Tuesday, August 29, 2023


In any investigation by a law enforcement body there always has to be a presumption of innocence. The first ten amendments to the Constitution deal with the rights of individuals. It was written to protect all of us from being abused by corrupt police officers and other investigators or government officials. 

The First Amendment deals with our right to freedom of expression. We can say just about anything we want, especially when complaining about the actions of a government official or a government process such as the way an election is conducted. There are laws that govern everything government officials are supposed to do. One of the things they are prohibited from doing is telling people they are not allowed to protest against an official or a government process. And what they are doing today is criminalizing protest against the results of an election because it looks like the election was tampered with.

The Fourth Amendment prohibits police officers from arbitrarily searching people to look for contraband. That included your person, vehicle, home, office, and a variety of other places. They can't even search your garbage without your permission or a warrant signed by a judge. And today the Biden Department of Justice and FBI are lying to federal judges so they will sign bogus warrants to search Donald Trump's home and offices.  

The Fifth Amendment tells all law enforcement officers from every law enforcement organization that they cannot force you to testify against yourself in court. It also offers other protections that include being held in confinement for long periods of time for the purpose of wearing a person down to the point where they would confess to just about anything. It also states an accused person has the right to the presence of a lawyer whenever the accused person is being interrogated. 

The Sixth Amendment guarantees an accused person the right to a speedy trial. The police can't lock a person up for months or years until they schedule a trial date. 

The Seventh Amendment says we have the right to be tried by a jury and not just a judge.

The Eighth Amendment guarantees that we cannot be tortured or subjected to cruel or unusual punishment.

The Ninth Amendment guarantees the right to privacy; government officials cannot spy on us without approval from a judge.

As you can see the first seven amendments specifically prohibit any government entity from taking away an individual's rights. Those who wrote the Constitution made sure Americans were protected from government officials who would abuse the authority of their office. It is a concept uniquely American and it is still valid today. Madison was right, if men were angels there would be no need for government. If only that could be the case. People have been governed by the forces of good and evil since the days of Adam and Eve. And people have been taking sides since then as well. Today it seems that most people in the United States are only thinking in terms of Republican or Democrat instead of right and wrong and what is good for everyone. Lack of leadership in America today is astonishing and the debate is increasingly centered on patriotism. Democrats view patriotism as a bad thing, preferring to pledge allegiance to a non existent One World Government, over the United States of America. They say America is a racist and a selfish country and only racists and power hungry people would insist on pledging their allegiance to a country with such a violent history. 

Democrats have wrested control of just about every university in the country and the democrat party has abandoned it's liberal roots in favor of a more totalitarian view. Examples are many including abortion, homosexuality (especially gender transition therapies), respect for law and order, pornography (especially in elementary schools), and others. In their efforts to kill freedom of speech in America democrats have twisted deeply held religious values into purely political principles. In my view the Holy Bible, both testaments, condemns homosexuality very clearly. It also condemns all other forms of sexual impurity; not just homosexuality. If I say that sexual impurity is a sin while at the place where I work some of the people with whom I work will laugh at me and call me old fashion or a prude, but there is little chance of being fired for saying it. 

That all changes with homosexuals. If I say I believe there are only two genders I'm taking a real chance of at least not being able to promote and move up in the organization, but if I take a stand against men actually attempting to change their gender I will find myself out on the street looking for another job. The government is forcing photographers, disc jockeys, florists, and people who run bakeries and  many other occupations to participate in homosexual marriages, ignoring their right to freedom of worship. No government should ever be allowed to tell an individual they have to do something they consider a sin and enforce their will at bayonet point, but is what is happening. Soon it will be a crime for a minister of religion to refuse to perform a same sex 'marriage'. A few artisans have closed their shop rather than be forced to participate in the government imposed religion, but most need to stay in business so they go ahead a participate under muted protest. 

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." That's a partial quote from the First Amendment. It seems to me that when the government forces people to participate in an activity that is prohibited by their rightly held religious beliefs it has established a religion. And Congress hasn't established such a law, the Supreme Court has. There have been two times the Supreme Court has illegally usurped it's power in my lifetime. First was when they passed a law making abortion legal in all fifty states, and second, when they created a national religion. Just like the courts now are supporting, and possibly even encouraging their use as legitimate political tools against the opposition party. Today we are witnessing the illegitimate use of criminal courts to keep a popular political candidate from running for office. It is painfully obvious that each time there is a report unfavorable about Hunter or President Biden in the news the very next day, or very soon thereafter there is another action taken against Donald Trump. The goal appears obvious to me; to keep Donald Trump from campaigning for president of the United States. 

It is obvious to me that the Democrat party is falling apart and the Republican party isn't far behind. That is the reason why Donald Trump is being persecuted the way he is; the leadership of both parties despise him because he is not part of the Washington Swamp. He is a solid outsider who thinks for himself and couldn't care less about party affiliation. For him the country comes first and that's the main reason I support Donald Trump for president. Contrary to the charges against him, he is probably the most honest politician I know of today. And that is another reason they hate him. He's not afraid of the way people see him. He speaks his mind and as he said himself if people don't like him they won't vote for him. And it is that simple. 

That is why the democrats are so afraid of him; he can't be bought. Their candidate is a proven liar, he is weak, he sells his influence to others for money, he is a despicable person. About the only way for Joe Biden to beat Donald Trump is by cheating, and traditional methods of cheating are becoming less reliable. They can no longer depend on the Black vote to get them what they want. Accusing Republican Black people of being Uncle Toms is not as damaging as it used to be. The truth is that democrats have become experts at election interference. Possibly the greatest example of Republican interference would be Richard Nixon and his handling of the Watergate issue. And how did that turn out? Nixon resigned rather than put the country through a divisive impeachment and possible criminal trial. Republicans used to put country first, today I'm not so sure. For at least the last seventy years democrats have been registering dead people and household pets to vote. They have also been very effective at driving busloads of people to the polls to vote and pressuring them to vote democrat all the way there. Those forms of election interference are less reliable than they used to be so here we are today. 

Barak Obama appointed cabinet members based on their loyalty to him, country came second, if at all. That stopped when Donald Trump took office. Of course he wanted people to be loyal to him, but he always wanted the country to come first. And Joe Biden has weaponized government even more effectively than Obama did. I will always believe that it was supposed to be Hillary Clinton's job to complete the destruction of America. Obama was able to appoint three Supreme Court justices who were hostile to the Constitution and Hillary would have been able to appoint three more justices who were also hostile to the Constitution and that would have effectively doomed our Constitutional Republic and with it America. It was supposed to be a bloodless coup, I'm not at all sure it would have been bloodless though. There almost certainly would have been small groups of people around the country who would have done something violent to prove their patriotism and try to save our country. I believe that's what democrats wanted so they could paint those individuals as Republican extremists and continue to portray members of the Republican party as anti America thus, they hoped, forever weakening the influence of the GOP and paving the way for them to impose a monarchy. By electing Donald Trump we literally saved America for at least a few more years.  

Hamstrung by the loss of the Supreme Court, democrats are using the power of the top federal law enforcement officials in the land to twist any political statement at all into a criminal conspiracy. And some district attorneys are doing the same thing, many of whom under the direction of the Department of Justice. They will do whatever it takes to ensure that democrats remain in power. The goal is no longer to strengthen the nation. The goal now is to control the nation and everything and everyone in it. When Donald Trump accused James Comey and others of treason he wasn't that far off. There may not have been enough evidence to get a conviction in court since it is such a serious charge, but what else to you say about people who take an oath to defend the Constitution then violate that oath in an effort to prevent a person they don't like from running for president? I'd call subverting the Constitution treason.  

There have been constant attacks against the Constitution almost from the beginning and two hundred and fifty years seems to be about the most any civilization can stand. This is one of the very few governments instituted by a freedom loving people designed to serve all of the people and not just the ruling class minority. About a hundred and sixty years ago we fought a brutal, bloody and costly civil war because democrats thought they could destroy the Union and now they want to give it another try. Like I've said before they will lose again and America will be safe once more for at least another century and a half.

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