Saturday, August 26, 2023


They finally did it. Democrats have raised the stakes to a dangerous level. They rarely think about the consequences of their actions and their arrogance is going to destroy this great nation. You won't hear it from them, but the United States of America is the greatest nation in the world's history. It is worth saving and building upon, but democrats want to destroy it. And now they've resorted to a tactic that is so dirty that the struggle will only escalate to new heights. I don't know why they've only arrested him four times. Why not twenty? or fifty? 

Democrats are cheering each other and dancing in the streets. They think they've stopped Donald J. Trump from running for president. Some of them really seem to believe that Donald Trump is going to prison. If he does somehow end up in prison he will not only be the first former president to be wrongfully arrested, convicted and sentenced, he will be the first former president to be elected again while serving his sentence and the first president to receive a presidential pardon while serving in office from a prison cell. All they are doing is adding momentum to a growing cause; rally around Donald Trump. I'll be wearing my Trump shirt all over the place. I don't like dirty politics but I'm used to the usual lying and mud slinging. I don't like it but both sides do it. Until now. This is not mud slinging, this is trying to put a man in prison for life for crimes that were never even committed just to keep one man from campaigning. 

It simply isn't right. Not only that but it's dangerous in just about every way. We need to be able to have faith in federal law enforcement officers, but people like James Comey and Christopher Wray, and others at the top of the FBI, have destroyed that trust and it's going to be hard to get it back. Today Christopher Wray testified at a congressional hearing that he didn't know if there were any FBI assets present in the mob that stormed the Capitol Building on January 6th 2021. Two years after the event, and hundreds of arrests later, he claims to know nothing about what his office is calling an attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America. Kind of sounds like Joe Biden claiming to have no knowledge of his idiot kids business dealings with other countries. 

He probably doesn't know that Donald Trump is getting arrested every other day either. The worst part is that they are fanning the fires of discontent that are building all across the country. Fortunately America is a Second Amendment state and about a hundred million Americans own firearms. If we can marshal about three hundred thousand armed crazy people and storm the prison where Trump is being kept they won't be able to arrest all of us. If we are successful in taking over a military base and a couple of major cities people will back us. And I am not talking about an insurrection, not by a long shot. I'm talking about the Declaration of Independence. Democrats know it as 'the thing'. 

We won't be overthrowing the government, we'll be restoring it. Dusting off the Constitution and using it, studying it and rebuilding America. Nobody wants that except democrats, and a few loony bins in the mountains and deserts who don't know what they are. They will be hard to control too. That is what democrats are working up to when they do stupid things like trying to make an honest disagreement look like a conspiracy to commit some sort of crime. All they have is statements that are based on rumor and not fact, no physical evidence, very little eye witness testimony, and none of that is reliable. I admit Donald Trump does scare people. He get's things done and politicians and bureaucrats hate that. They'll talk about a problem for years and finally decide to think about it a little longer. 

Not so Mr. Trump. He'll think about a problem for a few minutes, a few hours if it's complex, and then make a decision about how to handle and much to the horror of Washington bureaucrats, he'll order them to fix the problem and tell them how to do it. He doesn't tolerate people who can't get a job done. Especially when they've got all the resources in the world to do it. So he is dangerous. People have been killed for being exactly like Trump. Bureaucrats don't look like much, but when they get scared they can be dangerous. Bureaucrats will shoot you in the back then scurry back to the comfort of their little cubby holes. 

So the sheriff of Fulton County Georgia, Patrick Labat, a spiteful little man, is trying to make a reputation for himself by actually taking a mug shot of Donald Trump and making sure everyone in the world can see it. It's an act of cowardice really. He didn't catch Donald Trump and Donald Trump didn't commit any crime. Donald Trump was ordered to show up and that's what he did. All Patty did was try to embarrass Trump as much as he could. He succeeded in embarrassing himself. What an idiot. Besides being a former president of the United States, he is also a candidate for the presidency. The stupidest person in Georgia would tell you that the only reason Trump is being arrested is to keep him from campaigning. That's it. I can hardly wait for the trial to begin so I can watch those so-called prosecutors make fools of themselves. I'm having a hard time believing they are actually taking it this far. 

When Donald Trump wins the election in 2024 democrats better start looking for the exit signs and maybe even leave the country because they are probably guilty of real crimes. Like conspiracy to interfere with an election by make repeated false arrests of a political candidate, lying to Congress, filing false affidavits, taking bribes from the leaders of foreign countries and lots of other juicy stuff. Donald Trump is not a man to forget people who have been good to him and he is not afraid to show his gratitude, and he will not forget people who tried to see to it that he died in a prison after being arrested multiple times on false charges just to keep him from being able to campaign against their candidate, who really is a corrupt mobster. 

Mr. Trump will not wait until after the inauguration either. He's probably putting together a team right now of people who will go after the Biden crime syndicate so the day after he is inaugurated he can start rounding up all those people who tried to ruin his life just because he belonged to the opposition party. And it's going to be fun to watch. They not only arrested him multiple times, they plastered his mug shot all over the world. Look at that face; he is going to go after them like Hurricane Trump and I'll by that shirt too. He warned them, "If you hit me, you better put me down, because I will be coming after you." 

I hear you prez and I'm with you. I will be voting for Donald Trump in 2024 and I really hope he wins. I will be paying close attention to these personal vendetta cowardly tribunals disguised as trials as well. None of those prosecutors have the ability to stand up against a team of solid, keen, well dressed, eager and enthusiastic lawyers. Don't forget aggressive. If those democrat hack prosecutors had any sense they'd be scared already, but there's not much chance of that. Wait for the trial and watch them make fools of themselves then stand by for a wave of Congressional hearings. There will be plenty of scared democrats trying to lie to Congress and landing themselves in the prison they thought they had reserved for Trump. 

This is a dark day for America and a new Revolution may well be coming in the very near future. It may be necessary to take serious action protect moms and dads from being arrested at school board meetings by over zealous police officers who become confused about a parents Constitutional rights after they've been labelled 'Domestic Terrorists' by the FBI for objecting to teachers telling first graders all about anal sex, and stocking school libraries with pornographic materials. Another democrat felony is teaching your children that there are only two genders; female and male. Parents have become such a pain in the rear end. They insist on getting involved in their child's education in public schools. How dare they interfere with a curriculum that has been put together by professional teachers? What do parents know about education anyway? Butt out! 

Donald Trump is becoming a folk hero and ya gotta love it. Arrest him for committing hundreds of crimes worth hundreds of years in prison and watch his popularity soar. Take a mug shot of him during one of your beloved 'perp walk' tours and propel him into the White House. We used to wonder who was going to win the election. Thanks to stupid democrat paid prosecutors Biden can start packn' things up. If he lives long enough to lose the election, face it his health is deteriorating fast, he will be moving out shortly after election day 2024. 

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