Saturday, August 19, 2023


So Leftists have found another reason to lose their minds. A country singer, Jason Aldean, sang a song about how life is lived in a small town in America and democrats across the fruited plain are going ape. The song is called 'Try That in a Small Town' and it's about how people in small towns respect America and the law. People in small towns respect each other and the property rights of others. They don't understand why people would want to fight the police or burn down businesses and stop traffic, stomp on other people's cars or burn the American flag. They understand having differing opinions, but don't understand why anyone would feel a need to beat up people over a difference of opinion. In short they respect other people's rights, not just their own. City people are the opposite. They think it is their right to destroy property, damage other people's cars and block traffic if they disagree with something the another person says or does. We recently witnessed democrats in big cities all over the country burning stores, stealing whatever they could get their hands on, fighting the police, burning police cars, and shouting slogans and of course burning the American flag. And murder. The mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan, called it "Another summer of love."

Is that really what democrats want for leadership? I can't stand the 'woke' movement. Not at all. Not even a little bit. I have no respect for anyone who goes 'woke'. And I refuse to support any business that espouses 'woke' ideologies. People who think there is anything worthwhile about being 'woke' have my eternal and everlasting disdain. Being 'woke' is being anti America and anyone or anything that is 'woke' is helping to destroy America and I will do all I can to oppose such an evil ideology. The United States of America is by far the greatest nation ever founded in the history of the world. "That isn't true!" Parrots the democrat party. "The United States used to allow slavery!" 

What I think 'Try That in a Small Town' is really about is asking big city libs to learn from the small town way of life. What's wrong with teaching Americans the importance of civil discourse and the difference between peaceful assembly and destroying property and looting stores and killing people? While I'm at it what is wrong with teaching Americans to respect each other and lend a helping hand once in awhile without being paid for it? We hire the police to do a difficult job because we want to enjoy a peaceful existence without having to carry a gun everywhere we go. We still need the Second Amendment. We still need to respect the country we live in and support the Constitution of the United States. It's been working for almost two hundred and fifty years. 

And what makes democrats think that it's racist to suggest that rioting, murder, and attacking the police and burning the American flag are all unacceptable forms of expression. It is unbelievable to me that one of the most racist groups in the country has somehow been able to portray themselves as compassionate. One thing I have to give democrats credit for is their marketing skills. They really are brilliant at marketing, deception, just plain lying, spreading unthinkable rumors about others even when they know those rumors are untrue. 

Some people think it is fun or cute to be disrespectful to others because 'their' cause is so much more important than anybody else's. People living in small towns don't see it that way. You can talk about things that concern you without becoming violent and resorting to theft and murder. There is nothing in 'Try That in a Small Town' that promotes racism. It only promotes respect for others. Somehow democrats seem to think that promoting peace and harmony and respecting your country is racist. The more I think about it the more I realize what a mess this country is. With half of America hating the police and burning our flag and the other half realizing what a great country the United States of America is, respecting the flag and the rule of law, we are headed for a violent civil war. This one, like the last will spill into other countries, and it will be so much more violent and destructive. 

Unfortunately it is racist to teach people to treat each other with dignity and respect. It is racist to respect the country where you live, at least if you live in the USA. It is racist to teach people that it is wrong to burn and loot stores. All Try That in a Small town does is advocate for helping your neighbors, treating others with respect, not burning the American flag, and not burning and looting stores and killing people. Still waiting for a clear explanation why democrats are so opposed to that.   

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