Thursday, August 24, 2023


 Okay, say it with me:  FEM-IN-IS-M.

I thought feminism was about empowering women. Yup, they deserved the right to vote and drink liquor and smoke cigarettes and swear a lot in public, and burn their bras. You know, the stuff that makes a society stronger. And they were vocal about it. And now they have all of those rights. They wanted the right to kill their children in the womb and they got that right. Some states have restricted that right, but it still exists in most states. 

I was ok with most of that actually. I don't smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, swear in public, but if that's what women want to do, if that's what makes them feel better about themselves then they should do it. Feminism is not about making our country stronger, it is about making women feel better about themselves. After all, what self respecting woman would want to take care of kids when she can go to work and be under appreciated, underpaid, and hit on for sexual favors several times a week by uncouth men who have no respect for women? One of the other great things about leaving your kids at day care (if you're dumb enough to even have kids) so you can compete with other women at the office, is that a disappointing number of who don't mind helping the boss, wink, wink, if it helps them get a promotion, is that you'll have to make that decision yourself and you will be passed over sometimes for that other woman who is more serious about the direction of the organization. 

Think that doesn't happen? I worked for a major American city for a long time and saw it happen many times. The more skilled the job, the less likely that type of activity is going to happen, but staying on the job to work your way up to those positions can be heartbreaking for many women. It's true that men are pigs, but it turns out that women are willing to learn how to become pigs for an extra couple of bucks an hour. Men are fierce competitors; women are brutal competitors. Of course now women can sue the boss if she can prove that is what is happening. The city where I worked has paid out millions in those types of lawsuits, but nothing has changed. The boss never is reprimanded and the woman who won the lawsuit is frequently transferred to another department where she will be ignored for months. Sometimes the new department will be led by another woman who was promoted by the same boss after proving her loyalty. 

There used to be a very active feminist movement that helped women succeed in the workplace and in sports. We passed a number of laws designed to help women, especially in high school and college sports and feminists helped get those laws passed. Now there is no organization to help women and they need help now more than ever. Women need a modern day Gloria Steinem, a woman who used to champion women's rights and made a ton of money in the process. Now it looks like she's just in it for the money. She's actually joined the other side and has decided to carry the banner for men who want to displace women at the podium, in the workplace, and anywhere else women fought hard to be. The current Woman of the Year is a man. In many once respected publications the new Female Athlete of the Year is a man. This year's Miss Netherlands is a man. Men are winning many trophies and contests that were formerly awarded to women and feminists think that is something to celebrate? I don't think there is a logical explanation for that, but it seems like they are thinking something like 'the more the merrier'. If feminist leaders can make more money by championing for a man's right to call himself a woman by insisting that a 'trans woman' is in fact a woman, that's what they're going to do. If that's the case there is no such thing as women's rights. 

A quick internet search revealed that women have been abandoned by the feminist movement who discarded them in favor of homosexual rights. Currently there are no groups organized to  defend women's rights. If there are any women who still believe women can't compete against men in college and professional sports they need to band together now. There may be a few women who can beat men in sports, but it's a very small number. Maybe there should be a pro match up between the worst NBA team and the best WNBA team and find out how successful women are when competing against men in sports. 

Or a cage fight between the reigning male cage fighter and the reigning female cage fighter. I don't think women will come out very well in those contests unless they pick fake women; women who are really men. No matter, the fact is that no one is standing up for women's rights anymore and somebody needs to. It will be political suicide, but it still needs to be done. Unless someone has the courage to speak up in support of women, women's sports is done. There will probably be a fairly large market made up of people who want to watch transgender women compete against each other and that is the future of women's sports. 

It's a tragic period of time for women who like to compete. I don't know who it will be because the opposition will be vicious, but there needs to be a leader with the courage to stand up against the evil practice of men pretending to be women and competing in women's sports. I don't know many people who are transgender (actually no one), but they have to realize that they have put themselves in a different category. They are neither men or women, they are something else. Non Binary if they want, but they have to pick a demographic they can live with and then live with it. 

It just isn't fair to women who were born female, and therefore legitimately consider themselves females, to be abandoned like this. Someone needs to stand up and shout, "What's wrong with you people!" It has to be someone with charisma and good standing. It also has to be someone willing to sacrifice that standing in the community, and whatever other future they may have. Democrats will do whatever it takes to destroy them because there is no room for any discussion about something this important. Democrats have spoken and anyone who disagrees with them has to be destroyed. It is already practically illegal to claim there are only two genders; a person can be fired from a job for saying that. I always suspected that People like Gloria Steinem and others were phony's out to make an easy buck and now I have further reason to suspect that. How could anyone who is serious about women's rights, possibly contend that a trans woman is really a woman? And women need to band together, join hands, and hold on tight. No woman should compete on a high school, college, or professional sport if men are competing against them. The fact that this isn't obvious is actually frightening because is means this great nation is losing it's sense of human decency. 

We need a new feminism that is willing to do the hard work of reminding women who they are and helping them find the courage to stand up against the homosexual transgender movement. There a few women who are starting to defend women's sports. There are no so-called feminists among them and they will be addressed in a separate essay. The feminist movement is dead. Anyone who claims to respect women and supports the National Organization for Women has some serious soul searching to do. The NOW crowd has abandoned any pretense of sanity. They have also abandoned women in favor of men who claim they are women. Fake feminists are in it for the money and now they have actually turned their back on women and are embracing men. 

The feminists have turned into a group of raging lunatic cannibals who gobble up real women and spit them out. The feminist era is over and women lost. The irony is that men didn't win. Well they sort of did win and that's even more tragic. A few men decided that there was no way they could win any prizes competing against their peers in sports so they decided they were women and somehow that was enough to get them access to women's sporting events, and locker rooms, and showers. Why didn't I think of that when I was in high school? There are a couple of reasons. First it's just plain wrong. Second if I'd have been caught in the girls showers I would have gotten my ass kicked. And third, if my old man found about it, the ass kickin' I got at the high school would have seemed like nothing more than a severe scolding, and my mom wouldn't have spoken to me for months. If ever.  I may not have been a math whiz but I knew the difference between boys and girls. 

Let's preserve womanhood and put transgenders in their rightful place; in their own league competing against each other. One advantage might be that men will be forced to compete against men (frightening I know!) and women would be competing against women. How they'll know the difference is their problem. 

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