes; white people are also involved in the burning, looting, and shooting, that's why the police don't do anything about it anymore. If the police weren't racists they would arrest the white people and ignore the crimes committed by people from other races!

There shouldn't be any racial strife in this country and the American people should have no tolerance for groups like 'Black Lives Matter.' If you're experiencing white guilt the best thing to do is get over it. Treat everyone with respect and live a happy life. 

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