Sunday, August 27, 2023


Things are heating up in public schools again. Summer must be over and once again parents across the nation are protesting the waste of valuable school time explaining to children five to ten years old the importance of accepting homosexual relationships. In Montgomery Maryland recently parents were not allowed to attend a school board meeting where the members of the board were planning the best way to include the importance of valuing homosexual relationships over traditional relationships. Obviously some parents are concerned about the LBGTQXYZYADAYADAYADA community forcing their agenda on small children in public schools. 

And why shouldn't they be? Why should the alpha bits community be treated any differently than the rest of the community. We should be teaching kids to respect each other because we need to help one another and learn to work well in a group setting and solve problems together. The alphabet soup community wants to create problems and that is not helpful. For example; how many five year olds do you suppose care about the make up of everybody's family? Why do we even use phrases like traditional family, or lgbtyaketysmakedy families? As much as homosexuals think they are the most important thing in the universe maybe we need to grow a little backbone and let them know that they are no better than anybody else. Homosexuals who have children need to teach their children respect for others the same as any other family. 

Act like you're normal and try to accept yourself for who you are and nobody is going to care who you are married to. There certainly is no need to waste valuable time trying to tell kindergartners how important it is to be nice to their friends who have two daddies or two mommies. Anyone who knows anything about kids knows that if a kindergartner has a grudge against a classmate it ain't got nothin' to do the kids parents. Kindergartners don't think about other kid's parents unless their forced to by ignorant educators with a chip on their shoulder. 

And teachers, school board members, and administrators should have more important business to tend to than forcing their political agenda onto children in elementary schools. It is probable that small children are learning any anti LLLLLGGGGGBBBBTTTTT+++++ bias at home and that is most likely fueled by the anger the homosexual community creates when they attempt to force their propaganda onto kids who couldn't care less and have no need to.   

For some reason school boards, educators, and administrators seem to think that teaching kids to read and write in school is a radical idea. A lot of us never studied education at the university, but we still somehow figured out that teaching kids to read and write should be the primary goal of public or any other schools. When parents are barred from attending a school board meeting where the topic is about homosexuals' special rights what do you think they are going to be talking about at the dinner table? It isn't going to be about how important it is to give homosexuals preferential treatment at school. At the dinner table when tempers are still hot, kids might even hear some words they probably would never hear mommy and daddy say if they hadn't been provoked to anger by ignorant homosexual activists. When are teachers going to learn how to put their cognitive reasoning abilities to good use? 

Something to think about. It is possible that those people who want to force all of us to worship at the LGBT++++++++ alter are their own worst enemy? They are outnumbered and probably their best tactic is to teach their kids how to get along with other kids and stop worrying so much about a lifestyle they've chosen to live and even they aren't all the way comfortable about it. 

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