Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Joan of Arc

I don't know the origin of feminism, but I think the period leading up to the year 1430 AD is far enough. That is the year a nineteen year old young woman was burned to death by the British for heresy. She was betrayed by French countrymen with whom she fought for the liberation of France from British rule. The crime she for which she was convicted was heresy, a crime against the rules of her church and they reached that bizarre conclusion because she wore men's clothes while wielding a sword and presumably killing British soldiers, in defense of France. In court she defended herself with elegance and bravery, often stumping members of the court who were bombarding her with trick questions. 

She made them agree to ask her questions one at a time and answered a trick question with an honest and direct answer. "Are you in God's grace?" One of them asked, hoping she would respond either "Yes" or "No." If it was yes she would be guilty of heresy for claiming to know the mind of God, if no she would be admitting she lied about seeing visions from heavenly visitors and would still be convicted. Her answer was that if she was not in God's grace then she hoped He would put her there and if she was in His grace she hoped to remain there. In the end she was convicted and sentenced to death and burned at the stake. Joan of Arc was a great example of a brave and virtuous woman.

Now we are almost six hundred years after that event and where are the women of courage today? There are some. Women are under attack throughout the world mostly by other women. Transgender is a term used to describe a person who has changed his or her gender from a man to a woman, or a woman to a man. And that is allowing men to dominate every aspect of being a woman. Men are being named 'Woman of the Year', they are taking first place awards in women's sports and they are being treated like women. Organizations that used to protect women, the National Organization for Women being the most obvious are telling women to get tougher and stop complaining; a transgender woman is the same as a woman. Except it isn't. How many transgender women are winning awards in men's sports? None. 

There are at least four fairly well known women advocating for women's rights today. They haven't formed an organization yet, but it is all but inevitable that they will soon. Inga Thompson a very successful bicyclist who has won national and international attention as a multiple gold medalist in the Olympic games and a list of national championships as well. She is advocating that if there is a man competing in a women's sport when the starter pistol is fired all women take a knee. Recently a man won a women's cycling event and when he stood on the winners podium to receive his medal on center stage the two women he beat in the race obediently took their places on the losers podiums flanking him. They were the true first and second place winners and the victory rightfully belonged to one of them and because they wanted to be 'good sports' so they played along. 

Hannah Arensman would probably like to be a good sport too, but she also likes to win prizes in women's sporting events. She works hard and trains to win, but she can't compete against men. Her last race she was a fourth place finisher. First place went to a man, second to a woman, third to a man, and the person in fifth place was also a man. Three of the first five to finish the race were men. That is actually heart breaking, but progressives and democrats don't have a heart. They don't care about women who work and train long hours to hone their skills only to have their efforts ignored by race officials who think we should be more compassionate to people who don't know their own gender. 

Riley Gaines is another notable woman trying to save women's sports and suffering a lot of criticism for her belief that men should not be allowed to compete in women's sports or change clothes in the women's locker room. What a loser she is. Carrie Prejean Boller has joined the fight along with another podcaster named Britt Mayer. Their detractors are saying they have no compassion, they're mean people for wanting to exclude men from women's sports. The rationale for the criticism is that men who go through transgender therapies really are women. It's not just in their head, they are actually women and anyone who can't see that is guilty of hate speech. 

These women are modern day equivalents of Joan of Arc. There are few things more dangerous in America today than going against progressive dogma and these brave women are taking that chance. The United States of America is no longer a nation that celebrates freedom of speech. You can say whatever you want but you better be prepared to suffer the penalty. It really is time to stop being good sports. If a man is participating in a women's sporting event not a single woman should participate. I sympathize with the plight of female athletes, but the fight really does belong to them. They can go back to the days of high school home economics class and knitting needles or they can band together and reclaim their place in the sports world. I will back them anyway I can, but if they lack the courage to fight for themselves I'd be wasting my time. 


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