Saturday, June 12, 2021


Basically critical race theory is a waste of time if you try to teach it to a bunch of children in the public school system from kindergarten to 12th grade. It is a theory that has not been fully baked and there is no way a cadre of kids between the ages of 5 and seventeen can grasp it. If it belongs anywhere it would be on college campuses where it can be studied by a group of young adults who have 8-10 hours a week to spend on it. 

And honestly it doesn't make a lot of sense. It is based on the premise that America is a racist country and always will be until who knows? Just the hypothesis that we live in a racist country can be proven false, and has been thousands of times over the seventy years. The United States of America is an integrated country made up of people from countries all over the world. We need a common language, but we also need to respect people who speak English as a second language. Embracing friendship will be far more beneficial to our country than celebrating our differences. It's true that we all see things in a slightly different way and integrating different points of view can help us find the best solutions to problems that we face and problem solving is what will make us stronger. There are people here from all over the world and they bring a rich heritage of traditions that can be lots of fun for many people and celebrating those traditions can be relaxing and beneficial in a variety of ways, but that is not the same as celebrating our differences. It isn't the same as celebrating diversity either. We need to celebrate inclusivity. The USA also has some very rich traditions. The most important of which is the reverence for individual liberty. 

Our Constitution wasn't written to hobble the individual it was written to hobble the government. In the USA there is no ruling class. We elect people to serve us. We have a governing body that answers to us, 'We the People'. We don't answer to them and if they forget that we have the opportunity to fire them every two, four, and six years. We don't get our rights from any individual, but from our Creator. I've studied Critical Race Theory intently and it looks like most of the 'experts' have their own opinion about it. It certainly isn't a theory that can be taught in elementary school or even high school. 

Its main focus does seem to be on teaching white people not to be so white. It is meant to divide us into small entities based on our race. Critical Race Theory wants us to believe that America is hopelessly racist and the best way to fix that is for everyone to live in separate areas based on our race. The worst race being white people. 

It seems to me that CRT belongs on the ash heap of many other stupid theories. There is no foundation for any of its assertions and most of it is demonstrably false just on its face.  Be kind to each other. Respect each other and help each other. That will get us much farther in life than any theory based on suspicion and hate. 


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