Sunday, August 13, 2023

INDICTMENTS EVERYWHERE, but where's the evidence?

What I'm asking is not where is the evidence that will be presented in court, that's a separate issue and will be presented in court if any of these cases make it that far, which is kind of doubtful since during pretrial motions the prosecution is going to have very little to say, although he will most likely repeat what little there is in about a hundred different ways and include photographs. The evidence just isn't there. And any lower court anti Trump judge who decides that rumor, innuendo and interpretations of public statements is good enough is going to be overturned eventually in the legal process. The lynching democrats are praying for may not even see the inside of a court room until after Donald Trump has served his next two terms and is playing golf in his nineties and then the case will either be dismissed, thrown out by the Supreme Court, or will result in an acquittal. What I'm waiting to find out is what evidence is there that there was even a crime committed? During the thirty six years I investigated crimes we had to have some information that led us to believe that a crime had occurred before opening an investigation. There had to be reason to believe that some sort of damage had been done, or injury inflicted, or if something was stolen what was actually missing? In a burglary there is often a broken door frame or window. If someone conspires with someone to commit a crime there has to be at least two people involved and a specific crime has to have been discussed and planned. 

In all three cases involving Donald Trump the allegations focus on theories of discussions Trump may or may not have had. There hasn't been any mention of specific damages suffered by anyone. He hasn't lied to anyone or refused to cooperate with any investigators. They say he lied, but there is always the question in any reasonable person's mind; what did he lie about? The most recent case of a president being accused of a crime was Bill Clinton. He was never criminally prosecuted, but the judge had him disbarred for lying under oath about his relationship with Monica Lewinski. Bill Clinton lied under oath and was never criminally prosecuted, but sanctioned by a judge who reluctantly had his law license suspended knowing that he was never going to have to work a day in his life again. Even knowing Clinton had committed a serious crime the judge was willing to help him avoid a criminal conviction which she knew was inevitable since the evidence proving his guilt was overwhelming. Friends paid all of his legal fees and the source of his immense wealth will forever be a mystery. History has shown that people who might know something that could embarrass the Clintons get killed. And apparently there is little to no investigation into those deaths since they all remain unsolved. 

The list of dead bodies in the Clinton's wake is very long. Being a confidante of the Clintons can be very dangerous evidently. It is my belief, based partly on news reports which are not always accurate, that their latest victim was Jeffery Epstein. Jeff was a pervert and a child abuser and a friend of Bill Clintons. His arrest made him vulnerable, but there are other reasons for my belief that Epstein was targeted. Multiple women have testified that Bill Clinton sexually attacked them. He abused Monika Lewinsky while she was a White House intern and of course he lied about it and was later proven to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. 

Multiple people have stated that Clinton was a frequent visitor to Epstein's Sin Island. The fact that apparently he was never listed on the passenger manifest of the now infamous jet affectionately known by the perverts who used it for transportation to their island paradise as the 'Lolita Express' is obvious to me; he was no doubt a paying customer and as a former president of the United States whose wife still had political ambitions his identity had to be protected. Most leaders of the democrat party condone sex trafficking. Not openly of course, but with a wink and a nod. It is a fact that sex slaves are brought into the USA every day yet democrats refuse to even investigate people who are crossing illegally into the United States even though we know those are the people who are forcing women and children into forced servitude. Bill Clinton has reportedly been seen aboard the Lolita Express multiple times and the main reason for visiting Little St. James Island is to sexually abuse under age girls. 

Epstein had the ability to conceal the identity of several famous people who did not want to be publicly embarrassed by having their association with him made public. And Bill Clinton had Secret Service protection. While in custody in federal prison in New York City Epstein was found dead in his cell, supposedly he killed himself. Unfortunately the surveillance cameras that covered his cell were turned off. And the guards who were supposed to be monitoring him failed to make their scheduled rounds to make sure he was ok. There is no evidence to prove who killed him. I don't care all that much it's just another example of the feds failing to do their job. 

What I'm talking about is allegations of real crimes with real evidence and reasonable suspicion that real evidence was destroyed or overlooked. In the indictments against Donald Trump there isn't even a reason to believe that any crimes were committed. Not by Donald trump. There is lots of evidence to show that the heads of the FBI and DOJ committed crimes. When Trump announced that he was running for president democrats immediately began floating the rumor that he was a man of poor character who travelled to Moscow, Russia, and hosted parties with prostitutes who he paid to do all sorts of sordid things, among which was giving him a 'golden shower'. I'd never heard of a 'golden shower' before and didn't know what that was. Reading further I learned that democrats were claiming that he paid the prostitutes to urinate on him and on each other. Those rumors were false, and worse democrats and alleged 'reporters' knew they were false when they spread them. Only a democrat would knowingly come up with a story that foul and that bizarre. Only a democrat would perpetuate such a story in an attempt to ruin an innocent man's reputation just to win an election. 

If I new something like that were true I might use it in a political campaign. For one thing it would show not only a very depraved character, but a man who would be that careless and stupid should never be trusted to be the President of the United States. Democrat leaders are blatantly reckless with the truth, their followers are what I call knee jerk democrats. Party leaders claim they are all about civil rights and women's rights, and pro abortion of course. They have lulled themselves into believing that all Republicans are racists, and anti women, and of course homophobic so Republicans must be bad people. They don't even notice that there has been some compromise in the areas of abortion and protections for homosexuals. They refuse to admit that Republicans were alone in the civil rights movement when democrats voted against every civil rights legislation that was voted on. It was the Republican Party that freed the slaves. And the Republicans, along with a few notable democrats in Washington D.C., pushed forward civil rights bills in the sixties and seventies. 

Democrats brought us the Ku Klux Klan and the welfare state. Orval Faubus, democrat governor of Arkansas, possibly favored civil rights for Black Americans. He appointed some Black Americans to the democrat state committee. That move brought him a lot of grief from his democrat constituents who accused him of opposing their efforts to deprive Black people of their civil fights. The United States Supreme Court had just ruled on the case of Brown v Board of Education that all public schools had to be desegregated and democrats were furious. Then one of their governors appointed six Black people to a state committee. How could this possibly happen? In true democrat fashion it didn't take long for Faubus to abandon his principles and call out the Arkansas National Guard to make sure no Black students were allowed to enter a Whites Only public school in Little Rock.

There were nine Black students who wanted to attend the White school. They weren't trouble makers, they were scared to death, but the public schools for Black kids didn't have adequate plumbing or electric lights. They were substandard in every way. Students had to share worn out books and suffer unsanitary conditions generally, all they wanted was a decent education and now the Supreme Court was offering them the chance to achieve that.

Democrats weren't having it. The National Guard in full uniform and armed with semi automatic rifles with bayonets affixed were called to action by the governor who was determined not to do what he apparently believed he was right, but to save his political future, and his political power, which even today is all democrats really care about. All those nine kids wanted to do was attend a decent school. And all democrats wanted to do was prevent that from happening. President Eisenhower, a Republican, contacted the governor by telephone and tried to reason with him and get him to not only do what was right, but to follow the law (something else democrats today still reject). 

When the governor refused to order the Arkansas National Guard to stand down, President Eisenhower, a Republican, activated the United States Army, calling out elements the 101st Airborne Division to escort those nine Black students to the school. The current leader of the democrat party, a doddering old fool named Joe Biden, likes to brag about how he bribed a foreign leader with a billion tax dollars to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor he didn't like because the prosecutor was investigating a company that was paying his son millions of dollars so they could use the Biden name. He says he gave them a dead line to meet and, quoting Biden, "Son of a Bitch they fired him!" 

Similarly the Arkansas National Guard stood down as the 101st Airborne units arrived and escorted those nine scared students to the school. I guess I'm deranged since I see power and dignity in enforcing civil rights laws in the South. I see cowardice and shame in an American vice president bullying the leader of a foreign government into halting the investigation of a company so they would keep sending the American vice president's son millions of dollars. 

The reports used against Donald Trump that were designed to impugn his character were false. Democrats knew they were false because they hired a former member of British intelligence to write them. The top officials of the FBI knew they were false and used them pretending to have confidence in their content. The leadership of the FBI also knowingly lied to federal court judges in order to get warrants allowing them to employ electronic surveillance techniques against the Trump campaign. They also paid people inside the campaign to dig up dirt against candidate Trump. As far as I've been able to find out the FBI has never engaged in such a treasonous act before. 

I know treason is a very serious thing to charge the head of the FBI with but he was actively engaged in helping a political candidate he endorsed win an election by using the power of his office to get judges to allow him to spy on a political candidate. The Director was purposely manipulating the political system in order to get the outcome he wanted, thwarting the ability of the voters to make an informed decision about who they should vote for. The Director of the FBI also used a report he knew to be false to tell Americans that Candidate Trump was collaborating with the dictator of Russia to get him to help Trump win the election. If that isn't treason then at the very least it is an outrageous abuse of his office and he should have been removed from office as soon as the facts were known. He wasn't. President Trump won the election and democrats were furious. They had cheated in just about every way possible. The election was supposed to be a sure thing, then the unthinkable happened; Donald Trump, a man with no real political experience won the election. 

There were subsequently two sham impeachment hearings. No evidence was presented against President Trump during either proceeding. There were interpretations of statements and outright lies admitted as testimony, statements the democrats knew were false because they knew the report they had paid for was all a lie. It didn't matter to them. What they cared about was keeping their power in tact. They were going to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the president had conspired with a foreign leader, Vladimir Putin, dictator of Russia to ensure that Donald Trump won the election and the reason Putin was going to help was because he hoped to enrich himself from bribes Trump was going to pay him in return for being allowed to build hotels in Russia. They didn't present any evidence at all of the conspiracy and their was not one witness who testified about any collusion, conspiracy, butt kissing, or any other shenanigans. At the end of this very expensive farce only two democrats voted against impeachment while ten Republicans voted for impeachment. The so-called Mueller investigation proved to be a thirty five million dollar fiasco. He embarrassed himself on the stand and democrats should have been ashamed of themselves, but it turns out you cannot embarrass a democrat. Having experienced a complete failure on their part they turned to another avenue; they made up crimes supposedly committed and now they actually want to put Donald Trump in prison for the rest of his life so he can't run for president again. It makes me wonder how long it will be before they resort to assassination as a tool to achieve the outcome they so desperately desire.

And that's why I don't like either party. I've already addressed my feelings about the Republican party several times. There is a small and damaging group of Republicans who are petty and hateful. They all need to put the country first. One of the democrats opposing impeachment had already indicated he was going to change his party affiliation, while the ten Republicans apparently just hated President Trump for not being a career politician and still beating them at the polls. It was obvious that Donald Trump was not guilty of doing any of the things with which he was charged. One of the charges, abuse of power, is completely objective and very poorly defined. If they lose an argument with the president democrats accuse him of abusing his power. The truth is he was doing his job and they disagreed with the decisions he was making. Usually those details are settled on election day, but democrats have never trusted the electorate to make sound election decisions. It's better to lie to them and make them believe things that aren't true than to let them make informed decisions on their own. Truth and facts usually go against things the democrats value most; acquisition and maintenance of power. 

So now the former president is running for president again. Before he announced his candidacy the Federal government left him alone. As soon as he announced he was going to run the Directors of the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation decided he had to be stopped so they looked for something to charge him with. In New York the Manhattan District Attorney charged him with paying hush money to a prostitute, Washington D.C. federal prosecutors have charged him with keeping classified documents at his home, and a Federal Special Counsel has charged him with conspiracy to defraud the government, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, and blah, blah, blah conspiracy. He probably uses the wrong brand of toothpaste too. 

The fact that this has never been done before to any president or former president is a big bright red flag. Worse it's being done in support of a sitting president who barely knows his own name. A sitting president against whom there are serious accusations from credible sources that he is taking bribes from multiple countries who are making deposits into shell companies that distribute millions of dollars to Biden family members including grandchildren. And no one is investigating at all. They are only focused on allegations against Trump who was supposedly engaged in activities that even if true wouldn't constitute a crime. And soon some pseudo law enforcement outfit in Atlanta Georgia is going to charge him with a fourth crime and the local county Sheriff is already bragging that this time in addition to fingerprints they are going to take a mug shot of him. I hope they do. I want that t-shirt, I'll buy a couple dozen of them and wear one just about every day. 

Americans used to hate a bully and Uncle Joe Biden has become a vicious bully; he wants to put a seventy six year old man in prison for life knowing that the man hasn't committed any crime. In the mean time Uncle Joe Biden is probably guilty of bribing the leaders of foreign governments and receiving bribes from multiple sources. There are credible reports that shell companies have been set up for the purpose of hiding the money and making it hard to tell where it is going. Credible investigators have learned that the money has gone to Biden family members. I admit the trail cools a bit here because now we are in Deep State territory and it is difficult to tell who the players are. Deep state is made up of Republicans and democrats and they've put their own people in high places. The Director of the FBI, the Attorney General of the United States, The Commissioner of the IRS, actually every federal organization but one is currently led by a person who is in line with the Deep State. The Director of the CIA, BATF, Director of National Intelligence and the Chief of Naval Operations. The only department that is not led by Deep State is the Chief of the Border Patrol. 

Donald Trump is a very tough man and he will probably be able to hire a team of very intelligent and aggressive lawyers who will make the government lawyers look foolish in public. I'm looking forward to his trial. No doubt the judge presiding over the trial will deny any request for a change of venue, and they will do their best to impanel an anti Trump jury. I don't believe for a second he is a traitor, or that he did anything against the United States of America. He will be remembered by history as one of he best presidents we've ever had, especially if the American people are foolish enough to reelect Uncle Joe Biden the Ridiculous. 

Note to the sheriff in Georgia who thinks he is going to embarrass the former president; go ahead, make my day. I will wear those t-shirts with a big smile of my face. And you will have done the country a tremendous service by helping Donald Trump become elected president in 2024. Every time you idiots charge the ex president with a crime that never occurred, his popularity soars. Keep up the good work! 

TRUMP 2024!

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