Friday, September 1, 2023

Is Disney done?

To celebrate the 100th birthday of Mickey Mouse, Robert Iger has lost about a billion and a half dollars of Disney value. That's pretty impressive. I'm no businessman so I probably could have lost even more than that, but without the flare and happiness of Mr. Iger. Imagine Mickey Mouse in a dress holding hands with Minnie. It looks like there are a lot of people who are repulsed by that image. It isn't just me. I've been right about the LGBTQXYZ fantasy; a lot of people don't want their kids to grow up confused about something so important as human biology.

 Iger has gambled the future of perhaps the most successful American company ever. I was always a fan of Disneyland and I have a lot of good memories of what it used to be, and still claims to be, the Happiest Place on Earth only it isn't anymore. I used to work there in 1972. It was a great place to work and play. It was exciting to be a part of the Disney organization. They were alive with new ideas and the atmosphere was filled with creative people with great minds who could do just about anything. In many ways fantasy came alive The artists and engineers at Disneyland were magicians. They never thought they could change basic biology or human anatomy. It's changed a lot since then. For one thing the main goal used to be keeping guests happy like the slogan says. Now the main goal is to make money. Everything is about money. It feels a lot like Las Vegas to me now. Plastic and fake and expensive. 

I'm not sure Walt Disney would approve of the new Disneyland, not that he would have opposed homosexuality, but he would have recognized the fact that the majority of people are made uncomfortable watching men wear women's clothing so he wouldn't have allowed his Disney characters to wear dresses if they were men. Or put on make up to make themselves look like women, which if you have any honesty left in your being you'll admit that a man trying to use make up to look like a woman just looks weird. Walt Disney wouldn't want Disney characters looking weird or intimidating.  

Disneyland is too crowded and overpriced, and even divided between 'haves' and 'have nots'. people who can afford to pay extra to move to the front of the line get special treatment, and on top of that to be greeted by a man who is wearing make up on his face and wearing a dress in an effort to try to look like a woman, Disneyland has been transformed into something unique but far from inviting, and hardly the 'happiest place on earth'. I'm done with Disneyland. And it looks like I'm not alone. It's a real shame because Disneyland used to be a place where everyone felt welcomed. That's all changed now. If I have to change everything about who I am and pretend that a man can actually become a woman, and a woman can actually become a man then I am not welcome in the Magic Kingdom. Like Camelot, Disneyland has descended into a dark world of greed and mistrust. King Arthur trusted people to act decent to one another and in the end the prosperity overcame their good judgement. 

Like Lancelot, Roger Iger has destroyed Walt Disney's Camelot because his greed and lust have overpowered the vision that became Disneyland and Like Camelot Disneyland is falling apart. It's a sad end to a once great place where people could forget the cares of the world for a few hours and just enjoy the many great things that made Disneyland The Magic Kingdom.  

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